Thanks to Dawn McCubbin and Janelle Meece for organizing such a spectacular event and for all the parents that volunteered and donated food and desserts. Everything was amazing!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
2012 Reflection Competition Results
The NOMS PTSA would like to congratulate those student who participated in Reflections. The top three entries in each category received a medallion and first place for each category also received a $20 check. All of our winners went on to compete at the district level; those names marked with * have placed at district and will be recognized at the district award ceremony at Oldham County Arts Center on January 27th at 2pm. Congratulations!
NOMS 2012 Winners:
1 Sarah Gibson
2 Grant Warfield
3 Sarah Doherty
1 Alexx Addington *
NOMS 2012 Winners:
1 Sarah Gibson
2 Grant Warfield
3 Sarah Doherty
Honorable Mentions
Jayla McCoy; Aamira Shah
Visual ArtsJayla McCoy; Aamira Shah
1 Alexx Addington *
2 Jasmyne McCoy
3 Sarah Doherty
1 Abigail Conduit *
2 Abigail Conduit
3 Abigail Conduit
3 Abigail Conduit
Honorable Mention
Katelynn Meyer
Katelynn Meyer
1 Sydney BaileyWednesday, November 21, 2012
November 2012 Minutes
In attendance: Betsy Lowe, Heidi Bosko, Stacy Rusch, Janelle Meece, Beth Scherer, Amy Prahin, Richelle McCoy, Dawn McCubbin, Laura Forbes, April Daugherty, Julia Warfield, Jennie Walz, Jennifer Finnigan, Jennifer Hope, and Nicole Wilson.
Meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe, President at 9:06 am. Minutes form 10/10/2012 minutes will be sent via email for members to read and vote on for approval.
Carrie Pitsenberger – Gave out an example of KPREP to everyone and discussed. She also requested for students participating in leadership initiative be allowed to attend next PTSA meeting.
Beth Scherer, Fundraising- $6100 dollars raised, $6500 was budgeted. Requested money for money pins for assembly. Betsy stated that Beth could have $300 dollars. Beth requested volunteers for Tuesday, November 29th to work assembly. $425 raised in donations, took donations compared dollar amount to pricing of items sold. She paid $6 each for calculators for those collecting donations at a total cost of $25.
Betsy Lowe, President- Asked about Parents of Pre-teens get-together on a monthly basis. Suggested maybe every Trimester with topics publicized.
Laura Forbes, Treasurer – Reported a beginning balance of $6,347.79 with a total income of $14,272.55, $13,082.55 for Paragon Fundraiser, $1,175 for Directory Ads, and $15 for memberships. Disbursements included KY Kids Day/Choices Program for $1,236.90, Grant $100.00, Training $50.00, Directory Printing & Labels $556.48 and $63.60 for flowers. Total expenses of $2,006.98 and a current period ending balance of $18,613.36 The day of meeting, received a bill from Jeb Printing for T-shirts for KY Kids Day, $4703.46 and from Paragon for $8489.70.
Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Responded to question about cost for flowers on treasurers report, they were purchased as a thank you for front office staff for all that they do to help with the week of events. Stated that questions regarding t-shirt bill should be directed to Lana Rice, as she is the expert. Laura Forbes to contact Lana.
Stacey Rusch, Reflections- 10 entries to be submitted to district out of 13 total entries. $20 check for the 1st place winners, medals with teal color. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
In attendance: Betsy Lowe, Heidi Bosko, Stacy Rusch, Janelle Meece, Beth Scherer, Amy Prahin, Richelle McCoy, Dawn McCubbin, Laura Forbes, April Daugherty, Julia Warfield, Jennie Walz, Jennifer Finnigan, Jennifer Hope, and Nicole Wilson.
Meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe, President at 9:06 am. Minutes form 10/10/2012 minutes will be sent via email for members to read and vote on for approval.
Carrie Pitsenberger – Gave out an example of KPREP to everyone and discussed. She also requested for students participating in leadership initiative be allowed to attend next PTSA meeting.
Beth Scherer, Fundraising- $6100 dollars raised, $6500 was budgeted. Requested money for money pins for assembly. Betsy stated that Beth could have $300 dollars. Beth requested volunteers for Tuesday, November 29th to work assembly. $425 raised in donations, took donations compared dollar amount to pricing of items sold. She paid $6 each for calculators for those collecting donations at a total cost of $25.
Betsy Lowe, President- Asked about Parents of Pre-teens get-together on a monthly basis. Suggested maybe every Trimester with topics publicized.
