Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The end of year General PTSA meeting will be held at NOMS in the cafeteria on Wednesday, May 13 at 9:00 a.m. Immediately following the General PTSA meeting, the 2009-2010 PTSA board will hold their first meeting. Refreshments will be served.

We will vote on the 2009-2010 Board members, Budget and Calendar.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Volunteers Needed

All parents: NOMS PTSA is looking for volunteers to help with the 8th grade promotion activities. Typically we encourage 7th grade parents to help with this activity as 8th grade parents have company in town. There are a few opportunities to be of service to the school. Thursday, June 4 for the 8th grade dance (7:30 - 10:00) or on Friday, June 5 for the cookout (11:30 - 1:00) or for the survivor games (12:30 - 3:00). Please contact Betsy Lowe at betsy4kids@aol.com if you can volunteer in any way. We welcome your help!

Thank you!

Monday, April 13, 2009


NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes March 11, 2009
Meeting called to order at 8:50 with fifteen people in attendance including: Lyne Church, Kellie Harrison, Pauline Moore, Betsy Lowe, Cynthia Paris, Kim Finnicum, Cheryl Junion, Beverly Smith, Beth Scherer, Lana Rice, Renae Riley, Jean Lewis, Connie Coartney, Robb Smith and Deborah Alston.
President’s Report:

  • The nominating committee for PTSA positions is Pauline Moore, Beth Scherer and Beverly Smith and they will let the elementary schools know about open positions on the NOMS PTSA for rising 5th grade parents who might be interested.
  • Thanks to everyone for all the successful programs that were executed at NOMS by the PTSA this year!
  • There will not be any food allowed at any programs next year
  • There will be a bullying program on 3-17-09 at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at NOMS, please plan to attend.
  • Get Betsy anything you need added to the Blog.

Principal’s Report:

  • Infinite Campus is replacing STI and there is still not a start date for this new program
  • Discussed how often parents might want to see a report card and if midterms are important also how often want communications about grades and how often see paper with grades as this is looking to be updated in the future. It was requested that Mr. Smith send out an update on grading.
  • Also discussed homework grades vs. test assessment grades as this is being looked at to change for next year.
  • Discussed retaking of tests and that some teachers allow this and some don’t and the difference in what teachers allow students to achieve on the retests.
  • It was requested that in the future when there is an assembly on something such as Stranger Danger that parents be alerted in advance.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes stand approved. They need to be saved in .doc format so that they can be opened by all.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No report

Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is $17688.47 as of today.
· Please get in any outstanding receipts asap

Membership Report: We have 1183 total members as of today, 85 of these members are new and joined at the ice cream social.

Fundraising Report:

  • The Little Caesar’s pizza sale went great thanks to Robin. There will be another sale coming in April so be on the lookout.
  • Dacia to check the leftover food quantities from the Talent Show concession stand and it can be used at the April dance, Betsy has the information and has both chips and candy.
  • Need ideas for next years fundraising

Health Screening Report: The health screening concluded earlier than anticipated so some volunteers were not needed, it is hard to determine the length of time this will take but many thanks to all that helped out.

High Achiever’s Report: 519 kids attended the last party and they got a soda and potato chips and all went well.
· Ideas for future meetings are needed such as a raffle, bingo, music etc. please email Renae or Laura any ideas that you have.

Reflections Report: Sunday March 15th at the Arts Center is the district awards. NOMS had 13 out of 18 entrants that will receive a district award and 5 are going onto the state level in 4 different categories. The state competition date is TBD. Great job to all participants!

Talent Show Report: Attendance was a bit lower this year, 351 tickets were sold for $1400.00. There were 24 participants and the program was great! We had 2 MC’s from the high school who did a great job. Thanks for everyone’s support!
· For next year Mr. Ray offered to work sound and we should be in the new auditorium.

Teacher Appreciation Week: This is scheduled for the week of April 27th. There is something special planned for everyday of this week and an email will be coming out with details. Lana is in need of donations and if you can go to any businesses for sponsors that would be great just see Lana for a letter.
SBDM Council Report: 2-12-09 reports about individual schools were given and NOMS got great marks and is considered to be very well rounded. The budget meeting is scheduled for 5-6-09.

Legislative Report: None

Hospitality Report: On 4-29-09 there will be a teacher appreciation lunch and help is needed, please contact Meg Demuth with ideas, food donations or if you can help.

Secret Pals Program: Please remember your secret pal each month with a little something.

Old Business: The PTSA general meetings have been reduced for next year to 3 meetings vs. 4. The PTSA positions are now for unlimited terms and both of these items have been added to the bylaws.

New Business: Please let Betsy know asap if you would like to stay in your position for next year.

The next meeting will be at Captain’s Quarter’s on April 15th at 11:30 for lunch. There will be preliminary discussions on the budget, calendar, roster and fundraising and then each of these items will be approved at the May NOMS PTSA meeting which will be our last meeting of the year.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

Friday, April 10, 2009


A huge CONGRATULATIONS goes out to
Amanada Jack,
Anna Rauh,
Adama Kamara
and Kayvon Ghayoumi
for earning
at the State Competition.
All four students that advanced to the State level won Awards of Excellence - that's amazing!

Anna Rauh and Adama Kamara won Awards of Excellence in Dance Choreography and Dance Performance. There is not a Dance component at the National Level so this is the highest honor in this category.

Amanda Jack won Award of Excellence in Literature - her piece advanced to the National Competition!

Kayvon Ghayoumi won Award of Excellence in Musical Composition - his piece advanced to the National Competition!

We are so blessed to have such talented students at NOMS! Congratulation! Best wishes at the National Level.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Almost everyone has a cell phone these days...even our children. PTA has provided great safety tips to help you guide your child's cell phone use.

• Cell phones can make communication within families a lot easier.
• Cell phones can be extremely helpful in emergencies.
• Text messages can be an efficient and discreet way for parents to communicate with their children, especially when they just need a quick answer.

• The features available for cell phones and other hand-held devices are rapidly becoming more sophisticated.

Most cell phones now provide SMS (text messaging) capabilities, access to theInternet, pictures and/or video features. What You Can Do....Download, read and share full tip sheet here: http://www.pta.org/Documents/Cellphone_Tipsheet.pdf

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

OPEN NOHS PTSA positions

Attention all 8th grade parents: The NOHS PTSA is looking for parent that would like to serve on the NOHS PTSA. Open positions include: President, Reflections, Drug/Health, Kentucky Kids Day, Academic Recognition, Senior Breakfast, Class Representatives 9th, 10th, and 12th. Please contact Karen Coffey at 228-6765 or coff7023@bellsouth.net if you have any interest.