We hope you have a memorable Thanksgiving Break!
Thank you for donating canned or boxed food items to the Beta Club. They will be donating these items to others that need them. It's so nice to see members of our school community give back to surrounding community.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
To all students that participated in the Reflections Program and their parents...
Medals are awarded to Award of Excellence, Award of Merit and Honorable Mention
The top five finalists in each catagory continue to the District Level.
This year we had 78 participants with entries in the following catagories: Musical Composition, Dance Coriography, Dance Performance, Literature, Art, and Photography.
We look forward to seeing you on December 4.
Kellie Harrison
Reflections Chairperson &
Betsy Lowe
PTSA President
You are cordially invited to attend the
NOMS Reflections Award Ceremony
Thursday, December 4, 2008
7:00 p.m.
NOMS Media Center
Medals are awarded to Award of Excellence, Award of Merit and Honorable Mention
The top five finalists in each catagory continue to the District Level.
This year we had 78 participants with entries in the following catagories: Musical Composition, Dance Coriography, Dance Performance, Literature, Art, and Photography.
We look forward to seeing you on December 4.
Kellie Harrison
Reflections Chairperson &
Betsy Lowe
PTSA President
On Friday, November 14 the NOMS PTSA sponsored the first High Achiever Party of this school year. The students (per grade level) were excused from class for 20 minutes to enjoy nochos with/without cheese sauce and socialize with their friends.
There were 597 students that reached High Achiever Status. AWESOME!!! Way to go kids. In order to be a High Achiever, you have to have all A's or all A's and B's on the report card and not have any disciplinary write ups. In 6th grade there were 92 all A's and 138 all A's and B's for a total of 230. In 7th grade there were 71 all A's and 112 all A's and B's for a total of 183. In 8th grade there were 62 all A's and 122 all A's and B's for a total of 184.
A great big thank you goes to Laura Powers and Renea Riley for coordinating and hosting the High Achiever Party. Also, a huge thank you to all the volunteers that came to help. The kids really enjoyed themselves!
There were 597 students that reached High Achiever Status. AWESOME!!! Way to go kids. In order to be a High Achiever, you have to have all A's or all A's and B's on the report card and not have any disciplinary write ups. In 6th grade there were 92 all A's and 138 all A's and B's for a total of 230. In 7th grade there were 71 all A's and 112 all A's and B's for a total of 183. In 8th grade there were 62 all A's and 122 all A's and B's for a total of 184.
A great big thank you goes to Laura Powers and Renea Riley for coordinating and hosting the High Achiever Party. Also, a huge thank you to all the volunteers that came to help. The kids really enjoyed themselves!
Red Ribbon Week at NOMS 2008
Red Ribbon Week 2008!!!
Thank you to everyone- all students and staff- for participating in an awesome week of celebrating our smart choices at NOMS!! A special thank you to all of the students that signed their pledges to BE DRUG FREE!! Great job to everyone!!
The correct Guess winners were:
Courtney Brewer of the SMARTies. There were 624 and she guessed 623! She won the SMARTies AND a $50.00 gift card! She also won 60 glue sticks AND dry erase markers for her Target teacher, Mrs. Souza. Great job Courtney!
Colin Sanborn was the winner of the mints! There were 709 and Colin guessed 710. He also won a $50.00 gift card as well as the mints for his Target teacher, Mr. Duvall. Great job for you too Colin!
Mrs. Crisp class won the annual door-decorating contest!! Congratulations! We are planning the Pizza Party NOW and they also won a $200.00 classroom voucher!! Great artwork and creativity guys!
Congratulations to all of the winning students of the daily drawings, who chose to sign their pledges to remain drug free!! Enjoy your $$ gift cards as well!
This being my first year at NOMS, I just want to say that it was a privilege to work with the help of Mrs. Russo, the INCREDIBLE office staff, Lisa Karr, Pauline Wasser, Stephanie Dobson, Theresa Mollak, The NOMS Beta club, and The NOMS and NOHS entertainment committees! A thank you as well to the NOMS Booster club for their awesome donation to our Red Ribbon Week celebration!
Red Ribbon Week 2009 is already in the planning so get those pens ready to sign your new pledges to BE DRUG FREE and MAKE SMART CHOICES!!
