Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Minutes - May 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting May 14, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 12:08 with 15 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Pauline Moore, Jennie Walz, Jean Lewis, Betsy Lowe, Richelle McCoy, Leah Simpson, Cynthia Paris, Maureen Green, Nikki Feuquay, Denise Rohrbach, Allyson Parker, Jane Luzzio, Jenny Stegeman and Lana Rice.

President’s Report: We won PTSA State awards for the Newsletter and the Web site!

  • There are 4 open positions that we need to get filled, these are President, Treasurer, Little Caesar Pizza Sales and Talent Show concessions. Cheryl Cooper may be interested in treasurer so Betsy will contact her.
  • We must submit our PTSA roster for next year to the PTSA board before the end of the school year.
  • We have 3 requests for funding to review in new business.
  • Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts this year, everything has gone great!

Secretary’s Report: Stand approved with correction to funds for NOMS.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No report

Treasurer’s Report: We received $25.00 from the 13th district as a thank you for our membership numbers!

  • The checkbook balance is $10,618.05, there are a few outstanding checks that need to be cashed so if you have one please cash asap.
  • All reimbursements must be turned in by the last day of school – 8th grade events by end of that week.
  • Move check for Meg Demuth to luncheon account vs. teacher appreciation account

Legislation Report: No report.

Membership Report: We won a state award for membership – congrats!

Teacher Appreciation: A big thank you to all that helped make this such a success! All the volunteers, people who brought/made food, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Hospitality: Thanks to all who brought food for the teachers, she received tons of food.

Secret Pals: Remember your secret pal with an end of year gift.

8th grade promotion: Still need Grills and 5-10 chaperones.

Fundraising: Done for this year! Maybe looking at doing a family fun night next year.

  • Submit any ideas for fundraising for next year to Jenny Stegeman as she has to submit a list of possibilities by 6-30-10.

SBDM Council Report: Lots of kids coming in next year, it is a huge 5th grade class. The school will have about 850 kids and they are looking at teacher alignments by grade now.

  • There will be the same schedule format next year, may change related arts, maybe get rid of study hall and replace with a new course, all tbd.
  • Betsy noted she has received many complaints about the kids not having PE enough or something to keep them active.
  • A discussion came up about uniforms and it was discussed possibly having 4 t-shirt designs, 1 polo and specific bottoms to wear to school but this would not happen til 2011-2012 school year at earliest.

Newsletter: Never got anything from anyone for last month so did not do one.

  • In the future please send an email requesting articles
  • Please get articles to Leah asap for end of year newsletter.

Community Council Report: No Report.

Old Business: Next year when you complete an event please recap it for your notebook, send a copy to Betsy Lowe for the blog and to Leah for the newsletter.

New Business: Set a General PTSA date, maybe band night the 24th or choir night the 26th? Meeting set for Monday 5-24-10 at Java at 8:30 a.m. for the General Meeting to approve the PTSA board and budget.

  • There were several requests for funds for our consideration and they are: Germaine Russo wants to buy a $600.00 camera for the art department. The Booster club and Beta Club are asking us to go in with them on a new sign for the front of the school, total cost of $5000.00 so our part about $1667.00. Operation Spirit would like to be able to give all 8th graders an Operation Spirit book. The speech therapist meets with over 100 students at our school and is finding success using an I pad and she would like to buy another one.
  • Allyson Parker motions to buy more mini laptops with any leftover money in the budget after leaving $3000.00 as a starting fund for next year. Jean Lewis seconded the motion and it passed with 6 in favor and 5 opposed.
  • It was requested that in the future a date is set for all money requests from the school so they are considered at one time at the end of the year.
  • Maureen presented a motion to accept the 2010-2011 budget as amended by the treasurer from recorded discussions and Jean Lewis seconded and this passed unanimously.
  • Next regular meeting on 8-18 at 8:45.

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gereral PTSA Meeting - May 24, 2010

On May 24, 2010 the NOMS PTSA held a General PTSA meeting at Java in Prospect with the purpose of electing their officers and approving the budget for next year.

