Attention all 5th, 6th & 7th grade parents:The NOMS PTSA would like to extend an invitation to all parents to join the PTSA (Parent, Teacher, and Student Association) and consider taking a position on the PTSA board. It’s a fantastic way to be involved in the school and see first hand what is going on. I have served on the PTSA board for five years, and have enjoyed every minute of it. There are several positions available ranging from minimal involvement to being a vice president. Below is a list of open positions:
President - oversee all operations of the Parent Teacher Student Association, conduct monthly PTSA meetings, quarterly General PTSA meetings, attend training meetings, coordinate with the staff and administration of NOMS for PTSA events, and the list goes on ...
Vice President of Fund Raising – responsible for organizing the PTSA fundraisers. There are usually six per year (Fall Catalog, pizza sale, plant sale, talent show, dance, etc.) (committee to help)
Vice President of Membership – responsible for conducting the membership drive on registration day and reporting membership of our organization. Also, responsible for hosting the annual student membership social.
Volunteer Coordinator – Responsible for supplying committee chairperson with names and contact information of those persons that volunteered to help.
Fall Fundraiser Chairperson – Responsible for overseeing and organizing the fall fundraiser. This typically includes determining prizes, coordinating with our supplier, distribution of sale catalogs (usually after the assembly), collection of orders and money, distribution of pre-packaged and sorted items to students. Our supplier does all the packing and assembly work. We only promote the program and distribute the product when it arrives (already sorted and labeled with each participates name and classroom). (committee/volunteers to help)
Newsletter Editor – Publish four newsletters per year.
Red Ribbon Week – A Program we celebrate encouraging the kids to make good choices avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, bullying, etc. This position is responsible the various activities that take place over one week (usually 4 days due to Fall Break).
Talent Show Concession Stand – Once a year organize and host the concession stand for the annual Talent Show / Silent Auction. (To be held in late February or early March 2010)
Reflections Program – Responsible for running the PTSA Reflections Program (Cultural Arts) on the school level, including publicity, collection are entries, submission to district and the awards ceremony. Some direction from the district level. (Beginning of the school year)
8th Grade Promotion Chair – Responsible for coordinating with NOMS staff responsible for organizing activities associated with 8th grade promotion. This typically involves a field day or cook out, field trip, award recognition, 8th grade dance, etc. (committee to help).
Legislative Chairperson – Responsible for keeping the NOMS PTSA board informed of legislative issues that pertain to our school, students, parents, etc.
Social / Dance Chairperson – Responsible for hosting two dances (socials) for the students each year. We host the first dance of the year – held on the first Friday of school, and a spring dance (typically the last dance of the year). Primarily responsible for securing the DJ, volunteers and concessions.
Please feel free to contact any member on our nominating committee if you are interested in any of the above or with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Betsy Lowe,
NOMS PTSA President, 749-4339,
betsy4kids@aol.comNominating Committee Members:
Pauline Moore, 228-0578,
pmoore2904@gmail.comBeverly Smith, 292-2850,
gypsybev@insightbb.comBeth Scherer, 228-6112,