Cindy Morgan
Thank you to everyone- all students and staff- for participating in an awesome week of celebrating our smart choices at NOMS!! A special thank you to all of the students that signed their pledges to BE DRUG FREE!! Great job to everyone!!
The correct Guess winners were:
Courtney Brewer of the SMARTies. There were 624 and she guessed 623! She won the SMARTies AND a $50.00 gift card! She also won 60 glue sticks AND dry erase markers for her Target teacher, Mrs. Souza. Great job Courtney!
Colin Sanborn was the winner of the mints! There were 709 and Colin guessed 710. He also won a $50.00 gift card as well as the mints for his Target teacher, Mr. Duvall. Great job for you too Colin!
Mrs. Crisp class won the annual door-decorating contest!! Congratulations! We are planning the Pizza Party NOW and they also won a $200.00 classroom voucher!! Great artwork and creativity guys!
Congratulations to all of the winning students of the daily drawings, who chose to sign their pledges to remain drug free!! Enjoy your $$ gift cards as well!
This being my first year at NOMS, I just want to say that it was a privilege to work with the help of Mrs. Russo, the INCREDIBLE office staff, Lisa Karr, Pauline Wasser, Stephanie Dobson, Theresa Mollak, The NOMS Beta club, and The NOMS and NOHS entertainment committees! A thank you as well to the NOMS Booster club for their awesome donation to our Red Ribbon Week celebration!
Red Ribbon Week 2009 is already in the planning so get those pens ready to sign your new pledges to BE DRUG FREE and MAKE SMART CHOICES!!
Cindy Morgan
Friday, November 14, 2008
To all PTSA members,
You are cordially invited to attend the
NOMS PTSA Holiday Party
Wednesday, December 10
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Olive Garden Restaurant
@ Brownsboro Crossing
(Costco shopping center)
RSVP: Betsy Lowe @ betsy4kids@aol.com
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
High Achiever Party Set - November 14
High Achiever Information: Please read:
At North Oldham Middle School the PTSA sponsors a program called High Achievers. This program was started many years ago as a means of congratulating students for not only maintaining good grades, but also good citizenship while at school. So many time kids are rewarded for sports or extra curricular activities, but not academics. High Achievers is our way of rewarding them for what they do while in school. In the past there has been some confusion about who attends a High Achiever party. Each student that earns all A's or all A's and B's on their report card and did not get a disciplinary write up for that term is invited to the High Achiever party. This disciplinary does not include lunch detentions. A parent is informed of disciplinary write ups at the time it occurred.
We are very excited to be hosting the first High Achiever party of the year. Within a few weeks of receiving their grades, all High Achievers will be celebrated for their hard work with a party, held in the cafeteria sponsored by the NOMS PTSA. The kids really enjoy this time out of class.
Another change the committee made this year, is to not use the High Achiever Card. The High Achiever card was a card full of half-priced or discounted items at area businesses. Last year, we polled several families and found that the cards were not used, and many parents had not even seen the HA card. While some families used them, many did not, so the decision was made not to do them this year.
Let's face it - the best reward is getting out of class to have some fun with friends! Having said that, we are so excited to have Sysco ready to donate whatever treat we want to serve our kids for this first party. We want extend a HUGE thank you to Joe Watkins and Steve Neely, who work at Sysco for their help and support of High Achievers.
Renae Riley and Laura Powers
At North Oldham Middle School the PTSA sponsors a program called High Achievers. This program was started many years ago as a means of congratulating students for not only maintaining good grades, but also good citizenship while at school. So many time kids are rewarded for sports or extra curricular activities, but not academics. High Achievers is our way of rewarding them for what they do while in school. In the past there has been some confusion about who attends a High Achiever party. Each student that earns all A's or all A's and B's on their report card and did not get a disciplinary write up for that term is invited to the High Achiever party. This disciplinary does not include lunch detentions. A parent is informed of disciplinary write ups at the time it occurred.
We are very excited to be hosting the first High Achiever party of the year. Within a few weeks of receiving their grades, all High Achievers will be celebrated for their hard work with a party, held in the cafeteria sponsored by the NOMS PTSA. The kids really enjoy this time out of class.
Another change the committee made this year, is to not use the High Achiever Card. The High Achiever card was a card full of half-priced or discounted items at area businesses. Last year, we polled several families and found that the cards were not used, and many parents had not even seen the HA card. While some families used them, many did not, so the decision was made not to do them this year.
