Monday, October 25, 2010

Smoking: I'm too Smart to Start! Contest

Theme: “Smoking: I’m too Smart to Start!”

In recognition of November 18, 2010 as the Great American Smokeout day, Baptist Hospital Northeast and Baptist Hospital East have partnered with the American Cancer Society to sponsor a contest for all elementary, middle and high school students. Parents & teachers, please help students send a positive preventative message to their peers, families and the entire community. Encourage them to enter the 2010 Great American Smokeout Poster and Video Contest. Contact: Lisa Houle, BHNE 222-3382 or for more information.

Elementary, Middle & High School Students - Posters will be on display and may be used as artwork for promotional pieces that promote the Great American Smokeout year round. All posters and video’s must relate to this year’s theme.

Rules: Entry must include the student’s name, grade, school, email address and teacher’s name, teachers telephone number and teachers email address on the back of the poster. Only one entry per student.

Size: Entries must be at least 11’ x 14’ and no larger than 22’ x 28’. The artwork may be in any medium.

Judging: Posters will be judged on interpretation of theme, originality and visual impact and become the property of the American Cancer Society.

High School Students - Winning 2 minute videos will be posted to the Baptist Hospital East and Baptist Hospital NE websites to help promote the Great American Smokeout

Rules: Video entries must not exceed 2 minutes and should be submitted on CD or DVD in one of the following formats: .MPG/.MPEG, .MOV/.QT (Quick Time Video), or .WMV (Windows Media Video).

Please be advised that if students choose to work together as a group to create the video and the video places – only one prize is awarded to the group. However, the entire group may attend the awards luncheon and receive a certificate.

Deadline: Entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 10, 2010 to Lisa Houle, Manager of the Cardiopulmonary Services Department, 1025 New Moody Lane, LaGrange, KY 40031. Electronic entries may be sent to Michelle Webb at

Students: A $30 gift card, which can be used at mall St. Matthews or Oxmoor Center, will be awarded to the 1st place winning student in each category. Ribbons and certificates will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, as well as Best of Show.

Teachers: A $20 gift card will be awarded to the teacher of the 1st place winning student.

Winners will be notified on Thursday, November 11, 2010 and invited to attend an awards ceremony at Baptist Hospital East on Thursday, November 18, 2010.

- Red Ribbon Week -

Monday, the Red Ribbons went up at NOMS…..School signs were changed and Students received a RED Bracelets stating “Better Things To Do Than Drugs”

There was also a lesson on: The History of Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week began to commemorate the life and death of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, an agent of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, who was murdered in the fight against drugs. In Agent Camarena's home town, Calexico, CA, public outpouring of support turned in to an organized community response in which citizens wore red ribbons. They became a voice for prevention in America. In 1988, Red Ribbon Week was recognized nationally with President Ronald and First Lady Nancy Reagan serving as the first Honorary Chairs. This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Red Ribbon Week.
Tuesday - Assembly Tuesday Morning - students and staff will be wearing red and their red rubber bracelets. "Wear as Much Red as You Can" day, prizes will be given for top participants. Theme - Building Better Students. All PTSA Board Member’s are welcome to the “Building Better Students” assembly. The Oldham Era is coming at 9:00 tomorrow to take pictures of the assembly and cover RRW. We can take random pictures all week and they will put in paper as well. Lana is also calling the Courier Journal too...we will forward all pictures to PTSA’s Communication team!

Wednesday - Classroom doors will be judged and winners announced.

Thursday - T-shirts distributed to all NOMS students. They should wear them on Friday.

Friday - Wear your Red Ribbon T-shirt - Students wearing their T-Shirt will be elilgible to draw a prize coupon in the cafeteria.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kentucky Kids Day

Kids are special everyday, but on September 30th - Kids at NOMS received the "extra" special treatment. More to come!

This year ALL students received a gift certificate for: one FREE entrance into a NOMS sporting event and a FREE DQ ice cream cone. Everyone received a NO homework DAY on Friday in honor of Kentucky Kids Day...yipee!

