North Oldham Middle School PTSA Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2012
Welcome-Meeting was called to order at 9am and was presided over by Nicole Wilson, President Elect. Minutes were taken by Julia Warfield, Teacher Appreciation Week Chair.
In attendance- Nicole Wilson, Carrie Pitsenberger, Beth Morrison, Ashley Shadburne, Jennie Walz, Amy Prahin, Richelle McCoy, Stacy Rousch, Lana Rice, Denise Rohrbach, Allyson Parker Dawn McCubbin, Janelle Meece, Paige Cox, Alisa Ritz,
Principal's Report- Carrie Pitsenberger-
The start of school going well.
New traffic pattern for carpool well recieved and working well. - Assoc. Principal Jenna Dalton will now also be the 7th grade advocate. Speak with her about any concerns with your 7th grade child.
3 positions still open-Concessions Chair, Operation Parent Rep, SEPTA Parent Rep
Goal of PTSA is every child to be a member and at least one parent
New this year-Mother's Munch and Mingles- tabled until Besty Lowe returns
Previous minutes from 5/15/12 to be sent out and voted on next time
Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance-$2997
PTSA Dues/Directories/Donations -$4649
PTSA Dues-367.5
Discussed to remind those making purchases for their particular program to fill out the reimbursement form. Form to be scanned and sent to everyone and also extra copies are in a folder in the NOMS office.
Background checks- $10/person. Now valid for 5 years. Discussion of having PTSA paying for some portion of the background checks. Contact Teresa Gill to see who has a current background check when selecting volunteers. A list of who has been cleared for background checks at Harmony Elementary and Goshen Elementary.
Jennie Walz- Keep her posted on any births, news, deaths, etc. She asked for an address for Jenny Mitchell
Amy Prahin - Discussed that it was hard for people to remember if they had paid dues, etc. at end of last year.
762 memberships down about 200
No staff joined as of yet
Some forms with no money attached
a letter will be sent out to those who did not pay to send in payment and put an announcement in the daily announcements
Will put an announcement in the daily announcements to extend sign up for being in the directory since 6th grade open house has not occured yet
Beth Scherer-requested to have membership forms at her fundraiser table tonight at the open house
Suggestions for Next Year
Deposit checks in July before registration
Have directory and membership forms to membership person BEFORE registration next year.
KUDOS to Amy Prahin from Richelle Mccoy (former membership chair) for a great job as the new membership chair!
Reflections- Present Stacey Rusch - She asked what her budget is and for a notebook to help her with her position. There are no dates for reflections yet but it is sometime mid October. She has a council meeting tomorrow.
School Directory- Absent Vicki Meyer
Ky Kids- Present Lana Rice, Denise Rohrbach, and Allyson Parker
Will have T-shirt contest this year as well and use same vendor. Will have photo booth and music at lunch again. Her budget is largely unchanged.
Red Ribbon- Something every day of the week.
Theme- Making good choices. Will involve Oldham Co. Health Dept. Discussed about possbily adding a talk to kids about texting and media choices. Also the need to educate parents about how to check on students media choices such as snap chat, Instagram.
Will use Operation Parent as a resource for this. (Still looking for an Operation Parent chair also)
Hospitality- Present Dawn McCubbins and Janelle Meece
Will have first lucheon THIS Thursday with a picnic theme. Have had an overwhelming response for food. Set up at 9:30 in media center. Will also have some giveaways. Nicole Wilson will donate jewelry for a giveaway.
Secret Pals-Absent Pauline Moore- All teachers have been accounted for, a reminder to keep gifts simple and they can be brought in or sent in with your child
Dance- Present Ashley Shadburne
1st one THIS Friday 7-9:30 will be announced in announcements and will put up posters today. There was discussion to remind parents to use carpool to pick up children or must come in if child is leaving before 9:30.
There will glow in the dark face paint and break dancers! Sam Sneed will be the DJ and the dance group is called Bamboozle. The dancers will not teach individual kids moves secondary to the need for background checks but may show dance moves to the group at the top of each hour.
Ms. Pitsenberger will be on hand to reinforce the dress code and behavior.
Present Beth Scherer- Made 7500 last year.
Will need 6-7 people to pass out orders when the time comes.
People can also just make donations. We get 100% of donations vs. 40% of orders.
A discussion of whether someone could make a donation and still be eligible for prizes was had.
Pizza- Present Beth Morrison here but left early. No information on this yet.
Beautification- Amy Kempf Absent
Community Council- Jenny Stegeman Absent but says no report per email
Facebook-Absent Amy Collins- Denise Rohrbach reports that she had set it up last year but facebook underwent changes and people must resign up again.
Mustang Achievers-Present Ashley Shadburne- No report at present
SBDM- Present Jennifer Finnigan but left early no report
Staff Appreciation- Present Julia Warfield no report at present.
Would like same week used last year.
Talent Show- Absent Leslye Schumacher No report
Volunteer Coordinator- Present Paige Cox Reports a very good response from volunteers.
Said to disregard the column in the email she sent out about yes/no for background because it is not accurate.
She will get with Teresa Huber to check on background checks.
8th grade promotions- Present Alisa Ritz No report yet
Tabled until Betsy Lowe returns
Betsy to manage communication. We can send emails to Gay Alsup in the office and they will be checked regularly.
Newsletter- April Daughtery will publish.
Vote on bylaw change to bylaw to allow email voting when not enough members are present for a quorum, tabled until Betsy Lowe returns.
Motion to approve treasury report by Beth Scherer and 2nd by Denise Rohrbach. Motion carried.
Motion to approve PTSA slate also carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:11am
Next meeting second Wednesday in September starting at 8:45 with a much and mingle/meeting starting at 9:00 am