Let's face it - the best reward is getting out of class to have some fun with friends! Having said that, we are so excited to have Sysco ready to donate whatever treat we want to serve our kids for this first party. We want extend a HUGE thank you to Joe Watkins and Steve Neely, who work at Sysco for their help and support of High Achievers.
Renae Riley and Laura Powers
NOMS PTSA meeting minutes - October 29, 2008
NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes October 29, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:50 a.m. with eleven people in attendance including: Lyne Church, Kellie Harrison, Pauline Moore, Cheryl Junion, Jean Lewis, Kim Finnicum, Betsy Lowe, Beth Scherer, Jenny Stegeman, Lana Rice and Cynthia Paris.
President’s Report: Mr. Smith could not join us but wanted us to know the school is doing great and just was designated a Pacesetter School by the state of KY, only 61 schools got this recognition and 55 of them were elementary schools and 4 out of the other 6 were selective admissions schools so another huge accomplishment for NOMS!!!
· Thank you to Jenny Stegeman for all her efforts on the Paragon fundraiser
· Thank you to Cindy Morgan for an exciting Red Ribbon Week and would you please share
the Oreo balls recipe that you gave the teachers, maybe even post it on the PTSA Blog?!
· Bathrooms – should begin next week with renovations
· Report cards go home 11-3-08
· There will be a general PTSA meeting on 11-6-08 in the evening, a member from the
American Mothers, Inc. Organization will speak to us.
· Please bring topic ideas for the January general PTSA meeting in Nov.
· It was unanimously voted to move the meeting to the second Weds. Of the month again so that the principal or a representative would be able to join us, the meetings will be at 8:45 in the NOMS cafeteria.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the last meeting stand approved
Corresponding Secretary’s Report: No report, continue to send any updates to Stephanie for
her to send cards out.
Treasurer’s Report: Current Checkbook balance on 10-28-08 is $34, 702.00 but Java and
Paragon need to be paid and then the balance will be about $18,500.00.
Membership Report: No updates at this time
Fundraising Report:
· Java brought in $13733.90 in gross sales, there is just 1 order left to complete
· Paragon brought in $13,080.00 in gross sales, we get 40% of this or $5232.00, the delivery
date is 11-7-08 at 12:45 to organize or 2:30 – 3:00 to help distribute to the kids and they
need help to do this!
· 25 late Paragon orders were received which will increase the revenue when they are
· Little Caesar Pizza Fall Sale – It was unanimously decided to move this fundraiser to after
the first of the year
Programs Report:
· Reflections: We had 65+ entries this year. Checking into getting them displayed
somewhere. Working on Barnes and Noble in early December to acknowledge the
participants and recognize the winners, date and time tbd.
· Red Ribbon Week: Thank you to Cindy for a great week. There was something for every
teacher everyday which they really appreciated.
· High Achiever’s: Date tbd but thinking about the 3rd week in Nov. and each class will get
20 mins. in the cafeteria. Discussed the discount cards and the overall majority said they
never redeemed them if they even knew their kids got them so discontinue this. Maybe
get a coupon for a Blizzard to give away? Ice cream cone coupons not wanted. Discussed
the Good Grades – Good Citizenship rules and it was felt that this should be better
explained to parents/kids maybe through the PTSA Blog and/or the announcements.
· Staff Appreciation week – Lana will bring us a proposal to increase this budget in an effort
to make this a special week for our staff at NOMS.
Newsletter Report: Deadline for the next newsletter is 11-7-08, please get your information to Laura Karaglanis.
School Directories: These have been delivered to the office and will be distributed soon. Thank you to Janice Gant for her hard work on these.
SBDM Report: No report
Meeting Adjourned at 10:17 a.m.
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:50 a.m. with eleven people in attendance including: Lyne Church, Kellie Harrison, Pauline Moore, Cheryl Junion, Jean Lewis, Kim Finnicum, Betsy Lowe, Beth Scherer, Jenny Stegeman, Lana Rice and Cynthia Paris.
President’s Report: Mr. Smith could not join us but wanted us to know the school is doing great and just was designated a Pacesetter School by the state of KY, only 61 schools got this recognition and 55 of them were elementary schools and 4 out of the other 6 were selective admissions schools so another huge accomplishment for NOMS!!!
