Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dance the Night Away

The dance was a huge success.

Thank you to the 28 PTSA dance volunteers. The dance went off perfectly. The kids had a great time. There were no bullying incidents. All hallways and exits were covered. Thanks especially to Pauline Moore for helping to get the required volunteers at last moment. I'm sorry for any inconvenience due to back ground checks. We will work on a plan to avoid this confusion in the future.
Thanks again,
Mary Kay Simpson
Social chair PTSA.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2011 Reflections Program

The Reflections program is an excellent opportunity for students to express themselves. 

There are five creative areas including: 
  • Dance Choreography 
  • Visual Arts 
  • Photography 
  • Music Composition 
  • Film Production 
  • Literature. 

The theme for the 2011-2012 year is"Diversity Means...". 
The deadline for entry is October 25, 2011. The winner of each category will receive $25! 
For details, contact Jane Luzzio,
Entry forms and participation rules are available in the office or online at: 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2011-2012 SBDM Dates

SBDM meetings...


All SBDM meetings are at
4 pm.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon

We are so blessed at NOMS to have such wonderful teachers and staff. The NOMS PTSA is hosting a delicious luncheon for you.

Date: Thursday, August 11
Place: Media Center
Time: during your lunch hour

Please don't bring from home. We promise = it will be good!!!

First Dance of the New School Year

Hi Everyone (Parents and Students)

Welcome back from what I hope was a wonderful, all be it short, summer vacation. School is in full swing and to celebrate being in middle school the NOMS PTSA sponsors the first dance of the year on the first Friday after school starts.

Date: Friday, August 26
Place: NOMS Gym and Cafe'
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Cost: $3.00 plus money for concessions (pizza, soda, chips, candy)
Required: Come in dress code! Dress code means shorts, shirts and dresses must come down to at least 3 inches above the knee. Shirts must have sleeves and not show cleavage.

Can't wait to see you there!

PARENT: We could use your help as a chaperone. If you have a background check done, please consider volunteering to be a chaperone. Please contact Mary Kay Simpson at 565-1187.