Laura Forbes, Treasurer – Reported a beginning balance of $6,347.79 with a total income of $14,272.55, $13,082.55 for Paragon Fundraiser, $1,175 for Directory Ads, and $15 for memberships. Disbursements included KY Kids Day/Choices Program for $1,236.90, Grant $100.00, Training $50.00, Directory Printing & Labels $556.48 and $63.60 for flowers. Total expenses of $2,006.98 and a current period ending balance of $18,613.36 The day of meeting, received a bill from Jeb Printing for T-shirts for KY Kids Day, $4703.46 and from Paragon for $8489.70.
Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Responded to question about cost for flowers on treasurers report, they were purchased as a thank you for front office staff for all that they do to help with the week of events. Stated that questions regarding t-shirt bill should be directed to Lana Rice, as she is the expert. Laura Forbes to contact Lana.
Stacey Rusch, Reflections- 10 entries to be submitted to district out of 13 total entries. $20 check for the 1st place winners, medals with teal color. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Betsy Lowe, President- Asked about running polls to get information from parents on thoughts about
things happening at school, parent meeting, reflections, etc. Minutes for October meeting will be sent
out via email and voted on via email or at next meeting. Commented that we have received our
approved bylaws back from the state and that we can now vote electronically, by skype, or conference
Jennie Walz- everything is good. Request that emails be sent to Betsy or Jennie if you hear from kids of something going on with teachers. Commented that North would be hosting Community Council Meeting and that she might call on us for assistance.
Amy Prahin, VP Membership- forwarded request to Pauline for sponsors of Secret Pals to purchase a membership on behalf of their staff member. Reported 800 memberships sent to state and 33 paid staff memberships not yet sent, because we are waiting to see how many more of the staff will join.
Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Everything is great! They learned no more hallway giveaways and lunchroom giveaways were best. Also, Mr. Crawford did not give out bracelets until asked.
Dawn McCubbin and Janelle Meece, Hospitality- next event, Thursday, December 13th.
April Daughtery, Newsletter- requested that information for next newsletter be turned in by Dec. 11th.
Jenny Stegeman, Community Council- Next meeting Friday, November 16th.
New Business :
Requests- Nicole Wilson submitted information that the Academic Team would like help with entry fees for competitions. Betsy stated to have them submit a written request. Allyson commented that we needed to confirm our ability to support the event were for profit.
Next meeting Holiday Lunch at a restaurant, Verbena CafĂ© was suggested. Everyone agreed that if Verbena could not accommodate we would go to Martini’s.
Jennie Walz- everything is good. Request that emails be sent to Betsy or Jennie if you hear from kids of something going on with teachers. Commented that North would be hosting Community Council Meeting and that she might call on us for assistance.
Amy Prahin, VP Membership- forwarded request to Pauline for sponsors of Secret Pals to purchase a membership on behalf of their staff member. Reported 800 memberships sent to state and 33 paid staff memberships not yet sent, because we are waiting to see how many more of the staff will join.
Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Everything is great! They learned no more hallway giveaways and lunchroom giveaways were best. Also, Mr. Crawford did not give out bracelets until asked.
Dawn McCubbin and Janelle Meece, Hospitality- next event, Thursday, December 13th.
April Daughtery, Newsletter- requested that information for next newsletter be turned in by Dec. 11th.
Jenny Stegeman, Community Council- Next meeting Friday, November 16th.
New Business :
Requests- Nicole Wilson submitted information that the Academic Team would like help with entry fees for competitions. Betsy stated to have them submit a written request. Allyson commented that we needed to confirm our ability to support the event were for profit.
Next meeting Holiday Lunch at a restaurant, Verbena CafĂ© was suggested. Everyone agreed that if Verbena could not accommodate we would go to Martini’s.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.
Next Meeting
December 12th at 11:30 am
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Spotlight on Assessment
Spotlight on Assessment
March 2012
How has testing changed in Kentucky over the past year?
In response to Senate Bill 1 (SB1), the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) began working on a new state assessment and accountability system for Kentucky schools. This was no easy task, and continues to be a work in progress in many areas. However, the foundational work has been laid for Kentucky schools to begin using the new system, now referred to as Unbridled Learning, starting with the 2011-2012 school year. Results from the various assessments, given over the course of the school year, will be reported to parents and community members in the fall of 2012. Along with changes in “how” we will assess what our students know, educators across the state have also had to face many changes in regards to “what” our students must know and be able to do. The rigorous changes in curriculum for English/Language Arts and Mathematics have created a challenge for both students and staff.
