The NOMS Mustang Talent Show is right around the corner - March 5, 2010.
If you are interested in being in the show, please start working on your act/song/piece so you will be ready for the upcoming auditions. Dates to be announced.
Any questions, please contact our Talent Show Committee Chairperson - Laura Karaglanis.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Next General PTSA Meeting
The next General PTSA Meeting will be held on the night of 3/5/10 - the Night of the North Oldham Mustang Talent Show. We will take the first few minutes to conduct the necessary business of the PTSA and then turn the time over to the Talent Show Committee to run the show.
Hope to see you there! Any questions, please feel free to contact Betsy Lowe at
Hope to see you there! Any questions, please feel free to contact Betsy Lowe at
Monday, January 18, 2010
Legislation Report - January
January 12, 2010
Bill to address failing schools passes House
FRANKFORT – Kentucky could respond to low-achieving schools through a number of intervention options-- including school closure--under a bill that passed the Kentucky House yesterday by a vote of 96-0.
House Bill 176, sponsored by Rep. Carl Rollins, D-Midway, would offer several options to schools that consistently rank near the bottom in student achievement and are facing closure. Those options include replacing the principal and implementing school-performance enhancing strategies, re-staffing a school after removing its principal and at least 50 percent of its faculty and staff, school consolidation and transferring the daily operation of the school to a state Board of Education-approved non- or for-profit organization.
Under the closure option, Rollins said staff would be transferred to other school in their districts that are meeting state accountability measures.
Some lawmakers said they would support the legislation although they favor the establishment of charter schools which are not established under HB 176. Charter schools are privately-run schools that receive public funding.
“I’m hopeful that sometime this session, we can consider the issue of charter schools,” said Rep. Stan Lee, R-Lexington.
Passage of HB 176 is aimed at helping Kentucky compete for $45 million in federal aid for school improvement and $160-$200 million under the federal Race to the Top school achievement program over four years. Money from the programs could be used to help low-achieving schools, defined in HB 176 as schools that consistently perform in the bottom five percent in reading and math proficiency and have graduation rates at or below 60 percent.
Kentucky’s application for the Race to the Top program is due Tuesday, Jan. 19, Rollins said, adding that HB 176 would have to pass into law this week for Kentucky to apply this round. Currently, 11 schools qualify for the $45 million in school improvement funds, he said.
“Time is of the essence for this legislation…,” said Rollins.
HB 176 now goes to the Senate for its consideration.
January 8, 2010
This week in Frankfort
FRANKFORT – Without the gritty specifics that will come later this month in his Budget Address -- but awash in an almost aggressive optimism -- Gov. Steve Beshear offered a hopeful if not quite upbeat assessment of the State of the Commonwealth to a joint session of the General Assembly this week.
Beshear's address, his third since taking office, came on Day 2 of the 2010 session of the Kentucky General Assembly, which convened Tuesday in Frankfort.
In what seemingly has become a yearly ritual, lawmakers gathered in the Capitol amid revenue projections that once again fall far short of expectations. While some key lawmakers dispute the governor's figures, Beshear has warned of shortfalls up to $1.5 billion facing the Legislature as it writes a two-year spending plan for the state. If true, that means some major policy decisions face lawmakers when the governor's actual proposed budget is figuratively nailed to the House Chamber door Jan. 19. Even if not, the money picture is gray as winter, and hard policy choices await.
But Wednesday's speech by the governor was more inspirational and thematic than policy-wonkish. While acknowledging the day's fiscal adversity, he insisted we see it as opportunity – and cited a laundry list of accomplishments the state has achieved despite round-after-round of cuts since the last budget was passed two years ago. He urged continued 'strategic thinking' in dealing with the problem. (One example of which came the next day, when key legislative leaders said they'd consider issuing bonds for school construction and other community-development projects this session despite the shortfall, to take advantage of historically low interest rates).
The governor did mention a couple of significant initiatives for this session: Raising the state's school drop-out age beyond the current 16, and paying for stop-smoking programs with Medicaid. He also called for tougher domestic-violence legislation, and eliminating a small monthly premium for some very low-income recipients of the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program. None of those are big-ticket items.
He also set a priority on maintaining base funding – the SEEK formula -- for public schools
But he did not mention something that has become the signature issue of his governorship: Expanded gambling in the form of racetrack slots. While a slots proposal passed the House last session, it died in a Senate committee – and there's no indication the Senate is any more agreeable this time around. The Senate may, however, consider an alternative proposal to let the voters themselves decide the issue in a Constitutional referendum.
