Wednesday, April 25, 2012

General PTSA meeting

PTSA General Membership Meeting and Final 2011-12 Board Meeting Luncheon
Tuesday May 15, 2012  
11:30 Mix and Mingle Luncheon
12:00 GMM and Board Meeting

Jenny Stegeman’s home
13329 Ridgemoor Drive
ProspectKY 40059

Monday, April 23, 2012

2012 SBDM Election Information

North Oldham Middle School
Site-Based Decision Making Council 
Election Announcement

April 20, 2012
Dear Parents:
This is your opportunity to make a difference.  It is that time of year again for you to make a positive difference by nominating yourself or someone else and by casting your vote in the SBDM Council Parent Election for North Oldham Middle School.  A two-year volunteer position will be opening up on the NOMS SBDM Council July 1, 2012- June 30, 2014.   
Elections for this position will take place on May 11, 2012 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the North Oldham Middle School Office.  Please find the nomination form below.
What is an SBDM council?  As mandated by Kentucky state law under KERA, the Site-Based Decision Making Council (SBDM) is the governing body for this school.  It determines school policy for curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities and other matters pertinent to the operation of the school. 
Who serves on the council?  2 parents, 3 teachers, a secretary, and the principal.  The principal serves as the chairperson.
Who may run for council?  Any parent, step parent, foster parent or legal guardian of a student who will be attending NOMS during the entire 2012-2014 school years.  A parent is ineligible if he/she is an employee or relative of an employee of NOMS or the Oldham County District Central Office, or is an Oldham County School Board member or the spouse of an Oldham County School Board member.
If you want to run for the council, what should you do?  Complete the attached nomination form by writing a brief paragraph that includes basic information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the SBDM council.  Return this form and paragraph to the NOMS office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday May 3, 2012.  Your paragraph will be posted on the NOMS PTSA web site  and the daily announcements during the week of May 7, 2012.
When and who may vote?  Voting will take place on Friday May 11, 2012 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the NOMS Office. Only families who will have children at North Oldham Middle School for the 2012-2014 school year may vote in this election.  If have any further questions, please contact 
Jenny Stegeman NOMS PTSA President at  
North Oldham Middle School
Site-Based Decision Making Council
 Parent Nomination Form
(Term July 1, 2012- June 30, 2014)
● A parent representative will be elected to serve on the SBDM Council for the term that begins July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014.  This is a 2 year term for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years.
● The election will be held on Friday May 11, 2012, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the NOMS Office.
● Nomination forms must be turned in to the NOMS office by 3:30 pm on Thursday May 3, 2012.  Candidate information will be posted on the NOMS PTSA web site during the week of 
May 7, 2012
● Candidates must be parents of students registered at North Oldham Middle School for the 2012-2014 school year.  They may not be employees of NOMS, or employees of the Oldham County District administrative office, Oldham County School Board members or a spouse of an Oldham County School Board member.
I,___________________________, wish to be a candidate for the position of Parent Representative for North Oldham Middle School SBDM Council.
Name of Student at NOMS 2012-2013 grade   __________________________    _______    ___________________________    ________
Name of Student at NOMS 2013-2014 grade 
__________________________    _______    ___________________________   ________
I accept this nomination and hereby certify that I am eligible to serve on the SBDM council and meet all qualifications as described above.
Signature of Nominee _______________________________ Date___________
Please attach a brief paragraph that includes basic information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the SBDM council.
Thank you.
Jenny Stegeman

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Minutes from March PTSA meeting

Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2012
Meeting called to order at 9:06 a.m. 
In attendance:  Nikki Feuquay, Jenny Stegeman, Shari Newman, Beth Scherer,
Jennie Walz, Meg Demuth, , Jennifer Finnigan, Richelle McCoy, Cheryl Cooper, Laura Forbes, Denise Rohrbach, Lana Rice, Pauline Moore, Julia Warfield, Jill Tarvestad and Leah Simpson.
President Report:  Jenny Stegeman 
The Social chair for the 8th grade promotion is Betsy Lowe.
The school will be giving out registration packets out differently this year.  They will issue them after Spring Break. We will need to have our documents ready if we want them to go out with the packets. Send Jenny any fliers that you want included.
Principal’s Report:  Rob Smith
Secretary Report:  Nikki Feuquay
It was motioned by Richelle McCoy and 2nd by Pauline Moore to accept the Jan. 2012 meeting minutes as stands.  Vote called and passed.
It was motioned by Pauline Moore and 2nd by Richelle McCoy to accept Feb. meeting minutes as stands.  Vote called and passed.
VP Membership Report:  Richelle McCoy
Bingo party was a success.  34 new members and 4 new staff members were sold.  956 total members, of whom 403 are students and 34 are faculty.
Treasurers Report:  Cheryl Cooper
It was discussed on handle the new registration procedure and what that meant in terms of us collecting next year’s membership early.  Can we keep this and close the books out for this year, carrying over the membership money.  Jenny will have to get this clarified.
Cheryl explained that the bank will be charging a $3 monthly fee to view our checks from now on.  It was agreed that we go ahead and pay this.
Beautification report:  Open
39 bags of mulch were purchased and needs to be spread.  We are asking Beta club if they will do this.
Birthday Board:  Monica Helsley
Kudos to Monica working in silence every month sending our birthday wishes out.
Secret Pals: Lyne Church 
VP of Programs: Nicole Matts
8th Grade Promotion: Betsy Lowe
High Achievers:  Jill Tarvestad
Mustang achievers held slide show and soda party.  Great slide show, will be used at 8th graduation.  Last party this year. Thanks Jill for your hard work
Kentucky Kids Day:  Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-