Those in attendance: Betsy Lowe, Jean Lewis, Jenny Stegeman, Denise Rohrbach, Kim Finnicum, Cynthia Paris, Pauline Moore, Richelle McCoy, Maureen Green, Allyson Parker, Lana Rice, Nikki Fuequay, Leah Simpson.

The previous post shows the elected board of officers as approved by the General PTSA.

The budget (next post) was also approved as presented.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m.

PTSA Board Members 2010-2011

President - Jenny Stegeman
VP Fundraising - Missy Klein
VP Programs - Nicole Matts
VP Membership - Denise Rohrbach
Treasurer - Cheryl Cooper
Secretary - Nikki Fuequay
Corresponding Secretary - Jenni Walz
Volunteer Coordinator - Pauline Moore
Hospitality - Meg Demuth
Directory - Holly Ansman
Newsletter - Leah Simpson
Web site - Betsy Lowe
Legislative - Maureen Green
Community Council - Jean Lewis
Concessions Chairperson - Elise Ball
Fall Fundraiser - Beth Scherer
Little Caesar Pizza Sale - Terri Stinebruner
Snappy Tomato Pizza - Terri Stinebruner
Social/Dance Chairperson - Mary Kay Simpson
High Achievers - Richelle McCoy
Kentucky Kids Day - Nancy Stevens & Susan Spayd
Red Ribbon Week - Allyson Parker
Reflections - Jane Luzzio
Talent Show - Laura Karaglanis
Teacher Appreciation Week - Lana Rice
8th Grade Promotion - Betsy Lowe
Beautification - Amy Kempf & Dierdre Morley
Secret Pals - Lyne Church
Birthday Board - Monica Helsley

Congratulations to all those listed above!

Agenda - May 2010


Meeting Agenda

May 14, 2010

Tumbleweed of the River, Louisville, KY

Welcome – Call to Order

Principal’s Report … Robb Smith

President’s Report … Betsy Lowe

  • List of open PTSA positions - President, Treasurer, Concessions Chair, Social/Dance Chair
  • two requests for remaining funds - request to be discussed in New Business
  • Thank you for everyone

Minutes from previous meeting & General Meeting… Kim Finnicum

Corresponding Secretary Report: Stephanie Mattingly

Treasurer’s Report: Cynthia Paris

Legislation Report: Maureen Green

Membership: Denise Rohrbach


  • Teacher Appreciation Report - Lana Rice
  • Hospitality - Meg Demuth
  • Secret Pals - Lyne Church
  • 8th Grade Dance and Cookout - NEED GRILLS! looking for chaperones for the dance and volunteers for games - please contact Brenda Salinas (Dance), Betsy Lowe (cookout) or Kim Finnicum (games). THANKS!!!


  • done for the year!! Any ideas please submit to Jenny Stegemen

SBDM Council Representative: Leah Simpson

Minutes - April 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes April 14, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:46 a.m. with eleven people present including Kim Finnicum, Pauline Moore, Denise Rohrbach, Nikki Feuquay, Betsy Lowe, Lyne

Church, Beth Scherer, Sarah Crisp, Rhonda Spangler, Allyson Parker and Jenny Stegeman.

President’s Report: Next month will be a luncheon in place of our meeting.

  • We need ideas for next years General PTSA meetings, forward Betsy any ideas you have.
  • There is a request from Mr. Smith for funds for school improvement
  • Talent Show – great job to all those involved in putting this together and a big thank you for all your efforts! This was filmed and shown the day before spring break to all the students. Note: In the future this should be in Jan. or Feb. so not as many sport conflicts including March madness.
  • Little Caesar’s Pizza Sale: Huge thank you to Jenny Stegeman for taking all this on. In the future consider having a bit earlier and adding back incentives.
  • Congratulations to Jean Lewis who was elected our new SBDM representative.
  • Open positions – please help try to fill these by asking around.
  • The nominating committee for open positions is: Allyson Parker, Pauline Moore and Betsy Lowe – thank you for volunteering to handle this.
  • Betsy working to finalize 8th grade dance, cookout and field day. It looks like Thursday is the dance from 7 – 10 p.m. with the Ceremony on Friday from 9 – 11:00 a.m. and then Tuesday will be the cookout starting at 11:30 with the games following this. There will be a letter coming out from Mr. Smith. The Mustang Mentor’s will be coming over to help from the high school. Lyne Church and Jenny Stegeman volunteered to help too.

