Monday, February 23, 2009


Dear Parents and Students,

The 11th Annual Mustang Talent Show is being held this Friday. We have several fabulous performances! You don't want to miss. First and second place prizes given out, plus the "crowd pleaser" award.

DATE: Friday, February 27, 2009
TIME: 7:00 pm
PLACE: NOMS Gymnasium
COST: $3.00 per person

All students must be accompanied by an adult.
An adult can supervise more than one student.


Dear Parents and Students,

The NOMS PTSA is pleased to announce that it will be hosting
TWO Bullying Seminary/Forum
for parents and students at it's next General PTSA meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, March 17
TIME: 9:00 - 10:00 AM
or 7:00 - 8:00 PM
PLACE: NOMS Media Center

The three counselors at NOMS will be there to share the current policy at NOMS and discuss what you can do as a student or parent to help curb bullying at our middle school. Hope to see you there.

Any questions, please email or call Betsy Lowe at or 749-4339.

Betsy Lowe
NOMS PTSA President

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Operation Spirit Announcement

Updates from Operation: SPIRIT

New Parenting 201 Class Starting on the South Oldham Campus - February 24, 2009
Open to all parents who have completed Parenting 101, Parenting 201 helps parents dig deeper into “Why We Parent The Way We Do”. This class is facilitated by Mr. Jan Horton, LCSW, DCSW. Mr. Horton is a retired Psychotherapist and offers parents a unique opportunity to learn more about themselves and their parenting styles.
This class includes four 90 minutes sessions and will run from 7:00pm – 8:30pm on February 24, February 26, March 3, March 5.
To register: (click on “Small Groups”)

New Parenting 101 Class Starting on the North Oldham Campus – March 5, 2009
We are pleased to announce that the North Oldham facilitators will offer their 4 week Parenting 101 class at the North Oldham Firehouse starting Thursday, March 5, 2009. This class will include all 8 video sessions showing 2 videos per meeting. The class will run from 8:30am – 10:30am on March 5, 12, 19, and 26. For more information, contact Jean Schumm 241-6681 ext. 121.
To register: (click on “Small Groups”)

Friday, February 13, 2009

PTSA Student Ice Cream Social

Today is the day!

The NOMS PTSA is hosting the Annual PTSA Student Member Ice Cream Social today, Friday, February 13. All students that are current PTSA members will be invited to the cafeteria by grade level to participate in this social event. They will get to make an ice cream sunday to their own liking. Other options are available for students with milk allergies. Nuts and peanut products will not be served.

6th grade: 1:30 p.m.
7th grade: 2:00 p.m.
8th grade: 2:30 p.m.


Candidates for SBDM Council

Below is a brief statement from each candidate.
In alphabetical order:

Cheryl Junion
"My name is Cheryl Junion. I would welcome the opportunity to serve on the SBDM Council and represent the parents and students of North Oldham Middle School. I would be able to serve having the vantage point of both my personal and professional background. My husband, Steve, and I currently have three children in the Oldham County School District. I have been actively involved in the school district as a volunteer in a variety of functions, including volunteering weekly at Liberty School and NOMS supporting teachers as an additional resource. I also had the opportunity to be the Chairperson for Kentucky Kids' Day this past year which allowed me to expand my knowledge of the PTSA and NOMS in general. In addition, I have had the opportunity to serve students and parents as a teacher in the state of Iowa for eight years prior to moving to Kentucky and bring additional teaching experience through my volunteer work with our church. Through this set of experiences and being a fellow parent, I would be honored to serve and represent you as part of the SBDM Council."

Leah Simpson
"My name is Leah Simpson. I would like to serve on the North Oldham Middle School SBDM Council. I have lived in Oldham County for the past eight years with my husband, Mark and daughter, Hailey. Hailey will be entering NOMS in fall of 2009 as a sixth grader from Liberty Elementary. Mark is the Senior Director of Legendary People for Texas Roadhouse Restaurants. I have spent the last eight years as a stay at home mom. During that time, I have volunteered in my daughter's classroom, served on the SBDM Council and on the PTA Board at Liberty. My family and I attend St. John's Methodist Church. Prior to moving to Kentucky, my family lived in the New Orleans, Louisiana area where I practiced law with an insurance defense firm. In addition to a law degree, I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Over the past six years that my daughter attended Liberty Elementary, I have had many opportunities to volunteer and to be involved with the school. Serving on the SBDM Council at NOMS will allow me to continue to be involved. Since I have served on the SBDM Council at the elementary level, I already have some experience and insight into the responsibilities of the SBDM Council. I would appreciate your consideration when making your choice for SBDM representative."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PTSA Meeting; Minutes from January 14, 2009

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes January 14, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:47 a.m. with 10 people in attendance including: Betsy Lowe, Cheryl Junion, Pauline Moore, Lyne Church, Beth Scherer, Dacia Jackel, Lana Rice, Robb Smith, Cynthia Paris and Kim Finnicum.

President’s Report: Thanks to Meg Demuth for a great teacher lunch, Kellie Harrison for all her work on the Reflections program, Laura for the great newsletter and Jenny Stegeman for all her efforts for the Paragon fundraiser – jobs well done ladies!
Bullying – in Iowa they have a program called Olweus which addresses bullying in K – 8th grades which we could think about using for a bullying meeting.