Red Ribbon Challenge:  Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-
They will hold three more events this year.  Kick butts, to encourage kids not to smoke.  Health department will come out on March 28. . An Alcohol awareness PSA, done by the 8th graders in video form, contest.on April 6th.  Healthy choices handouts will also be given out.  
Discussed asking for donation at beginning of year from parents. No decision made.
Reflections:  Jane Luzzio-
Next Years theme will be Magic of the Moment.
Talent Show:  Leslye Schumacher
Had great turn oput for auditions.  The show is April 27.  Elise Ball will run concessions.
Teacher Appreciation week:  Julia Warfield-
Needs volunteers to put stars on teacher’s doors and red carpet on hallways the Friday before.  Still working on plans.
VP of Fundraising:  Missy Klein
Fall fundraiser:  Beth Scherer
Do we need to do Paragon next year? Being that we have $9000 left over this year.  Yes, because the extra money was from a grant we received and will not get next year.
Social/Dance Chair:  Open.  
Dance date is April 27.  Laura Forbes volunteered to run this and take Social chair.
Pizza fundraising:  Shari Newman
Missy Klein has Pizza Hut cards that will be sold for $10 which will intitle holder to buy one and get one free when ordering pizza.
Board of Directors:
Community Council:  Pauline Moore- 
Meeting March 16 at OCHS.
Corresponding Secretary:  Jennie Walz-
Several days, 1 adoption and Diedre Morely and Tracy Shoul are expecting.
Hospitality:  Meg Demuth-
December luncheon was a great success.
Legislative:  Nicole Wilson.
PTSA Website:  Betsy Lowe-
Newsletter:  Tamara Ledford
Facebook:  Dierdre Morley
SBDM: Jennifer Finnigan, Kimberly Kinnison-
School Directory:  Holly Ansman-.
Volunteer Coordinator:  Pauline Moore-
SEPTA Rep.:  Jenny Walz-

Operation Parent rep.:  Open
Old Business;  Jenny Stegeman
New Business:  Jenny Stegeman
Next meeting April 18, 2012.
General Meeting will be held to pass budget and slate for next year on May 9, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m..

Monday, April 16, 2012

Choking game amid middle schoolers

One in 16 eighth-graders surveyed admit to experimenting with "the choking game" (also known as asphyxia) at least once, according to research published today in Pediactrics. Though the potentially fatal "game" -– defined by Reuters as "putting pressure on the neck with a towel or belt to cut off someone's oxygen supply, then releasing the pressure to give a 'high' sensation" –- has been around for years, it's gaining new traction and popularity among kids because of its prevalence on YouTube. ABC News reports that videos of kids participating in the game are "all over" the site.
Judy Rogg, whose 12-year-old son Erik died in 2010 after attempting to "play" in his living room, calls the choking game a silent epidemic. "Kids think it's an alternative to drugs," she told ABC. Now Rogg has made it her mission to educate kids, parents and schools about the dangerous risks and severity of the consequences caused by asphyxiation.
The choking game was named the cause of 82 reported deaths from 1995 to 2007, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers from the Oregon Public Health Division in Portland are highly skeptical of that number, however, because it's likely that death caused by asphyxiation could be misclassified as a suicide if a child tried it alone so they believe the number could be much higher.
Beyond the obvious reasons, Dr. Thomas Andrew, New Hampshire's Chief Medical Examiner, made clear to ABC why the game is so dangerous. "The brain gets short circuited… You can certainly trigger seizure activity that may or may or not end in permanent damage to the brain," he explained. Almost two thirds of eighth-graders who had played said they'd tried it more than once, and just over a quarter said they'd played the game at least five times. "The more times you repeat something like this, the better the chance of a bad outcome," Robert Nystrom, one of the study's researchers told Reuters Health.
Rogg believes that the Internet is absolutely propelling the problem. "A lot of kids make it look fun," she says. Indeed, a quick search on YouTube results in dozens of instructional videos, groups trying the game, and even kids assuring their viewers that it isn't dangerous.