Principals Report (Ms. Crisp sitting in):

  • Presented a Summer Reading Program with the theme “I Read”. There will be posters put up around the school and possibly a form for parents to sign and send back in. The 5th graders are also getting a presentation on this.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the last meeting stand approved.

Corresponding Secretary: Ms. Green had her baby on March 17, 2010.

  • The father of Liz Dehart passed away
  • Jed Turner’s father passed away
  • The father of a student with the last name Harbin passed away, please check with the front office for details.

Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is: $12,100.22 .

  • We really need a treasurer for next year.
  • Still to come out of budget = 8th grade promotion, PTSA dance, Teacher Appreciation, Staff Luncheon, Transportation Luncheon, Teacher of year and Health monies so about $1900.00 which leaves us with about $7000.00 and we need to decide where to allocate the excess.
  • Betsy to talk to Cynthia about cutting a check for $50.00 for SEPTA.
  • All receipts are due now!

Legislative Report: No report.

Membership Report: No report.

Fundraising Report: Unanimously decided to cancel the PTSA sponsored dance due to too many conflicts and lack of chaperones. Also, did not need the revenue from it based on other fundraiser successes this year.

Programs: Blake Dehler’s Reflection entry went onto Nationals and he finds out in May if he wins, Good Luck to Blake!

SBDM Report: No Report

Newsletter: Final newsletter information needs to be to Leah by April 23rd to make it in the newsletter.

Old Business: Email Betsy Lowe with any updates for the blog.

New Business: Lunch next month at Tumbleweed on the river on 5-12-10 at 11:30 a.m.

  • Robb Smith requested the following funds from the PTSA: $2500 for Professional Development Books for staff, $500 for the summer reading program, and $2000 to be spent on additional mini-laptops. Beth Scherer motioned to accept this request with Denise Rohrbach seconding it and it was passed unanimously.
  • Project Graduation – Lyne Church to email Betsy Lowe info. about help needed for this. It is in it’s 24th year in Oldham Co. and is being hosted on the North campus this year.
  • Beautification is rough at the entrance to the school so Kim Finnicum to meet with Greenside Landscaping and get an estimate.
  • What should the other $2000.00 surplus in the budget be spent on? Beautification? Need your ideas….

Meeting dismissed at 10:07 a.m.

Minutes - March Meeting 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes March 10, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:47 with 13 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Dorinda Workman, Denise Rohrbach, Nikki Feuquay, Lyne Church, Leah Simpson, Maureen Green, Lana Rice, Betsy Lowe, Allyson Parker, Cynthia Paris, Jenny Stegeman and Robb Smith.

President’s Report: We will be having a quick General PTSA Meeting on 3-19-10 in conjunction with the talent show.

  • Need 3 people to count votes at General PTSA Meeting for SBDM.
  • Open positions for the NOMS PTSA have been sent to all elementary schools
  • 8th grade dance/cookout: Betsy to work with Mr. Smith to determine dates for ceremony, dance and cookout to work around Memorial Day. Please forward any game ideas to Betsy.

Principal’s Report: The last 2 weeks of April will probably be testing but that is not confirmed yet.

  • It was requested that after Xmas break NOMS start communicating information such as Booster Basketball and sport tryouts to the elementary schools through their announcements so that the 5th graders are aware of the dates and opportunities. This also is a concern of the 8th grade parents with information coming down from the high school.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes stand approved.