Substantively, some committees began holding hearings this week, including the House Judiciary Committee, which reviewed and passed House Speaker Greg Stumbo’s House Bill 1. Known as Amanda’s Bill -- in memory of domestic violence victim Amanda Ross, who was murdered in Lexington last fall -- HB 1 would allow Kentucky courts to use GPS monitoring in some domestic violence cases. HB 1 now goes to the full House.
The Kentucky Legislature encourages citizen participation in the legislative process, as this year's 60-working-days session works its way through mid-April.
Its Home Page,, provides information on each of Kentucky’s senators and representatives, including phone numbers, addresses, and committee assignments. The page also has summaries and full texts of bills under consideration, as well as information on the daily progress each bill has made through the legislative process.
By going to the LRC eNews page,, citizens can subscribe to frequent e-mail updates on what's happening at the Capitol. In addition, the General Assembly has its own blog, Capitol Notes,
Kentuckians can also keep abreast of General Assembly action in the following ways:
A taped message containing information on legislative committee meeting scheduled is updated daily at 1-800-633-9650.
To leave a message for any legislator, call the General Assembly’s toll-free Message Line at 1-800-372-7181. People with hearing difficulties may leave messages for lawmakers by calling the TTY Message Line at (808) 896-0305.
To check the status of any bill, call 1-866-840-2835.
Education, Elementary and Secondary
WWW Version
ACT scores, placement use, prohibition of - SB 9
Average daily attendance, calculation of - SJR 7
and technical education vacation, evidence-based models, use of - SB 28
and technical education, career academic and career pathways, creation of - SB 28
guidance coaches, employment of - SB 28
schools, application and approval of - HB 21
schools, limitations and requirements of - HB 21
Classified position, employment of person in - HB 142
school age, increase to age eighteen - HB 94
school age, raising from 16 to 18 - HB 140
Department of Education, reorganization, Executive Order 2009-536 - SB 61
Digital citizenship definitions include in discipline code and professional development - HB 50
District owned vehicles, prohibiting use of - HB 47
Dual enrollment course credit, transfer and acceptance of - HB 144
Early graduation program of study, creation of - SB 67
Education Professional Standards Board, increase membership of - HB 18
Expanded learning time grant program, establishment of - HB 154
Foster children, dual credit and dual enrollment courses, tuition waiver - HB 84
Franklin County schools, start time pilot program - HR 18
Green Schools Caucus, creation of endorsed - HR 24
Human sexuality education, content standards - HB 119
Kentucky educator award and recognition fund, creation of - HB 32
Massey, Ed; National School Boards Association, support election to - SR 6
National School Boards association, support Ed Massey for election to - SR 6
low-achieving school, definition of - HB 176: HFA (3)
low-achieving schools, definitions of - HB 176: HCS, HFA (1)
low-achieving schools, intervention options in - HB 176; HB 176: HCS, HFA (2)
Physical activity for children, requirement of - HB 52
Preschool education, Strong Start Kentucky program grants - HB 190
school academies, application and approval of - HB 63
school academies, limitations and requirements for - HB 63
Response to intervention, district-wide implementation of - HB 109
School board, maps of school district, provision for - SB 35
Secondary school construction , resident bidder, preference for - SB 45
Security offices, police officers, Bill of Rights, application - SB 27
attendance, school-sponsored sports event - HB 22
religious expression, support of - HR 40
Students with Special Needs Scholarship Program, establishment of - SB 43; HB 77
prevention awareness information to middle and high school students - HB 51
prevention training, participation in - SB 65
Support education excellence in Kentucky, additional funds, distribution of - HB 168
selection training module, development of - SB 68
selection training module, principals to complete - SB 68
Teachers of mathematics, chemistry and physics, salary supplements for - SB 69
Technology, middle school students - HCR 12
Voter registration and voting, instruction on - HB 212
Bill to address failing schools passes House
FRANKFORT – Kentucky could respond to low-achieving schools through a number of intervention options-- including school closure--under a bill that passed the Kentucky House yesterday by a vote of 96-0.
House Bill 176, sponsored by Rep. Carl Rollins, D-Midway, would offer several options to schools that consistently rank near the bottom in student achievement and are facing closure. Those options include replacing the principal and implementing school-performance enhancing strategies, re-staffing a school after removing its principal and at least 50 percent of its faculty and staff, school consolidation and transferring the daily operation of the school to a state Board of Education-approved non- or for-profit organization.
Under the closure option, Rollins said staff would be transferred to other school in their districts that are meeting state accountability measures.
Some lawmakers said they would support the legislation although they favor the establishment of charter schools which are not established under HB 176. Charter schools are privately-run schools that receive public funding.