Not only has Kentucky testing received a new name, but it has also received a face lift when it comes to what the test will look like. If you have had a student of testing age over the past 10 years, the terms multiple choice and open response aren’t new to you. These two types of test items were the basic format used to assess our students under the CATS Model. With the new system, students will answer questions in various formats, including: multiple choice, short answer and extended responses. Both short answer questions and extended response questions require the student to construct their own answer to a question, while of course multiple choice questions allow them to choose the best or correct answer from a list of possible answer choices.
Despite the controversy that sometimes surrounds “high-stakes testing”, these assessments can provide good information about the quality of instruction our students are receiving in the Oldham County School System. The new assessment system allows for two types of test items that provide very different information to students, parents and staff - 1) criterion-referenced / standards based items and 2) norm-referenced items. The first of these two items, often referred to as CRT items, assesses the content and skills required by a particular set of standards. In other words, a student’s knowledge is measured by how well he/she demonstrates knowledge of a particular skill or understanding they are being taught in class. Within this type of system, every student could demonstrate mastery or proficiency on a question, as they are “judged” as to how well they know the content NOT how they compare to their peers. So this brings us to the second type of item, Norm – Referenced (NRT) items. With these types of items student’s individual scores are evaluated in the context of how well they performed compared to others in their grade level and/or age group. Scores from students are then interpreted and performance levels are assigned to each score. These types of scores are often used to determine how prepared students are for certain programs and or classes, as well as to determine eligibility for other supports like Gifted and Talented and/or diagnosis of disabilities. For Kentucky schools, NRTs provide a way to see how well our students compare to students in other states using similar questions covering similar content.
The majority of these assessments will take place within a five-day testing window during the last 14 days of the district’s calendar. However, some assessments, for some students will occur in the fall or throughout the year.
What does this mean for my student?
Primary Grades K-2nd – SB1 requires that each student in these grade levels be administered a diagnostic test in the areas of mathematics and reading. Diagnostic assessments help teachers to pinpoint areas of strength or areas where growth is needed to help keep students from falling behind. The results of these assessments will help staff to determine skill level so that they may make a plan to ensure each student progresses, regardless of the level where they start the school year. Diagnostic testing typically takes place over the course of the year and often involves two to three assessment windows. Ask your school for more information about the assessment they are currently using to measure student growth.
K-PREP Grades 3rd-8th, 10th & 11th – The Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) will replace the Kentucky Core Content Test (KCCT) beginning this spring.
This test contains a combination of both CRT and NRT items as described above. The test reflects the curriculum taught under the new Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for English/Language Arts and Mathematics and content from Kentucky Core Content 4.1 for Science and Social Studies. Additionally, a new writing test will be administered to several grade levels during this time where students will be asked to respond to both passage based and situational prompts. While the elementary and middle schools will have students testing in all 5 of the core subjects using the K-PREP, high school students will only be administered the writing component of this assessment. The K-PREP format consists of multiple choice questions, as well as short answer and extended response questions. Below you will find a chart showing which subjects are tested at which grades. The K-PREP will be given over a 5 day period during the last 14 days of the school year. Your school will notify you once the specific dates have been set. Results from the K-PREP assessment will be reported to parents in the fall.
EOC High School Grades 9th-12th- Perhaps the most drastic of changes to Kentucky testing is the addition of End of Course Assessments (EOC) for Kentucky high school students. Under the CATS Model, students in grades 10-12 were administered one or more assessments in reading, math, science, social studies and/or writing, depending on what grade they were in. Under the new model, students will only be required to take assessments in selected courses, regardless of what grade level they are currently in. At this time, the state requires EOC tests in English II, Algebra II, Biology and US History. The state anticipates adding more courses each year. EOC assessments are aligned with ACT curriculum as well as the new KCAS standards. Teachers will monitor student progress using formative assessments throughout the year, following the format of the EOC, to ensure mastery of the content and student success on the actual EOC assessment. Unlike the K-PREP, EOC assessments are given at the completion of a particular course for a student rather than at the end of the school year. This means, some students may take the assessment at different points throughout the school year depending on their individual course plans. However, the majority of students will take the test in the spring towards the end of the academic year. Scores for these assessments will come back fairly quickly. A student’s score on the EOC will count as 10% of the student’s overall grade in that course for the year. If you have any questions about the EOC, please contact your high school. They will be able to share more detailed information with you in regards to what this may mean for your student.