Corresponding Secretary’s report: Ms. Berry had her baby girl. Ms. Green is due the end of March. Shane Duncan the wrestling coach at NOMS passed away last week.

Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance as of today is $11,102.83. A couple of checks from last year were never cashed so they are being voided and we will have about $300.00 more. The Paragon line looks to have been reversed on the ledger as we should have 60% expense and 40% profit so we will have a bit less than expected but we are still fine.

Legislative Report: Due to education funding being cut at the state level there is a proposal to take the number of school days from 177 days to 175 days a year. This would save 36 million dollars yearly, they will be voting on this in the future.

Membership Report: During the membership party 2 free lunches for the teachers were given away and they were won by Erika Wardlow and Kristen Eichler and the parent winner of the $25. 00 gift card drawing was Christine Berkemeier so congratulations to them.

Reflections Report: The state results will be out soon and then we will know if anyone is selected for Nationals.

Teacher Appreciation week: This will be April 26th – 29th. Taylor Orthodontics have contributed $250.00 for the Chocolate Fountain. Meg Demuth is handling lunch on Wednesday. Lana is getting with Ms. Pitsenberger to finalize dates.

Talent Show: Auditions were held and there are 24 acts. Judges are ready, just working on a few sponsors to cover the judges cost.

  • Need 2 ticket takers 45 minutes before show til ½ way through, please let Dorinda know if you can help. Also, need 2 volunteers for the doors so no food and drinks get into the auditorium. Need to lock the wing doors so people can get out but not in for control.

Secret Pals: All is going well.

High Achiever’s Report: The last celebration of the year took place on 3-5-2010 with 175 - 6th graders, 194 - 7th graders and 118 - 8th graders for a total of 487 students. The students all had a soda or water and there was a raffle of North t-shirts, foam fingers, pens, highlighters and stress balls. Snappy Tomato pizza also donated free baby beast pizza coupons which every student received.

Fundraising Report: Little Caesar’s orders due Monday. We get $5.00 per kit sold. Last year we made $2800.00 so please help by ordering! Possibly put this on the front NOMS sign to promote it?

  • Snappy Tomato going o.k.
  • Check into Red Robin possibly giving us a Monday night where they give us 20% of any NOMS families purchases.

SBDM Council: NOMS had a presentation about the school to the school board which went very well and they were impressed.

Newsletter: Please get all information to Leah at by tomorrow so she can get the newsletter out by Friday.

New Business: None

Meeting adjourned at 9:49.

Minutes - February Meeting 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes February 17, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 8:47 by Pauline Moore with 12 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Jean Lewis, Jenny Stegeman, Terri Stinebruner, Maureen Green, Nikki Feuquay, Pauline Moore, Denise Rohrback, Lyne Church, Cynthia Paris, Lana Rice and Nancy Stevens.

The Talent show has now been moved to March 19, 2010. Per Betsy Lowe the SBDM vote and the General PTSA meeting will also be moved to this night. Both Jean Lewis and Kim Finnicum are going to run for SBDM and there are 2 vacant spots.

Principal Robb Smith sent out a letter to parents to let everyone know that NOMS had won the distinction of “School of Character” for 2010 so congratulations to all for a job well done!

Secretary’s Report: The minutes stand approved.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: We need to send a get well to Dorinda Workman. Ms. Berry fell on the ice last week so we need to inquire if she is o.k. and maybe send a card.

Treasurer’s Report: The check book balance as of 2-12-10 is $11,083.42 and all expenses are in line with 1 fundraiser to go.

Legislative Report: No report

Membership report: Great Party for the kids where they played Bingo and got a soda! Thanks to Denise Rohrback and all who helped. We currently have 977 members, 127 new members and 35 staff. Would recommend repeating this Bingo party next year, possibly look at increasing the winning kids gift cards to be a bit more than $5 so that you get back more than your joining fee. The Bistro is providing lunch to 2 teachers who won the drawing and we will have 1 parent winner also.

Programs Report: Please visit the NOMS PTSA blog for a complete list of Reflection winners and congratulations to all!