“I’m hopeful that sometime this session, we can consider the issue of charter schools,” said Rep. Stan Lee, R-Lexington.
Passage of HB 176 is aimed at helping Kentucky compete for $45 million in federal aid for school improvement and $160-$200 million under the federal Race to the Top school achievement program over four years. Money from the programs could be used to help low-achieving schools, defined in HB 176 as schools that consistently perform in the bottom five percent in reading and math proficiency and have graduation rates at or below 60 percent.
Kentucky’s application for the Race to the Top program is due Tuesday, Jan. 19, Rollins said, adding that HB 176 would have to pass into law this week for Kentucky to apply this round. Currently, 11 schools qualify for the $45 million in school improvement funds, he said.
“Time is of the essence for this legislation…,” said Rollins.
HB 176 now goes to the Senate for its consideration.
January 8, 2010
This week in Frankfort
FRANKFORT – Without the gritty specifics that will come later this month in his Budget Address -- but awash in an almost aggressive optimism -- Gov. Steve Beshear offered a hopeful if not quite upbeat assessment of the State of the Commonwealth to a joint session of the General Assembly this week.
Beshear's address, his third since taking office, came on Day 2 of the 2010 session of the Kentucky General Assembly, which convened Tuesday in Frankfort.
In what seemingly has become a yearly ritual, lawmakers gathered in the Capitol amid revenue projections that once again fall far short of expectations. While some key lawmakers dispute the governor's figures, Beshear has warned of shortfalls up to $1.5 billion facing the Legislature as it writes a two-year spending plan for the state. If true, that means some major policy decisions face lawmakers when the governor's actual proposed budget is figuratively nailed to the House Chamber door Jan. 19. Even if not, the money picture is gray as winter, and hard policy choices await.
But Wednesday's speech by the governor was more inspirational and thematic than policy-wonkish. While acknowledging the day's fiscal adversity, he insisted we see it as opportunity – and cited a laundry list of accomplishments the state has achieved despite round-after-round of cuts since the last budget was passed two years ago. He urged continued 'strategic thinking' in dealing with the problem. (One example of which came the next day, when key legislative leaders said they'd consider issuing bonds for school construction and other community-development projects this session despite the shortfall, to take advantage of historically low interest rates).
The governor did mention a couple of significant initiatives for this session: Raising the state's school drop-out age beyond the current 16, and paying for stop-smoking programs with Medicaid. He also called for tougher domestic-violence legislation, and eliminating a small monthly premium for some very low-income recipients of the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program. None of those are big-ticket items.
He also set a priority on maintaining base funding – the SEEK formula -- for public schools
But he did not mention something that has become the signature issue of his governorship: Expanded gambling in the form of racetrack slots. While a slots proposal passed the House last session, it died in a Senate committee – and there's no indication the Senate is any more agreeable this time around. The Senate may, however, consider an alternative proposal to let the voters themselves decide the issue in a Constitutional referendum.
Substantively, some committees began holding hearings this week, including the House Judiciary Committee, which reviewed and passed House Speaker Greg Stumbo’s House Bill 1. Known as Amanda’s Bill -- in memory of domestic violence victim Amanda Ross, who was murdered in Lexington last fall -- HB 1 would allow Kentucky courts to use GPS monitoring in some domestic violence cases. HB 1 now goes to the full House.
The Kentucky Legislature encourages citizen participation in the legislative process, as this year's 60-working-days session works its way through mid-April.
Its Home Page,, provides information on each of Kentucky’s senators and representatives, including phone numbers, addresses, and committee assignments. The page also has summaries and full texts of bills under consideration, as well as information on the daily progress each bill has made through the legislative process.
By going to the LRC eNews page,, citizens can subscribe to frequent e-mail updates on what's happening at the Capitol. In addition, the General Assembly has its own blog, Capitol Notes,
Kentuckians can also keep abreast of General Assembly action in the following ways:
A taped message containing information on legislative committee meeting scheduled is updated daily at 1-800-633-9650.
To leave a message for any legislator, call the General Assembly’s toll-free Message Line at 1-800-372-7181. People with hearing difficulties may leave messages for lawmakers by calling the TTY Message Line at (808) 896-0305.
To check the status of any bill, call 1-866-840-2835.