The survey results from the bullying survey on the PTSA web site are:
Knowledge of bullying: 51 people responded to the survey….
Never had a problem with bullies = 12%
Yes, aware bullying goes on but my student not affected = 24%
Yes, my student has been bullied = 59%
Yes, it’s everywhere = 25%
Interest in a program on bullying and availability:
Yes, nights = 48%
Yes, days = 21%
No, not interested = 23%
No, no time = 8%

Principal’s Report:
The 8th grade bathrooms have had taller partitions added and the bathrooms should be open next week. The 6th grade bathrooms will be started soon.
The results of the 8th grade explorer test which are similar to the ACT test showed that NOMS outperformed all other Oldham middle schools
Hoping to have the replacement for STI up and running in February, please be patient.
Report Cards go out 1-26-09.
NOMS will be hosting the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday 1-15-09.
EOY testing will be May 4 -15th.

Secretary Report: The minutes stand approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is: $17, 809.00 as of 1-14-09.
Membership Report: The ice cream social is scheduled for 1-27-09 from 1:30 – 3:15. If you can volunteer please let Karen Morrison know, she is needing help with this.

Fundraising Report:
Little Ceasar’s fundraiser sign ups are going out this week
Snappy Tomato, need to talk with Chris to ensure all employees know that all purchases qualify on our nights
Monthly Java will continue
Spring Dance – change to right after school vs. evening dance on April 17, 2009.

Reflections is complete thanks to Kellie, there were 87 participants. The awards night was poorly attended due to a KYA field trip that day.
Staff Appreciation Lunch: Meg did a great job, everyone loved it and want the recipes in the future.
Talent Show: 2-27 is the audition date, posters announcing this are going up and it will be announced in the daily announcements emailed home. Two judges are secured and they are looking for 2 more. Last year some acts were inappropriate so this year the curtain will be dropped during the performance if this happens again.
There will be a $3 admission to get in and this is not a drop off event, you must be with a parent.
Please let Beverly Smith know if you can help.

Teacher appreciation week: A motion to increase the budget for this from $400.00 to $800.00 was presented by Beth Scherer and seconded by Pauline Moore and passed unanimously. This is set for the week of April 27th. The tentative ideas are: Monday = Breakfast, Tuesday = Massages/Oreo Balls, Wednesday = Lunch (Meg handling), Thursday = Coasters with a gift card?, Friday = grab bags with balloons or something attached.
Lana is going to ask the Art teacher to do some posters
Please email Lana Rice at if you can help out.

Secret Pals: The program is going well
SBDM Report: Robb Smith shared they are working on the school plan at this time
Betsy announced we have an opening for the July 2009 - July 2011 position on the SBDM council. Nominations are open now. Betsy will make and deliver the nomination forms to the front office and she will put them in the daily announcements (attachment). If you are interested or know someone that is, please submit your nomination by 1-27-09. The final vote will be the night of the Talent show 2-27-09.

New Business: Beth Scherer brought up the possibility of the kids watching the inauguration on Tuesday, Robb Smith will check into this.

Next Meeting February 11, 2009 at NOMS at 8:45 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Dear Parents and Students,

The NOMS PTSA is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a Bullying Seminary/Forum for parents and students at it's next General PTSA meeting.

DATE: Tuesday, March 17
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
DURATION: Less than 1 hour
PLACE: NOMS Media Center

The three counselors at NOMS will be there to share the current policy at NOMS and discuss what you can do as a student or parent to help curb bullying at our middle school.

Hope to see you there. Any questions, please email or call Betsy Lowe at or 749-4339.

Betsy Lowe
NOMS PTSA President

SBDM Council Nominations are Open

North Oldham Middle School
Site-Based Decision Making Council

This is your opportunity to make a difference. A two-year term position will be opening up on the SBDM Council July 1, 2009- July 1, 2011. Elections for this position will take place on February 27, 2009 at the NOMS Talent Show. Please find the nomination form below.

What is an SBDM council? As mandated by state law under KERA, the council is the governing body for this school. It determines school policy for curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities and other matters pertinent to the operation of the school. (A more detailed information packet is available in the office.)

Who serves on the council? 3 parents, 3 teachers, a secretary, and the principal. The principal serves as the chairperson.

Who may run for council? Any parent, stepparent, foster parent or legal guardian of a student who will be attending the school during the 2009-2010 school year. A parent is ineligible if he/she is an employee or relative of an employee of the school or the district central office, or a local school board member or the spouse of a local school board member.

If you want to run for the council, what should you do? Complete the attached nomination form by writing a brief paragraph that includes basic information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the SBDM council. Return this form and paragraph to the school office by 3:30 pm on Monday, February 9th. Your paragraph will be posted on the PTSA web site and the daily announcements.

When and who may vote? Voting will take place during at the NOMS Talent Show on Friday February 27th. Only families who will have children at North Oldham Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year may vote. If have any further questions, please contact Betsy Lowe at 749-4339 or

North Oldham Middle School
Site-Based Decision Making Council
Parent Nomination Form
(Term July 1, 2009- July 1, 2011)

● A parent representative will be elected to serve on the SBDM Council for the term that begins July 1 2009. This is a 2 year term for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years.
● The election will be held on Friday February 27th during the NOMS Annual Talent Show.
● Nomination forms must be turned in to the school office by 3:30 pm on Monday February 9, 2009. Candidate information will be posted on the PTA web site
● Candidates must be parents of students registered at North Oldham Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year. They may not be employees of NOMS, or employees of the district administrative office, Board members or a spouse of a Board member.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Due to the snow we have extended the Little Caesar Pizza Sale.
New dates for the Little Caesar Pizza Sale are:

Order forms due: February 6

Delivery Date: February 17