NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes September 24, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 9:05 a.m. with eleven people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Betsy Lowe, Jean Lewis, Nancy Stevens, Stephanie Mattingly, Beth Scherer, Pauline Moore, Kellie Harrison, Cheryl Junion, Deborah Alston and Karen Morrison.
Principal’s Report: No report
President’s Report: The gym banner is up from the spring 2008 spaghetti dinner auction.
* A big thank you to Nancy Stevens and Deborah Alston for all their hard work on the Java fundraiser
* Thanks to Cheryl Junion and everyone that helped to make such a fun Kentucky Kid’s Day
* Thanks to Laura Karaglanis for a great newsletter
* Betsy will check on using the one call system to update PTSA members on meetings
Secretary’s Report: The August 27, 2008 meeting notes will be corrected under fundraising to read $7000.00 vs. $7.0 and with this correction the minutes stand approved.
Corresponding Secretary Report: Stephanie is sending out congratulations to Mrs. Pohlman and Mr. Williams
Report: There is a correction to last month’s report that PTSA membership has taken in over $5000.00 not $2700.00.
Membership Report: We now have 1083 members (643 parents, 384 students and 56 staff). Directories are off to the printer, a few people signed up late and will not be included in the directory this year.
Fundraising Report: The
Java fundraiser brought in gross proceeds of $10, 269.50 with net proceeds being approximately $5, 000.00 with a few more orders still coming in to be included later. Nine students were winners of the $100.00 daily prize, the top 10 overall sellers will receive $100.00 each and the top overall seller will receive $200.00. The classroom with the most dollars sold will win breakfast in the cafeteria on 10-3-08 from 8:30 – 9:30. Java will be distributed on 11-3-08.
Paragon Fundraiser: Kick off will be at the assembly on 9-25-08 with orders due 10-9-08. There is a flyer that tells about selling initiatives and prizes based on dollars they sell and the top seller at NOMS will receive $100.00 while the class that participates the most will receive a pizza party.
Reflections Report: Entries are due 9-25-08 and there will not be an extension due to the windstorm as students have had plenty of time to enter. There is currently no dance judge but there are no dance entries either, all other categories are covered with judges.
Kentucky Kids Day Report: It was a fun morning with the red carpet rolled out and kids entering school getting their pictures taken and asked for their autographs which was a super idea, they loved it! A video with pictures and music was shown in the afternoon and the students really enjoyed that too! Next year it was recommended to call and remind the volunteers who sign up as six people volunteered but only one person showed up to help on the red carpet.
Red Ribbon Week: October 13 – 17th
Each day of this week there will be a fun activity for the kids to participate in and win prizes all which reinforce being drug free. Wednesday Oct. 15th students are asked to bring in one canned good item to donate to the Harvest Food Bank. For Friday’s assembly all kids are invited to wear red and the winner of the door decorating contest will be announced. We need volunteers so please email Cindy Morgan at if you can help out.
Newsletter Report: Great job on the first newsletter!
SBDM Report: No report as the meeting was cancelled.
New Business Report: Ernie Harris sent a letter congratulating the NOMS Odyssey of the Mind team so Betsy will get it framed and hung up in the school.
WWW.SOS.KY.GOV has information from the Secretary of State, Trey Grayson that gives
information about state issues if you are interested.
* If anyone know someone that should be nominated for the Kentucky Young Mother of the Year Representative for American Mothers Inc. ( (kids 18 and under) please let Betsy Lowe know
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.