In addition there were 44 "give aways" that were given out through the day. Winners were:

  1. Spencer Stewart - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  2. Rebecca Caveda - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  3. Logan McCulloch - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  4. Aaron Kay Anthony - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  5. Lindsay Dowd - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  6. Kayla Melton - $10 gift card from Barnes and Noble
  7. Ella Evans - PTSA Spring Dance admission with pizza and a drink
  8. Christine Rutley - PTSA Spring Dance admission with pizza and a drink
  9. Dylan Niehoff - $10 gift card from Five Guys
  10. Isaiah Bryant - $10 gift card from Five Guys
  11. Garrison Osborne - $10 gift card from Five Guys
  12. Tyler Reller - $10 gift card from Five Guys
  13. Brosnan Pierce - $10 gift card from Five Guys
  14. Brenton Dean - $10 gift card for iTunes
  15. Jonathan Henry - $10 gift card for iTunes
  16. Chris Burton - $10 gift card for iTunes
  17. Daniel Pennington - $5 gift card from Target
  18. Meilin Scanish - $5 gift card from Target
  19. William Waren - Open seating at lunch
  20. Alaina Sander - Open seating at lunch
  21. Kaitlin Pepper - Open seating at lunch
  22. Trenton Fryman - Open seating at lunch
  23. Shelby Hart - Open seating at lunch
  24. Miranda Kehl - Open seating at lunch
  25. Emily Collins - Open seating at lunch
  26. Nolan English - Open seating at lunch
  27. Tess Gheytondri - Open seating at lunch
  28. Luis Lopez - Cinemark admission for one
  29. Jessica Johnson - Cinemark admission for one
  30. Andre Mendoza - Cinemark admission for one
  31. Veronica Helms - Cinemark admission for one
  32. Catherine Li - Cinemark admission for one
  33. Max Miller - Cinemark admission for one
  34. Peter Sohn - Cinemark admission for one
  35. Jaclyn Ose - Cinemark admission for one
  36. Michael Marquez - Cinemark admission for one
  37. Emma Workman - Cinemark admission for one
  38. Taylor Marksbury - $15 gift card from Abercrombie
  39. Graham Pipes - $15 gift card from Abercrombie
  40. Allyson Teasdale - Hollister tee shirt
  41. Samantha Owens - Hollister tee shirt
  42. Bryce Griebe - Hollister tee shirt
  43. Nicholas Benzick - Hollister tee shirt

Teens and Prescription Drugs Information

THINK AGAIN… about Prescription Drugs

When teens want to get high ... IS YOUR PRESCRIPTION AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP?

Teens are finding prescription drugs wherever people they know keep them – and abusing them more than any illicit street drug except marijuana.1 In fact, every day, more than 2,000 kids age 12 to 17 try a painkiller non-medically for the first time.2

What they don’t realize is that these drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs. So kids who would never try street drugs might feel safe abusing prescription drugs.

Parents have a direct impact on the access to prescription drugs and can take immediate steps to protect their children from the dangers by following a few simple tips.

  • Safeguard all drugs at home. Monitor quantities and control access. Ask friends and family to do the same.
  • Set clear rules for teens about all drug use, including “Don’t share medicine.” and “Always follow the medical provider’s advice and dosages.”
  • Properly dispose of old or unneeded medicines.

When you talk to your teens about the risks of drugs and alcohol, include prescription drugs in the conversation.

To learn more, visit THEANTIDRUG.COM or call 1-800-788-2800.

1 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, SAMHSA, 2008. Office of National Drug Control Policy

2 Ibid.


Submitted by Challengers of Oldham County and NOMS PTSA

Saturday, October 16, 2010

September Minutes


Meeting Minutes

Sept. 15, 2010

Meeting called to order at 9:07 a.m.

In attendance of today’s meeting: Nikki Feuquay, Leah Simpson, Denise Rohrbach, Jennie Walz, , Jane Luzzio, , Allyson Parker, Jean Lewis, Meg Demuth, Beth Scherer, Richelle McCoy, Mary Kay Simpson, , Lana Rice, Maureen Green, Jenny Stegeman and Rob Smith, Beverly Holbrook, Elise Ball, Pauline Moore, Nancy Stevens, Nicole Matts.

President Report: Jenny Stegeman

Jenny welcomed everyone to her home and thanked them for coming. She commented that she was very glad to have such intelligent women behind and appreciated their hard work.

Principles Report: Rob Smith

Rob wanted to have a Q&A session today. Jenny asked if he needed any funding for anything specific outside our already budgeted item? He replied that furniture in the building was getting old and worn. It was discussed that this could be under classroom needs and technology in the budget.

Rob also informed us that NOMS has been chosen as a pilot program recipient by the Board of Education. We will be receiving 2 Macs and 32 IPADs along with docking stations for an 8th grade history class to use instead of the textbooks.

This lead to a discussion on the wave of the future being the electronic classroom and going paperless and bookless. Rob is a huge supporter of this new venue and thinks it is time to let go of textbooks in the physical.

