Children’s Advocacy Day at the Capitol
On Thursday, February 12, you and other PTA and PTSA members from the 13th District PTA, are invited to Frankfort in support of Children’s Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Representatives from our district will also be attending. You will have the opportunity to attend a rally, talk to other organizations concerned with children’s issues, and talk with your state representatives. If you can not attend, and if you wish for us to express your thoughts about any issues, please contact Pam Renner at 241-0404 or as soon as possible.
Some possible issues could include:
decreases in education funding due to budget deficits
required immunizations (HB69)
amending school wellness policies to require 30 minutes of physical activity (HB11, SB)
delete writing portfolios from CATS (HB147)
provide tuition assistance for teachers completing a master's degree or the continuing education option for Rank II (HB157)
revise mathematics core content standards and materials in grades prekindergarten through grade 12 (
You can follow the status of these bills and others at
You can find out more information about this day at Or you can contact your legislators directly at They DO welcome your input.