Education, Elementary and Secondary
WWW Version
ACT scores, placement use, prohibition of - SB 9
Average daily attendance, calculation of - SJR 7
and technical education vacation, evidence-based models, use of - SB 28
and technical education, career academic and career pathways, creation of - SB 28
guidance coaches, employment of - SB 28
schools, application and approval of - HB 21
schools, limitations and requirements of - HB 21
Classified position, employment of person in - HB 142
school age, increase to age eighteen - HB 94
school age, raising from 16 to 18 - HB 140
Department of Education, reorganization, Executive Order 2009-536 - SB 61
Digital citizenship definitions include in discipline code and professional development - HB 50
District owned vehicles, prohibiting use of - HB 47
Dual enrollment course credit, transfer and acceptance of - HB 144
Early graduation program of study, creation of - SB 67
Education Professional Standards Board, increase membership of - HB 18
Expanded learning time grant program, establishment of - HB 154
Foster children, dual credit and dual enrollment courses, tuition waiver - HB 84
Franklin County schools, start time pilot program - HR 18
Green Schools Caucus, creation of endorsed - HR 24
Human sexuality education, content standards - HB 119
Kentucky educator award and recognition fund, creation of - HB 32
Massey, Ed; National School Boards Association, support election to - SR 6
National School Boards association, support Ed Massey for election to - SR 6
low-achieving school, definition of - HB 176: HFA (3)
low-achieving schools, definitions of - HB 176: HCS, HFA (1)
low-achieving schools, intervention options in - HB 176; HB 176: HCS, HFA (2)
Physical activity for children, requirement of - HB 52
Preschool education, Strong Start Kentucky program grants - HB 190
school academies, application and approval of - HB 63
school academies, limitations and requirements for - HB 63
Response to intervention, district-wide implementation of - HB 109
School board, maps of school district, provision for - SB 35
Secondary school construction , resident bidder, preference for - SB 45
Security offices, police officers, Bill of Rights, application - SB 27
attendance, school-sponsored sports event - HB 22
religious expression, support of - HR 40
Students with Special Needs Scholarship Program, establishment of - SB 43; HB 77
prevention awareness information to middle and high school students - HB 51
prevention training, participation in - SB 65
Support education excellence in Kentucky, additional funds, distribution of - HB 168
selection training module, development of - SB 68
selection training module, principals to complete - SB 68
Teachers of mathematics, chemistry and physics, salary supplements for - SB 69
Technology, middle school students - HCR 12
Voter registration and voting, instruction on - HB 212
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
1st Trimester High Achievers Celebration
The High Achievers committee rewarded 588 students from sixth, seventh and eighth grades to celebrate receiving all A’s or A’s/B’s on their first trimester report cards. The students were treated to a soda and were given a coupon from Snappy Tomato for a free “Baby Beast” pizza. They also enjoyed listening to music and chatting with their friends. Congratulations to all the students that were invited to attend the High Achiever's party for good marks and good behavior during the 1st trimester of this school year.
There was a total of 252 all A students: 6th grade - 59, 7th grade - 136, 8th grade - 57.
There was a total of 336 all A&B students: 6th grade - 125, 7th grade - 123, 8th grade - 88.
Total of all High Achievers is 588 students! Way to go Mustangs!!!!
A big thank you to the parents that donated a majority of the soda that we served and also the parents that attended the party that helped set up, serve and clean up! We are looking forward to our next celebration, so keep up the good work!
There was a total of 252 all A students: 6th grade - 59, 7th grade - 136, 8th grade - 57.
There was a total of 336 all A&B students: 6th grade - 125, 7th grade - 123, 8th grade - 88.
Total of all High Achievers is 588 students! Way to go Mustangs!!!!
A big thank you to the parents that donated a majority of the soda that we served and also the parents that attended the party that helped set up, serve and clean up! We are looking forward to our next celebration, so keep up the good work!
Minutes - General PTSA Meeting
NOMS PTSA General Meeting Notes November 18, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 7:00 p.m. with 31 people in attendance (including parents and students).
President’s Report: A Big thank you to Kim Dehler for all hard work at on the Reflections Program, Beth Scherer for her outstanding efforts on the Fall Fundraiser, Nancy Stevens for the new Recycling Effort at NOMS due to Kentucky Kids Day, and Allyson Parker for a fabulous Red Ribbon Week Campaign.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the previous General PTSA meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurers report was photocopied and available to all in attendance. There were no questions regarding the Treasurer’s report. Approved as presented..
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Betsy Lowe presented the awards for the PTSA Reflections Program with the assistance of Kim Dehler, Reflections Chairperson. Participation ribbons were presented to all participants along with free vouchers from local businesses.