  • Teacher Appreciation week – they are having a planning meeting next week and will have more to report at next months meeting. Please forward any ideas for teacher’s to Lana Rice. Allyson Parker and Denise Rohrback volunteered to help with acquisitions for Teacher Appreciation Week but more help is needed so contact Lana Rice if interested.
  • Secret Pals is all going well, a reminder is about to go out to all participants.

Fundraising Report: The Little Caesar’s sale had to be pushed back due to the snow so the new dates are: 2-22-10 starts with orders due 3-15-10 and delivery will be the week of March 22nd. There are 900 brochures going out, it was brought up is it possible to get this form linked to the school email that goes out?

  • Snappy Tomato is going o.k.

SBDM Report: No report

Newsletter Report: No report

Community Council Report: There is now a writing plan in place for all schools in the county.

New Business: Septa is asking for every PTA/PTSA to donate $50.00 so that they do not have to fundraise in competition with the schools, per Betsy Lowe we have already approved this but will need to add a line item to our Treasurer’s report for next year.

  • Current PTSA board members please let Betsy Lowe if you would like to come back to your current position for next year or what your intentions are.
  • The following members said they would not be coming back to their current position: Kim Finnicum, Jean Lewis, Cynthia Paris and Betsy Lowe.
  • The following members would like to stay in their positions for another year: Maureen Green, Nikki Feuquay, Lyne Church, Denise Rohrback and Lana Rice.
  • Jean Lewis is interested in SBDM and Community Council. Pauline Moore would like to make a change as well depending on the openings. Nancy Stevens is possibly interested in Social if it is open.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Minutes - January Meeting 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes January 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:49 a.m. with 16 people in attendance including: Betsy Lowe, Denise Rohrbach, Jean Lewis, Kim Finnicum, Nikki Feuquay, Lyne Church, Pauline Moore, Logan Morsman, Adam Osborn, Kinsey Morrison, Beth Scherer,

Holly Ansman, Maureen Green, Allyson Parker, Leah Simpson and Robb Smith.

President’s Report: There are PTSA award opportunities that can be filled out for school nurse, self esteem for a student, outstanding educator, volunteer participation, outstanding programs, newsletter and more just see Betsy for the forms.

  • There is an opportunity to enter a drawing if we add 25+ new members to the PTSA between January and March.
  • We need to add a General meeting to the calendar to vote on Denise Rohrbach being added as the V.P. of membership to the PTSA roster, Leah Simpson motioned to have a general meeting on 2-26-10 before the Talent show and Jean Lewis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • The Hospitality luncheon was excellent so thank you to all who worked so hard.

Student Council: we had 3 members present today at the meeting. The 6th and 7th grade is working on a Victory Garden outside Ms. Bennett’s class which they will start in April. They are raising funds by selling Valentine grahams w/lollypops, having crazy hair day and more

  • The 8th graders are working on a legacy project for NOMS, they are thinking about doing a quilt with pictures but are still pursuing ideas
  • Relay for Life: working on this being a school wide event, possibly a field trip or something on the track for 1 day and will have cancer survivors speak at the event.
  • The student council meets every Tuesday.

Secretary’s Report: The General and Regular minutes stand approved.

Corresponding Secretary Report: Keely Green’s baby is due in March.

Treasurer’s Report: The check book balance as of 1-12-10 is $12,053.49. We still need a new Treasurer to train this spring, let Betsy Lowe know if you are interested.

Legislative Report: Session was in but nothing really pertained to middle schools. The website is: if you want to read the minutes or to check on daily activities click on Capitol notes.

Membership Report: The student party for members will be 2-5-10 from 1:30 – 3:00.

It was noted that some kids would be missing as they would be at the regional swim meet so it was suggested to have goodie bags that they can take with them. We will be playing Bingo and are deciding on serving water or soda, popcorn or candy.

There will be 2 student winners per party and 2 names from the staff members will be drawn to win lunch delivered to them and 1 parent member will win a $25 gift card.