Good news was reported. NOMS teacher Stephanie Weaver has been nominated for KY Teacher of the Year. She is one of the top 24 finalist. Jennifer Terry won it several years ago.. One other Oldham County teacher was nominated, South Oldham Middle school teacher Jenn Grace.

Announcements should be coming daily to everyone now. Let Loretta Shook know if you are not receiving them.

It was asked what NAEP testing was and Rob answered that it is a national test given to 8th graders. The Explore test given to 8th graders is used as an ACT predictor.

The students will be on an inverted schedule next week due to the building being a host site for Oldham County teacher learning institute. Schedules are being arranged so observations can be done easily.

Nicole Matts complimented Rob on the smooth transition to middle school she experienced.

Nancy Stevens wanted to know if Winter break in Feb. will ever be making a come back. Rob stated that is entirely decided by the Board of Education.

Mary Kay Simpson asked what Target classes are? They were devised to teach the Mustang 11. Recently they kids made several poster and such to identify the meaning of community and Sara Crisp ended with a video of the students and showed it to them and they really got it.

Rob Smith gave us homework of sorts. He will be asking us the question next meeting “Where would we like to be as a school?” Be thinking of your opinion on this.

Jean Lewis asked if Rob was pleased with the new sign and he commented that he was very much.

Secretary Report: Nikki Feuquay

One correction to minutes from last month was reported. The gift card given for membership was for $15 not $25 and the winner was Todd Arterburn.

A motion to accept minutes was made and all were in favor. Minutes stand as corrected.

VP Membership Report: Denise Rohrbach

1065 memberships have been sold. That is only off by 41 members from the end of the year last year. $497.00 has been donated by parents. Denise presented a nice tri-fold board full of “Did you Know” facts. She also gave information on scholarships that are available and how she is getting the word out.

Treasurers Report: Cheryl Cooper

Jenny Stegeman reported for Cheryl today. Current checking account balance is $8663.38. We are doing well. Attached treasures report.

Beautification report: Diedre Morley

No report.

Birthday Board: Monica Helsley

No report

Secret Pals: Lyne Church

No report.

Comm. Council: Jean Lewis

No report.

Corresponding secretary: Jeannie Walz

No report.

Hospitality: Meg Demuth

No report.

Legislative: Maureen Green

No report

PTSA Website: Betsy Lowe

No report..

Newsletter: Leah Simpson

Newsletter will go out Sept. 16, 2010

School Directory: Holly Ansman

Directory should be back from printers real soon.

Volunteer Coordinator: Pauline Moore

We are up to 342 volunteers in the pool. Pres. Fitness testing day we had 38 volunteers work. Oct. 13 is picture retake day.

VP of Fundraising: Missy Klein

No report

Fall fundraiser: Beth Scherer

Paragon sale is kicking off next Thurs. Sept 23. If you sell 3 items in the first weekend you can get a prize. Volunteers will be need to get orders out when they come in.

Social Dance chair: Mary Kay Simpson

The back to school dance was successful. We had a few dress code, bullying, and food throwing incidents. These will be addressed for the next dance and chaperones will be given information on how to handle things when they come up. We made need to change the 6th to after school and 7 and 8 to evening. More volunteers will be needed. Dance incidents where discussed at length and we will work on any problems for the future.

Red Ribbon Challenge: Allyson Parker

Red ribbon will take place the last week in Oct. to correlate with a group that the Board of Educations is sending to the middle school that is a band and does a lecture on how drugs and alcohol effect you and all those around you. She is planning tee shirts to be given to all students with prizes for wearing them that day and through out the year. She still needs monetary donations to cover these. She also is planning several other events for the year including a visist from Berry Webb martial arts instructor to help with self awareness and your defense.

VP of Programs: Nicole Matts

No report. She is here to help anyone in any way just call.

8th Grade Promotion: Betsy Lowe

No report.

High Achievers: Richelle McCoy

No report.

KY Kids Day: Nancy Stevens

Nancy has planned to give the kids some wonderful things such as free homework passes, free DQ ice cream coupons, pass to NOMS athletic event. She has several ideas that people suggested that she would be working on such as raffle items to be given randomly during the day.

Reflections: Jane Luzzio

Program information is out and hopes to have many participants.

Talent show: Laura Karaglanis

No report.

Staff appreciation: Lana Rice

No report.

Old Business; Jenny Stegeman


New Business: Jenny Stegeman


Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.