NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes January 14, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:47 a.m. with 10 people in attendance including: Betsy Lowe, Cheryl Junion, Pauline Moore, Lyne Church, Beth Scherer, Dacia Jackel, Lana Rice, Robb Smith, Cynthia Paris and Kim Finnicum.
President’s Report: Thanks to Meg Demuth for a great teacher lunch, Kellie Harrison for all her work on the Reflections program, Laura for the great newsletter and Jenny Stegeman for all her efforts for the Paragon fundraiser – jobs well done ladies!
Bullying – in Iowa they have a program called Olweus which addresses bullying in K – 8th grades which we could think about using for a bullying meeting.
The survey results from the bullying survey on the PTSA web site are:
Knowledge of bullying: 51 people responded to the survey….
Never had a problem with bullies = 12%
Yes, aware bullying goes on but my student not affected = 24%
Yes, my student has been bullied = 59%
Yes, it’s everywhere = 25%
Interest in a program on bullying and availability:
Yes, nights = 48%
Yes, days = 21%
No, not interested = 23%
No, no time = 8%
Principal’s Report:The 8th grade bathrooms have had taller partitions added and the bathrooms should be open next week. The 6th grade bathrooms will be started soon.
The results of the 8th grade explorer test which are similar to the ACT test showed that NOMS outperformed all other Oldham middle schools
Hoping to have the replacement for STI up and running in February, please be patient.
Report Cards go out 1-26-09.
NOMS will be hosting the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday 1-15-09.
EOY testing will be May 4 -15th.
Secretary Report: The minutes stand approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is: $17, 809.00 as of 1-14-09.
Membership Report: The ice cream social is scheduled for 1-27-09 from 1:30 – 3:15. If you can volunteer please let Karen Morrison know, she is needing help with this.
Fundraising Report:
Little Ceasar’s fundraiser sign ups are going out this week
Snappy Tomato, need to talk with Chris to ensure all employees know that all purchases qualify on our nights
Monthly Java will continue
Spring Dance – change to right after school vs. evening dance on April 17, 2009.
Reflections is complete thanks to Kellie, there were 87 participants. The awards night was poorly attended due to a KYA field trip that day.
Staff Appreciation Lunch: Meg did a great job, everyone loved it and want the recipes in the future.
Talent Show: 2-27 is the audition date, posters announcing this are going up and it will be announced in the daily announcements emailed home. Two judges are secured and they are looking for 2 more. Last year some acts were inappropriate so this year the curtain will be dropped during the performance if this happens again.
There will be a $3 admission to get in and this is not a drop off event, you must be with a parent.
Please let Beverly Smith know if you can help.
Teacher appreciation week: A motion to increase the budget for this from $400.00 to $800.00 was presented by Beth Scherer and seconded by Pauline Moore and passed unanimously. This is set for the week of April 27th. The tentative ideas are: Monday = Breakfast, Tuesday = Massages/Oreo Balls, Wednesday = Lunch (Meg handling), Thursday = Coasters with a gift card?, Friday = grab bags with balloons or something attached.
Lana is going to ask the Art teacher to do some posters
Please email Lana Rice at if you can help out.
Secret Pals: The program is going well
SBDM Report: Robb Smith shared they are working on the school plan at this time
Betsy announced we have an opening for the July 2009 - July 2011 position on the SBDM council. Nominations are open now. Betsy will make and deliver the nomination forms to the front office and she will put them in the daily announcements (attachment). If you are interested or know someone that is, please submit your nomination by 1-27-09. The final vote will be the night of the Talent show 2-27-09.
New Business: Beth Scherer brought up the possibility of the kids watching the inauguration on Tuesday, Robb Smith will check into this.
Next Meeting February 11, 2009 at NOMS at 8:45 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.