  • Currently PTSA membership consists of 309 students, 31 staff and 543 parents for a total of 883 members.

Principal Report: On 1-28-10 for 2 days there will be 7-8 reviewers coming from Schools to Watch to evaluate what we do well and what needs improvement, they look at 4 criteria’s including: academic excellence, social equity, organizational structure and developmental responsiveness.

Secret Pals: All is going well.

Talent Show: Betsy Lowe to get with them for an update and make sure plans are finalized.

Fundraising Report:

  • The Little Caesar dates for winter and spring need to be determined
  • Snappy Tomato is going well
  • Family Fun night – Opted not to do this year
  • Let Jenny Stegeman know of any fundraising ideas that you have

SBDM Council Report: They are discussing students still being able to participate in their sports at NOMS if their grades have fallen below the criteria, more info. to follow.

  • Three people serve on the SBDM council for a 2 year term and we have 2 openings coming up so there will be a parent election starting 1-20-10 to take nominations and the vote will take place on the night of the Talent Show.
  • Cynthia Paris volunteered to help count the votes that night and Betsy Lowe will send out a note for additional volunteers.

Newsletter: The deadline for all items is 1-15-10 to Leah.

Community Council: Meeting was focused on writting at Elementary schools with nothing directed to middle schools.

Old Business: Email Betsy with updates for the Blog and if you email anything to Gay Alsup at NOMS please also send it to Betsy Lowe.

New Business: Betsy Lowe would like to step down as NOMS PTSA President so if anyone is interested in this position please let her know.

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 a.m.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

8th Grade Cook out and Games

Dear Parents,

The PTSA is pleased to host the annual 8th grade cookout and field games being held on the last day of school, Tuesday, June 1.

The 8th grade cook out for students and teachers will start immediately after the ceremony at the soccer fields at the high school. Students are to wear casual clothes but still in dress code (shirts and shorts).

The PTSA provides hamburger, hot dogs and a veggie burgers hot off the grill. Along with your hamburger each student gets condiments, chips, soda, and a cookie. There is no charge for the food or the games.

After their meal, the 8th grade students will participate in field games. This year we have adopted a "Surviror Game" theme. They will work in teams and compete against other teams. The team with the highest score wins the prize.

We would like to thank Rick Brown for generously donating the gigantic "PINK PIG" grill and cooks.

Anyone interested in volunteering for the cook out or for the games ... please contact Betsy Lowe regarding the cook out - or contact Kim Finnicum at regarding the games.

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony

The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held on
Friday, May 28
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
NOMS Gymnasium

Each student is allowed to invite 2 adults. You should receive two tickets in the mail. If you have any questions regarding the promotion ceremony, please contact the front office at
NOMS - 228-9998.

Congratulations to all 8th Grade students!!!

8th grade dance

To honor the 8th grade students at NOMS going onto high school, the PTSA hosts a special dance for the 8th grade students. This is a time honored tradition at NOMS.

There is no cost for this dance - it is a way for the PTSA to congratulate every 8th grade student for advancing to high school.

This year the dance is being held on Thursday, May 27th from 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. in the gym at NOMS.

Students get to dress up and enjoy the festivities.

Parents interested in helping with decorations please contact Brenda Salinas, those interested in helping with food preparation, please contact Betsy Lowe.

Gereral PTSA Meeting

Posted: 5/17/10

NOMS PTSA is hosting a General PTSA meeting to vote on the 2010-2011 Board of Officers and the 2010-2011 Budget.

The meeting will be held on 5/24/10 starting at 8:30 a.m. at JAVA Brewing in Prospect, KY.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Still have a few positions to fill for Next Years PTSA Board

The Nominating Committee is still looking for volunteers for the following positions:

Concession Chair - February
8th Grad Promotion Chair
Little Caesar Pizza Sale

If you are interested in any of the above positions, or know of someone that you would like to nominate for one of the above positions, please contact Pauline Moore (her contact info is posted on this website).

Thank you so much!