NOMS PTSA Meeting May 14, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 12:08 with 15 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Pauline Moore, Jennie Walz, Jean Lewis, Betsy Lowe, Richelle McCoy, Leah Simpson, Cynthia Paris, Maureen Green, Nikki Feuquay, Denise Rohrbach, Allyson Parker, Jane Luzzio, Jenny Stegeman and Lana Rice.
President’s Report: We won PTSA State awards for the Newsletter and the Web site!
- There are 4 open positions that we need to get filled, these are President, Treasurer, Little Caesar Pizza Sales and Talent Show concessions. Cheryl Cooper may be interested in treasurer so Betsy will contact her.
- We must submit our PTSA roster for next year to the PTSA board before the end of the school year.
- We have 3 requests for funding to review in new business.
- Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts this year, everything has gone great!
Secretary’s Report: Stand approved with correction to funds for NOMS.
Corresponding Secretary Report: No report
Treasurer’s Report: We received $25.00 from the 13th district as a thank you for our membership numbers!
- The checkbook balance is $10,618.05, there are a few outstanding checks that need to be cashed so if you have one please cash asap.
- All reimbursements must be turned in by the last day of school – 8th grade events by end of that week.
- Move check for Meg Demuth to luncheon account vs. teacher appreciation account
Legislation Report: No report.
Membership Report: We won a state award for membership – congrats!
Teacher Appreciation: A big thank you to all that helped make this such a success! All the volunteers, people who brought/made food, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Hospitality: Thanks to all who brought food for the teachers, she received tons of food.
Secret Pals: Remember your secret pal with an end of year gift.
8th grade promotion: Still need Grills and 5-10 chaperones.
Fundraising: Done for this year! Maybe looking at doing a family fun night next year.
- Submit any ideas for fundraising for next year to Jenny Stegeman as she has to submit a list of possibilities by 6-30-10.
SBDM Council Report: Lots of kids coming in next year, it is a huge 5th grade class. The school will have about 850 kids and they are looking at teacher alignments by grade now.
- There will be the same schedule format next year, may change related arts, maybe get rid of study hall and replace with a new course, all tbd.
- Betsy noted she has received many complaints about the kids not having PE enough or something to keep them active.
- A discussion came up about uniforms and it was discussed possibly having 4 t-shirt designs, 1 polo and specific bottoms to wear to school but this would not happen til 2011-2012 school year at earliest.
Newsletter: Never got anything from anyone for last month so did not do one.
- In the future please send an email requesting articles
- Please get articles to Leah asap for end of year newsletter.
Community Council Report: No Report.
Old Business: Next year when you complete an event please recap it for your notebook, send a copy to Betsy Lowe for the blog and to Leah for the newsletter.
New Business: Set a General PTSA date, maybe band night the 24th or choir night the 26th? Meeting set for Monday 5-24-10 at Java at 8:30 a.m. for the General Meeting to approve the PTSA board and budget.
- There were several requests for funds for our consideration and they are: Germaine Russo wants to buy a $600.00 camera for the art department. The Booster club and Beta Club are asking us to go in with them on a new sign for the front of the school, total cost of $5000.00 so our part about $1667.00. Operation Spirit would like to be able to give all 8th graders an Operation Spirit book. The speech therapist meets with over 100 students at our school and is finding success using an I pad and she would like to buy another one.
- Allyson Parker motions to buy more mini laptops with any leftover money in the budget after leaving $3000.00 as a starting fund for next year. Jean Lewis seconded the motion and it passed with 6 in favor and 5 opposed.
- It was requested that in the future a date is set for all money requests from the school so they are considered at one time at the end of the year.
- Maureen presented a motion to accept the 2010-2011 budget as amended by the treasurer from recorded discussions and Jean Lewis seconded and this passed unanimously.
- Next regular meeting on 8-18 at 8:45.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.