MAY 15,2012
Attendance: Nikki Feuquay, Jill Tarvestad, Laura Forbes, Betsy Lowe, Julia Warfield, Jennie Walz, Denise Rohrbach, Beth Scherer, Cheryl Cooper, Meg DeMuth, Janelle Meere, Leah Simpson, Dawn McCubbin, Jenny Stegeman, Lana Rice
Meeting called to order at 12:30 p.m.
Today’s meeting is open to the General Membership as well as the Board of Directors and Comm. Chairs. It was held at Jenny Stegeman’s home and was advertised in school announcements for two weeks prior to today’s meeting.
New Business:
A motion was made by Betsy Lowe to change the current dues for membership from $5 to $6 due to State dues change.
1.Denise Rohrbach
2.Lana Rice
Vote called = All in favor and Motion passed
A motion was made by Leah Simpson to add voting by E-Mail to the PTSA By Laws.
- Richelle McCoy
- Leah Simpson
Vote called = All in favor and motion passed
A motion was made by Jenny Walz to accept the purposed Slate of Officers for 2012-2013.
- Cheryl Cooper
- Betsy Lowe
A vote was called = all in favor and Motion passed.
A motion was made to donate to the media center up to $4000 for IPads to be purchased if end of the year budget produces the extra funds. Motion made by Betsy Lowe.
- Pauline Moore
- Cheryl Cooper
A vote was called = all in favor and Motion passed.
An Audit Committee was requested.
- Laura Forbes
- Leah Simpson
A purposed Budget was presented by Jenny Stegeman and Cheryl Cooper. A motion to accept was made by Leah Simpson.
- Richelle McCoy
- Nicole Wilson
A vote was called for = all in favor and Motion passed.
Approval for April and March Meeting Minutes was motioned by Pauline Moore.
- Meg DeMuth
- Betsy Lowe
Vote called = all in favor and Motion passed.
A motion to approve the Treasurers report was made by Nikki Feuquay.
- Richell McCoy
- Pauline Moore
Vote called = All in favor and Motion passed
Jenny Stegeman thanked everyone for thier hard work and dedication this year.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.