College Readiness Assessments Grades 8th, 9th and 10th – A not so new component of Kentucky testing is a series of assessments known as Educational Planning and Assessment System, or (EPAS). This system of assessment measures readiness for college through three separate assessments given in the 8th, 10th and 11th grades. Eighth graders take the EXPLORE, tenth graders take the PLAN and eleventh graders take the ACT. The EXPLORE and PLAN assessments are given in September and the results of these assessments come back rather quickly so that teachers can adjust instruction to the needs of their students. Parents typically receive these reports by October or November. The ACT for juniors is given in March. While the ACT can be taken more than once, all juniors in Kentucky are given the ACT free of charge, one time as a junior. Under the new accountability system; the scores from the ACT, like the PLAN and EXPLORE, become part of the school’s overall score as well. The ACT assessment is based on set standards and gives students a good measure of how well the student is projected to handle the rigor of college level courses. By having a system that tracks progress towards college readiness over a period of several years, schools are better able to monitor progress.
Alternate K-PREP Assessments – Alternate assessments are given to students in grades 3rd -12th who have the most significant of special needs. In the past, students were required to complete a portfolio as a part of the assessment. The development of a portfolio has been
eliminated for these students under the new accountability model. Students are tested in the same content areas as all other students, in the same grade level, using a modified assessment. These assessments are given over the course of the year and scores are reported in the fall.
ACCESS Grades K-12th – This is an English language assessment tied to Kentucky’s language proficiency standards. Within this assessment system are varying stages of second language acquisition containing both social and academic language contexts. The ACCESS measures annual gains in English language proficiency. This assessment is given to EL students in January and February each year.
How can I help my student prepare for testing?
Preparation for assessments in Kentucky starts with what students do in the classroom every single day. Unit Tests given throughout the year give a good indication of how prepared your student is for state-wide assessments. Students who feel successful and prepared for these assessments have less anxiety around test time. You can start by making sure your student is in school every day. While there will obviously be times when a student must miss for illness or in cases of emergency, school attendance is a good predictor of assessment readiness.
When preparing for assessments like the K-PREP or EPAS, make sure your child is ready for testing by ensuring he/she gets a good night’s rest and a good breakfast. You will also want to make sure they arrive at school on time on the day of the test so that they can take the test with their peers, if possible. This will also help reduce anxiety. Mark the dates of the testing window for your school so that you don’t plan appointments for your student at that time. Finally, the most important thing you can do is support your student. Many students feel stress during testing and need reassurance that they are prepared and that they need only do their best.
Senate Bill 1 and how it affects our kids
Below is a copy of a portion of the presentation on Assessment Accountability and Assessment System presented at Community Council last Friday, by Leslie Robertson.
This is the same information that will be reviewed with all parents at the
October 2nd meeting at
NOHS auditorium at 7:00 p m.!
I sent the announcement of this meeting in a different cover.
Mrs. Pitsenberger will be sending out a letter to parents today announcing this meeting! Since this informational meeting is before our NEXT PTSA meeting in October, as PTSA leaders, I strongly encourage you to attend!
While other states are phasing in the new standards, Kentucky and specifically Oldham County forges ahead taking the lead with Senate Bill 1 requirements (SB1) as they realize that there is a different way of learning today. With SB1 many things have changed. Currently there are more rigorous standards in Math, English and Language Arts. Along with that~ What will be tested has changed. How content will be tested has changed. When tests will be given has changed. And finally, how the performance of students, schools and districts will be measured will change.
In the attachment above Unbridled Learning: College and/or Career ready Learning for all, the first column on the attachment "NEXT GENERATION LEARNERS" is the piece of the puzzle that will be addressed this year. This will look at: Achievement of everybody, GAP: English language and Special Needs, Growth-How much did each student grow?, College and Career Readiness and finally Graduation Rate- Will have a new calculation. "Next Generation Instructional Programs and Support", and "Next Generation Professionals" will be addressed in coming years. By the end of the year new standards for Science and Social Studies will be added, and the above assessments accountability will dovetail into those areas too.
In mid October we will receive a school Report Card for last year.
Please attend the meeting and consult the Oldham County Board of Education website for further information as it is being updated.
Jenny Stegeman
NOMS PTSA Community Council
Things are Changing in Kentucky Schools
With the passing of Senate Bill 1, in 2009, legislators in Kentucky embarked on changes that would change the face of what would be required by the state’s educational system. The new system would replace what came to be known as the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System (CATS), used in Kentucky for over 12 years. Under the previous CATS Accountability Model, schools were evaluated on a 140 point scale according the level of student proficiency. While proficiency is still an important component, Kentucky schools will use a much broader scope, focusing instead on college and career readiness for all students in an effort to help ensure success once they leave high school. The new system, referred to as Unbridled Learning, uses a much more familiar scale of 100 points to evaluate a school and district’s success.