Award of Excellence - Taylor Forney
Award of Merit - Abby Beno
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Award of Excellence - Keyon Ghayoumi
Award of Excellence - Isaiah Bryant
Award of Merit - Erin Olsson
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Excellence - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Mackenzie Eck, Caroline Patterson, Kaitlin Hurley
Award of Merit winners received a $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble. Award of Excellence winners received a $25 check from NOMS PTSA, and a $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 7:00 p.m. with 31 people in attendance (including parents and students).
President’s Report: A Big thank you to Kim Dehler for all hard work at on the Reflections Program, Beth Scherer for her outstanding efforts on the Fall Fundraiser, Nancy Stevens for the new Recycling Effort at NOMS due to Kentucky Kids Day, and Allyson Parker for a fabulous Red Ribbon Week Campaign.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the previous General PTSA meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurers report was photocopied and available to all in attendance. There were no questions regarding the Treasurer’s report. Approved as presented..
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Betsy Lowe presented the awards for the PTSA Reflections Program with the assistance of Kim Dehler, Reflections Chairperson. Participation ribbons were presented to all participants along with free vouchers from local businesses.
Award of Excellence - Taylor Forney
Award of Merit - Abby Beno
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Award of Excellence - Keyon Ghayoumi
Award of Excellence - Isaiah Bryant
Award of Merit - Erin Olsson
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Excellence - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Mackenzie Eck, Caroline Patterson, Kaitlin Hurley
Award of Merit winners received a $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble. Award of Excellence winners received a $25 check from NOMS PTSA, and a $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Monday, January 11, 2010
H1N1 vacines at NOMS
Cities and towns across the country are urgently looking for the right program to protect school-age children from the H1N1 and seasonal flu viruses. National PTA is ready to help by sharing our Let's Fight Flu Together! flu vaccination program. You can still schedule this turnkey, comprehensive clinic for seasonal flu. And, we’re working closely with local health departments to administer the H1N1 vaccine in the same way. President Obama has declared H1N1 a national emergency and H1N1 flu vaccine is starting to be shipped now. We can’t predict exactly when the H1N1 vaccine will be available in your community, but now is the time to talk with us to discuss your plan. Timing is very important in order to protect as many children as possible. Let’s Fight H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Together! Contact Annie Krysl, Outreach Manager, at for more information.
PTSA Fall Fundraiser update!
Thanks for your support of the PTSA's Paragon fundraiser! We raised $7,000! Mr. Eaton had the high selling TARGET classroom and each student will receive a gift card from Dairy Queen. Our top selling student was Jordan Poff and he has won a mini refrigerator with a car adapter. 22 students sold 20 or more items and will be in the flying cow contest. 36 students sold 15 or more items and will be in the money and soda scramble and 118 students sold 6 or more items and will receive a StuPENdous money pen with prizes up to $100. These prizes will be awarded at the assembly on 11/24. Thanks!Beth Scherer
Thanks for your support of the PTSA's Paragon fundraiser! We raised $7,000! Mr. Eaton had the high selling TARGET classroom and each student will receive a gift card from Dairy Queen. Our top selling student was Jordan Poff and he has won a mini refrigerator with a car adapter. 22 students sold 20 or more items and will be in the flying cow contest. 36 students sold 15 or more items and will be in the money and soda scramble and 118 students sold 6 or more items and will receive a StuPENdous money pen with prizes up to $100. These prizes will be awarded at the assembly on 11/24. Thanks!Beth Scherer
Reflection Winners
Award of Excellence - Taylor Forney
Award of Merit - Abby Beno
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Award of Excellence - Taylor Forney
Award of Merit - Abby Beno
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Award of Excellence - Keyon Ghayoumi
Award of Excellence - Isaiah Bryant
Award of Merit - Erin Olsson
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Excellence - Isaiah Bryant
Award of Merit - Erin Olsson
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Excellence - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Award of Excellence - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Blake Dehler
Award of Merit - Tess Gerdemann
Award of Merit - Manasaa Kannan
Award of Merit - Isabel Watkins
Mackenzie Eck
Caroline Patterson
Kaitlin Hurley
Mackenzie Eck
Caroline Patterson
Kaitlin Hurley
All participants had fantastic entries that represented the "Beauty is..." theme very well.
Next year's theme for Reflections 2010-2011 is "Together We Can."
November Letter from the President
On behalf of the PTSA – Thanks for all you do to make NOMS the best place our kids could attend school! It’s been a great start to a new school year. The big NEWS is that after over a year – the NOMS Bathroom project is complete – bath-rooms are open and in use!!! YEAH!!! Thank you for your support and patience through the project. They look great!