· Thank you to Jenny Stegeman for all her efforts on the Paragon fundraiser
· Thank you to Cindy Morgan for an exciting Red Ribbon Week and would you please share
the Oreo balls recipe that you gave the teachers, maybe even post it on the PTSA Blog?!
· Bathrooms – should begin next week with renovations
· Report cards go home 11-3-08
· There will be a general PTSA meeting on 11-6-08 in the evening, a member from the
American Mothers, Inc. Organization will speak to us.
· Please bring topic ideas for the January general PTSA meeting in Nov.
· It was unanimously voted to move the meeting to the second Weds. Of the month again so that the principal or a representative would be able to join us, the meetings will be at 8:45 in the NOMS cafeteria.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the last meeting stand approved
Corresponding Secretary’s Report: No report, continue to send any updates to Stephanie for
her to send cards out.
Treasurer’s Report: Current Checkbook balance on 10-28-08 is $34, 702.00 but Java and
Paragon need to be paid and then the balance will be about $18,500.00.
Membership Report: No updates at this time
Fundraising Report:
· Java brought in $13733.90 in gross sales, there is just 1 order left to complete
· Paragon brought in $13,080.00 in gross sales, we get 40% of this or $5232.00, the delivery
date is 11-7-08 at 12:45 to organize or 2:30 – 3:00 to help distribute to the kids and they
need help to do this!
· 25 late Paragon orders were received which will increase the revenue when they are
· Little Caesar Pizza Fall Sale – It was unanimously decided to move this fundraiser to after
the first of the year
Programs Report:
· Reflections: We had 65+ entries this year. Checking into getting them displayed
somewhere. Working on Barnes and Noble in early December to acknowledge the
participants and recognize the winners, date and time tbd.
· Red Ribbon Week: Thank you to Cindy for a great week. There was something for every
teacher everyday which they really appreciated.
· High Achiever’s: Date tbd but thinking about the 3rd week in Nov. and each class will get
20 mins. in the cafeteria. Discussed the discount cards and the overall majority said they
never redeemed them if they even knew their kids got them so discontinue this. Maybe
get a coupon for a Blizzard to give away? Ice cream cone coupons not wanted. Discussed
the Good Grades – Good Citizenship rules and it was felt that this should be better
explained to parents/kids maybe through the PTSA Blog and/or the announcements.
· Staff Appreciation week – Lana will bring us a proposal to increase this budget in an effort
to make this a special week for our staff at NOMS.
Newsletter Report: Deadline for the next newsletter is 11-7-08, please get your information to Laura Karaglanis.
School Directories: These have been delivered to the office and will be distributed soon. Thank you to Janice Gant for her hard work on these.
SBDM Report: No report
Meeting Adjourned at 10:17 a.m.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
NOMS PTSA General Meeting
NOMS PTSA is pleased to welcome Mrs. Heather Deshler, Kentucky 2008 Young Mother of the Year as our guest speaker at the November PTSA General Meeting.
Date: November 6 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Place: NOMS Media Center
Mrs. Deshlers was selected by American Mothers, Inc. in February. She will be sharing information about the organization as well as "How to help teenagers make good choices."
The meeting is being held in the media center at NOMS. You will also have an opportunity to view the book fair going on this week at NOMS.
Questions, please contact Betsy Lowe at 749-4339 or betsy4kids@aol.com
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Paragon orders will go home with your student on Friday, November 7. If your son or daughter has a lot of product coming home, you will probably need to pick it up at the school. Orders are available for pick up between 1:30 and 4:15 on Friday, November 7.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Stegemann.
Also, if you are interested in helping that Friday, please contact Jenny - she'd love your help!
If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Stegemann.
Also, if you are interested in helping that Friday, please contact Jenny - she'd love your help!
Reflections Competition
Reflection Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in early December. The district awards ceremony is being held in January. Please continue to read the daily announements for updates.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Red Ribbon Week Door Decorations

Red Ribbon week was a huge success at NOMS! The students were very involved in each of the daily activities and discussions. The end-of-week assembly was amazingly great!!! I hope you and your family have had a chance to discuss the challenges that face middle school kids and made a plan on how to "MAKE GOOD CHOICES!"
Mustangs are #1
Also, please thank Cindy Morgan and her committee for doing such an excellent job with Red Ribbon Week at NOMS! We appreciate all their hard work and commitment to the kids.
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