In an effort to look at areas outside of strictly student achievement, Kentucky will use multiple measures to gain a better understanding and assessment of a school’s work. In doing this, schools and districts will be better able to gauge the effectiveness of many of their programs and focus on continually getting better. These measures will fall into three areas: Next Generation Learners (2011-2012), Next Generation Instructional Programs and Support (2012- 2013) and finally Next Generation Professionals (2014-2015). As you can see, this work will be
With the passing of Senate Bill 1, in 2009, legislators in Kentucky embarked on changes that would change the face of what would be required by the state’s educational system. The new system would replace what came to be known as the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System (CATS), used in Kentucky for over 12 years. Under the previous CATS Accountability Model, schools were evaluated on a 140 point scale according the level of student proficiency. While proficiency is still an important component, Kentucky schools will use a much broader scope, focusing instead on college and career readiness for all students in an effort to help ensure success once they leave high school. The new system, referred to as Unbridled Learning, uses a much more familiar scale of 100 points to evaluate a school and district’s success.
In an effort to look at areas outside of strictly student achievement, Kentucky will use multiple measures to gain a better understanding and assessment of a school’s work. In doing this, schools and districts will be better able to gauge the effectiveness of many of their programs and focus on continually getting better. These measures will fall into three areas: Next Generation Learners (2011-2012), Next Generation Instructional Programs and Support (2012- 2013) and finally Next Generation Professionals (2014-2015). As you can see, this work will be
phased in over the course of several years, though Kentucky educators are busying learning
about the implications of all three categories.
Overall Score Phase In
Percentage of Overall
Next Generation Learners
Next Generation Learners
Next Generation Instructional Programs & Support |
Next Generation Learners
Next Generation Instructional Programs & Support Next Generation Professionals |
Student test results will be reported to parents much like they were under the old CATS system.
These reports will be more detailed and will reflect student scores on more rigorous tests,
assessing a more rigorous curriculum with the adoption of Kentucky’s new Common Core
Standards (KCAS). Whenever curriculum is changed on a large scale, there is always the
possibility that during the transition a school’s performance “scores” might decline, at least for
a short period of time. This will be an issue that all schools and districts in Kentucky will have to
face while we phase out the old system and welcome a new one. As staff and student comfort
levels and knowledge increase, with the changes in curriculum and assessments, we will see
those scores begin to rise.
Although, the new system has 3 categories, Kentucky’s Educational System has not taken its eyes off of what is most important – student achievement. Indeed this category represents the very foundation of “why” we do school. This category uses measures of students’ performance on various tests throughout the year. A single score will be derived from the awarding of points according to a school’s performance in the following areas:
Although, the new system has 3 categories, Kentucky’s Educational System has not taken its eyes off of what is most important – student achievement. Indeed this category represents the very foundation of “why” we do school. This category uses measures of students’ performance on various tests throughout the year. A single score will be derived from the awarding of points according to a school’s performance in the following areas:
Next Generation Learners
Student scores on various
achievement tests will be
labeled as – Novice, Apprentice,
Proficient and Distinguished.
The goal is 100 percent
proficiency for all students.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to become a part of the school’s overall score. |
Elementary – math, reading, writing,
social studies and science
This will count as 30% of the school’s achievement score. Middle - math, reading, writing, social studies and science This will count as 28% of the school’s achievement score. High – writing This will count as 20% of the school’s |
achievement score.
Data/scores will be analyzed to
see how well: minority
students, students from low
income families, students with
limited English proficiency and
students with disabilities
compare to students who are
not in one of these sub-
categories. Scores from
students in any of the sub-
categories listed will be
combined into one “GAP”
groups for this purpose.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to become a part of the school’s overall score.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to become a part of the school’s overall score.
Elementary – tests in reading, math,
science, social studies and writing
will be used for comparison
This will count as 30% of the school’s gap score.
Middle – tests in reading, math, science, social studies and writing will be used for comparison
This will count as 28% of the school’s gap score.
High – End of Course (EOC) Tests* and writing tests will be used or comparison
This will count as 20% of the school’s gap score.
This will count as 30% of the school’s gap score.
Middle – tests in reading, math, science, social studies and writing will be used for comparison
This will count as 28% of the school’s gap score.