If you haven’t already heard – the NOMS PTSA has created a web page for you - the parents. Please go to to find up-to-date news, photos and minutes from PTSA meetings, the PTSA roster and calendar. You can even participate in polls – we want your opinion.
The PTSA also supports and recommends parents attending Operation SPIRIT classes. These classes are designed specifically for parents of middle and high school students. By you investing the time in these classes now, you will empower yourself to make better and informed choices for your family. For more information please go to
I have a long list of people to thank: I’d like to thank all the students and parents that supported the PTSA Fall Fundraiser. It was a huge success and we couldn’t have done it without you. I really appreciate Beth Scherer for chairing the project and Jenny Stegeman as the VP of Fundraising. I’d also like to thank all the teach-ers and parents that helped out in any way. Please read further in the newsletter for details about prizes, etc.
There have been several other events happening at NOMS. In September the stu-dents celebrated Kentucky Kids Day. Special thanks to Nancy Stevens and Susan Spayd and all the volunteers for putting a green twist on the day – NOMS is now equipped with recycling containers in every classroom and in the cafeteria, hallways and gymnasium. The kids got to "Picture themselves Recycling" by having group photos taken in a photo booth during their lunch! What a great move for the school and special day for the kids.
In October we also celebrated Red Ribbon Week. This is a week dedicated to the education of avoid-ing drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, and making good choices. Please take the opportunity to talk to your son or daughter about these dangers. I’d like to thank Allyson Parker and her committee for doing such a wonderful job promoting this important message to our students. Go to for more details.
Special thanks to Kim Dehler for running our NOMS PTSA Reflections Program. The Reflections Awards ceremony will be held in conjunction with the General PTSA meeting on November 18 @ 6:00 in the Media Center at NOMS.
With the first grading period over, it’s time for the "High Achievers" celebrations. All students that received either all A’s or all A’s and B’s - with no write ups - will be invited to attend the High Achiever Celebration. Special thanks to Michelle Hall and Patty Sweetall for chairing such a rewarding program, and to the many volunteers that help make this pro-gram such a huge success.
Holly Ansman is another special volunteer for completing the NOMS Directory. If you ordered a directory you should have received it; if not, you can purchase one at the front office at NOMS.
The fall classes of Operation Spirit are coming to an end. Lyne Church, Dan Roach, and Susan Carey deserve a round of applause for facilitating our North Campus meetings. THANK YOU! Operation Spirit will start up again in January.
Timely and effective communication with parents and students is one of our top goals. At NOMS we have the "Daily Announcements" that come from Mr. Eaton as a means of com-municating with you. If you do not receive these announcements, please be sure to contact him. The information is also on the web site: We would like to thank Mark Eaton and Gay Alsup for all they do to keep the information or-ganized, current and relevant.
NOMS is blessed with a great group of volunteers. As you can see, there are many events going on at NOMS in addition to academics, sports and clubs. Please review the calendar for future events. If you haven’t signed up to help, there are still plenty of opportunities to be involved. Please give Nikki Fuequay a call at 742-0990 or email her at
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at We appreciate your support! Go Mustangs!
Betsy Lowe
PTSA President
If you haven’t already heard – the NOMS PTSA has created a web page for you - the parents. Please go to to find up-to-date news, photos and minutes from PTSA meetings, the PTSA roster and calendar. You can even participate in polls – we want your opinion.
The PTSA also supports and recommends parents attending Operation SPIRIT classes. These classes are designed specifically for parents of middle and high school students. By you investing the time in these classes now, you will empower yourself to make better and informed choices for your family. For more information please go to
I have a long list of people to thank: I’d like to thank all the students and parents that supported the PTSA Fall Fundraiser. It was a huge success and we couldn’t have done it without you. I really appreciate Beth Scherer for chairing the project and Jenny Stegeman as the VP of Fundraising. I’d also like to thank all the teach-ers and parents that helped out in any way. Please read further in the newsletter for details about prizes, etc.
There have been several other events happening at NOMS. In September the stu-dents celebrated Kentucky Kids Day. Special thanks to Nancy Stevens and Susan Spayd and all the volunteers for putting a green twist on the day – NOMS is now equipped with recycling containers in every classroom and in the cafeteria, hallways and gymnasium. The kids got to "Picture themselves Recycling" by having group photos taken in a photo booth during their lunch! What a great move for the school and special day for the kids.
In October we also celebrated Red Ribbon Week. This is a week dedicated to the education of avoid-ing drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, and making good choices. Please take the opportunity to talk to your son or daughter about these dangers. I’d like to thank Allyson Parker and her committee for doing such a wonderful job promoting this important message to our students. Go to for more details.