High – End of Course (EOC) Tests* and writing tests will be used or comparison
This will count as 20% of the school’s gap score.
All students do not begin the
school year with the same
academic readiness. Some
students may be a little ahead of
their peers, while others may lag
slightly behind. The state will
use a statistical program to
measure how EACH student,
regardless of where they
started, has progressed
throughout the year.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to become a part of the school’s overall score.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to become a part of the school’s overall score.
Elementary – math and reading
This will count as 40% of the school’s growth score.
Middle – math and reading
This will count as 28% of the school’s growth score.
High – PLAN (10th grade) scores to ACT (11th grade) scores in the areas of math and reading
This will count as 20% of the school’s growth score.
This will count as 40% of the school’s growth score.
Middle – math and reading
This will count as 28% of the school’s growth score.
High – PLAN (10th grade) scores to ACT (11th grade) scores in the areas of math and reading
This will count as 20% of the school’s growth score.
Information about how many
students are ready for college /
career readiness, as measured
on various assessments will
make up this category.
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to
Scores from this category will be calculated and weighted to
Elementary – N/A
Middle – EXPLORE assessment given in the fall of each school year to 8th grade students
This will count as 16% of the school’s CCR score.
High – College Readiness Rate determined by dividing the number
Middle – EXPLORE assessment given in the fall of each school year to 8th grade students
This will count as 16% of the school’s CCR score.
High – College Readiness Rate determined by dividing the number
become a part of the school’s
overall score.
of high school graduates who have
met an indicator of readiness for
college and/or career by the TOTAL
number of graduates.
This will count as 20% of the school’s CCR score. |
This information is gathered and
scored according to how many
students will graduate within
four years of high school.
High School Only
*End of Course (EOC) tests are explained in the previous article.
Scores from each of these sub-categories will be tallied and weighted to arrive at one School and District Weighted Score. From those scores, a school and the district, as a whole, will be classified in one of four categories: Distinguished, Proficient, Progressing or Needs Improvement. Based on this classification, they will be categorized for the purpose of determining who will be recognized, who will need support and which schools and/or districts will need consequences. These categories will consist of:
Kentucky Schools/Districts of Distinction – highest performing elementary, middle and high schools OR districts – falling into the 95th %ile or higher
Kentucky Highest-Performing Schools/Districts - elementary, middle and high schools OR districts with overall scores in the 90th %ile or higher
Kentucky High-Progress Schools/Districts - schools showing the highest progress as compared to their peers (top 10% improvement) and districts showing the highest progress compared to other districts (top 10% improvement)
Kentucky Focus Schools/Districts – schools and districts who fail to meet annul measurable objectives (AMOs), for two consecutive years AND with low achievement GAP scores; high schools with graduation rates lower than 60% for two consecutive years and schools with low performing scores in GAP groups
Kentucky Priority Schools/Districts – schools identified as Persistently Low Achieving (PLA) and districts with overall scores in the bottom 5% for all districts that have mailed to make AMOs and show adequate progress for the last three consecutive years
For more information on Unbridled Learning, contact Leslie Robertson – Oldham County District Assessment Coordinator @ 502-241-3500 or
Scores from each of these sub-categories will be tallied and weighted to arrive at one School and District Weighted Score. From those scores, a school and the district, as a whole, will be classified in one of four categories: Distinguished, Proficient, Progressing or Needs Improvement. Based on this classification, they will be categorized for the purpose of determining who will be recognized, who will need support and which schools and/or districts will need consequences. These categories will consist of:
Kentucky Schools/Districts of Distinction – highest performing elementary, middle and high schools OR districts – falling into the 95th %ile or higher
Kentucky Highest-Performing Schools/Districts - elementary, middle and high schools OR districts with overall scores in the 90th %ile or higher
Kentucky High-Progress Schools/Districts - schools showing the highest progress as compared to their peers (top 10% improvement) and districts showing the highest progress compared to other districts (top 10% improvement)
Kentucky Focus Schools/Districts – schools and districts who fail to meet annul measurable objectives (AMOs), for two consecutive years AND with low achievement GAP scores; high schools with graduation rates lower than 60% for two consecutive years and schools with low performing scores in GAP groups
Kentucky Priority Schools/Districts – schools identified as Persistently Low Achieving (PLA) and districts with overall scores in the bottom 5% for all districts that have mailed to make AMOs and show adequate progress for the last three consecutive years
For more information on Unbridled Learning, contact Leslie Robertson – Oldham County District Assessment Coordinator @ 502-241-3500 or
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