Special thanks to Kim Dehler for running our NOMS PTSA Reflections Program. The Reflections Awards ceremony will be held in conjunction with the General PTSA meeting on November 18 @ 6:00 in the Media Center at NOMS.
With the first grading period over, it’s time for the "High Achievers" celebrations. All students that received either all A’s or all A’s and B’s - with no write ups - will be invited to attend the High Achiever Celebration. Special thanks to Michelle Hall and Patty Sweetall for chairing such a rewarding program, and to the many volunteers that help make this pro-gram such a huge success.
Holly Ansman is another special volunteer for completing the NOMS Directory. If you ordered a directory you should have received it; if not, you can purchase one at the front office at NOMS.
The fall classes of Operation Spirit are coming to an end. Lyne Church, Dan Roach, and Susan Carey deserve a round of applause for facilitating our North Campus meetings. THANK YOU! Operation Spirit will start up again in January.
Timely and effective communication with parents and students is one of our top goals. At NOMS we have the "Daily Announcements" that come from Mr. Eaton as a means of com-municating with you. If you do not receive these announcements, please be sure to contact him. The information is also on the web site: We would like to thank Mark Eaton and Gay Alsup for all they do to keep the information or-ganized, current and relevant.
NOMS is blessed with a great group of volunteers. As you can see, there are many events going on at NOMS in addition to academics, sports and clubs. Please review the calendar for future events. If you haven’t signed up to help, there are still plenty of opportunities to be involved. Please give Nikki Fuequay a call at 742-0990 or email her at
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at We appreciate your support! Go Mustangs!
Betsy Lowe
PTSA President
Nominations for SBDM Council
Nominations for SBDM Council will be open starting January 20, and will remain open one month, until 2/20.
The SBDM Council vote will be held on the night of the NOMS Mustang Talent Show!
The SBDM Council vote will be held on the night of the NOMS Mustang Talent Show!
Staff Holiday Luncheon
On December 13, the NOMS PTSA treated the NOMS teachers and staff to a delicious buffet lunch, thanks to Meg Demuth and her wonderful committee. Food was served from 10:40 - 1:00. We had salads, casseroles, a huge ham, chicken dishes, and desserts.
Every luncheon we give away the centerpieces...this year beautiful pointsettas. Meg changed it up this year. She had three "magic" chairs. If you sat in the magic chair - you won one of the centerpieces. She is so cute and clever!
(We held the luncheon on a Wednesday so that any leftover food could be used the following day).
Pictures coming!
Every luncheon we give away the centerpieces...this year beautiful pointsettas. Meg changed it up this year. She had three "magic" chairs. If you sat in the magic chair - you won one of the centerpieces. She is so cute and clever!
(We held the luncheon on a Wednesday so that any leftover food could be used the following day).
Pictures coming!
Minutes from November's meeting
NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes November 11, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 8:47 a.m. by Betsy Lowe with 14 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Beth Scherer, Pauline Moore, Cynthia Paris, Stephanie Mattingly, Jean Lewis, Maureen Green, Betsy Lowe, Dorinda Workman, Allyson Parker, Lana Rice, Jenny Stegeman, Nancy Stevens and Robb Smith.
President’s Report: Big thanks to Allyson Parker, Jean Lewis and all others who helped with Red Ribbon week, the doors turned out great and the assembly was very positive – it was very well done! A big thank you to Beth Scherer for a great Paragon fundraiser!
· Our membership V.P. resigned so Jenny Stegeman will talk to someone and see if she
is interested, if anyone knows of someone please let Betsy know and Betsy will post the
opening in the announcements also.
· The next NOMS PTSA General meeting will be Nov. 18th in the evening to coincide with
the Reflections recognition ceremony.
· The standing rules were read and Pauline Moore motioned to accept them with Beth
Scherer seconding the motion and the motion unanimously passed.
· The PTSA poll results from the blog are as follow: Support PTSA 81% - do not support
PTSA 0%, found a club/sport at NOMS 81% - nothing for student 6%, find teachers
approachable 68% - find it hard to communicate with teachers 18%, NOMS staff friendly
81% - staff not friendly 0%, overall happy 100% - unhappy/disappointed 0%.
· The next PTSA meeting will be lunch at a restaurant on December 9, 2009 at 11:30,
details to follow.
Corresponding Secretary Report: Needs list of teacher addresses – advised to ask Teresa Forest. Touch base about Mrs. Newcomb, Keely Green had a baby and Ms. Berry having a baby in the spring.
Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is: $24,323.25. We are still waiting for the invoice from Paragon to write them a check. Dorinda Workman volunteered to audit the checkbook for Cynthia. Need a new treasurer to be able to transition in the spring.
Legislative Report: No report
Principal’s Report: A question was brought up about getting the lines painted in the parking lot and Mr. Smith advised that was a school board responsibility. The bathrooms are now open.
· NOMS will be having a “Schools to Watch” visit for recertification Dec. 2 – 4th.
Membership Report: No report. Betsy will get all the membership reports from Bonita Tong and keep until a new person is found, Cynthia Paris to handle the monies.
Reflections Report: Twenty three pieces were given awards of excellence. The awards ceremony will be Nov. 18th – time to be announced and put in the announcements.
Hospitality Report: There will be a luncheon for the NOMS staff on Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009. If anyone wants to make food please let Meg know. Meg to send out an update on the plans for this.
Secret Pals: Please try and do something special this month for Thanksgiving and then Christmas before the break.
Paragon Report: Beth needs 20 – 30 mins. during assembly for Paragon awards, 22 qualified for flying cows, 36 qualified for the soda scramble and 118 qualified for the money pens.
Snappy Tomato: All is going well.
Little Caesar’s Pizza: Jenny to check on a date for January.
SBDM Council Report: No report
Newsletter Report: Please get all articles and pictures to Leah by Friday!
Community Council Report: Next Meeting is November 19, 2009
Meeting adjourned at 9:37 am..
The meeting was called to order at 8:47 a.m. by Betsy Lowe with 14 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Beth Scherer, Pauline Moore, Cynthia Paris, Stephanie Mattingly, Jean Lewis, Maureen Green, Betsy Lowe, Dorinda Workman, Allyson Parker, Lana Rice, Jenny Stegeman, Nancy Stevens and Robb Smith.
President’s Report: Big thanks to Allyson Parker, Jean Lewis and all others who helped with Red Ribbon week, the doors turned out great and the assembly was very positive – it was very well done! A big thank you to Beth Scherer for a great Paragon fundraiser!
· Our membership V.P. resigned so Jenny Stegeman will talk to someone and see if she
is interested, if anyone knows of someone please let Betsy know and Betsy will post the
opening in the announcements also.
· The next NOMS PTSA General meeting will be Nov. 18th in the evening to coincide with
the Reflections recognition ceremony.
· The standing rules were read and Pauline Moore motioned to accept them with Beth
Scherer seconding the motion and the motion unanimously passed.
· The PTSA poll results from the blog are as follow: Support PTSA 81% - do not support
PTSA 0%, found a club/sport at NOMS 81% - nothing for student 6%, find teachers
approachable 68% - find it hard to communicate with teachers 18%, NOMS staff friendly
81% - staff not friendly 0%, overall happy 100% - unhappy/disappointed 0%.
· The next PTSA meeting will be lunch at a restaurant on December 9, 2009 at 11:30,
details to follow.
Corresponding Secretary Report: Needs list of teacher addresses – advised to ask Teresa Forest. Touch base about Mrs. Newcomb, Keely Green had a baby and Ms. Berry having a baby in the spring.
Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is: $24,323.25. We are still waiting for the invoice from Paragon to write them a check. Dorinda Workman volunteered to audit the checkbook for Cynthia. Need a new treasurer to be able to transition in the spring.
Legislative Report: No report
Principal’s Report: A question was brought up about getting the lines painted in the parking lot and Mr. Smith advised that was a school board responsibility. The bathrooms are now open.
· NOMS will be having a “Schools to Watch” visit for recertification Dec. 2 – 4th.
Membership Report: No report. Betsy will get all the membership reports from Bonita Tong and keep until a new person is found, Cynthia Paris to handle the monies.
Reflections Report: Twenty three pieces were given awards of excellence. The awards ceremony will be Nov. 18th – time to be announced and put in the announcements.
Hospitality Report: There will be a luncheon for the NOMS staff on Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009. If anyone wants to make food please let Meg know. Meg to send out an update on the plans for this.
Secret Pals: Please try and do something special this month for Thanksgiving and then Christmas before the break.
Paragon Report: Beth needs 20 – 30 mins. during assembly for Paragon awards, 22 qualified for flying cows, 36 qualified for the soda scramble and 118 qualified for the money pens.
Snappy Tomato: All is going well.
Little Caesar’s Pizza: Jenny to check on a date for January.
SBDM Council Report: No report
Newsletter Report: Please get all articles and pictures to Leah by Friday!
Community Council Report: Next Meeting is November 19, 2009
Meeting adjourned at 9:37 am..
Fabulous Holiday Brunch
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