Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 2012 Minutes

In attendance: Betsy Lowe, Heidi Bosko, Stacy Rusch, Janelle Meece, Beth Scherer, Amy Prahin, Richelle McCoy, Dawn McCubbin, Laura Forbes, April Daugherty, Julia Warfield, Jennie Walz, Jennifer Finnigan, Jennifer Hope, and Nicole Wilson.
Meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe, President at 9:06 am. Minutes form 10/10/2012 minutes will be sent via email for members to read and vote on for approval.
Carrie Pitsenberger Gave out an example of KPREP to everyone and discussed. She also requested for students participating in leadership initiative be allowed to attend next PTSA meeting.
Beth Scherer, Fundraising- $6100 dollars raised, $6500 was budgeted. Requested money for money pins for assembly. Betsy stated that Beth could have $300 dollars. Beth requested volunteers for Tuesday, November 29th to work assembly. $425 raised in donations, took donations compared dollar amount to pricing of items sold. She paid $6 each for calculators for those collecting donations at a total cost of $25.

Betsy Lowe, President- Asked about Parents of Pre-teens get-together on a monthly basis. Suggested maybe every Trimester with topics publicized.

Laura Forbes, Treasurer Reported a beginning balance of $6,347.79 with a total income of $14,272.55, $13,082.55 for Paragon Fundraiser, $1,175 for Directory Ads, and $15 for memberships. Disbursements included KY Kids Day/Choices Program for $1,236.90, Grant $100.00, Training $50.00, Directory Printing & Labels $556.48 and $63.60 for flowers. Total expenses of $2,006.98 and a current period ending balance of $18,613.36 The day of meeting, received a bill from Jeb Printing for T-shirts for KY Kids Day, $4703.46 and from Paragon for $8489.70.

Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Responded to question about cost for flowers on treasurers report, they were purchased as a thank you for front office staff for all that they do to help with the week of events. Stated that questions regarding t-shirt bill should be directed to Lana Rice, as she is the expert. Laura Forbes to contact Lana. 

Stacey Rusch, Reflections- 10 entries to be submitted to district out of 13 total entries. $20 check for the 1st place winners, medals with teal color. Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Betsy Lowe, President- Asked about running polls to get information from parents on thoughts about things happening at school, parent meeting, reflections, etc. Minutes for October meeting will be sent out via email and voted on via email or at next meeting. Commented that we have received our approved bylaws back from the state and that we can now vote electronically, by skype, or conference call.

Jennie Walz- everything is good. Request that emails be sent to Betsy or Jennie if you hear from kids of something going on with teachers. Commented that North would be hosting Community Council Meeting and that she might call on us for assistance.

Amy Prahin, VP Membership- forwarded request to Pauline for sponsors of Secret Pals to purchase a membership on behalf of their staff member. Reported 800 memberships sent to state and 33 paid staff memberships not yet sent, because we are waiting to see how many more of the staff will join.

Allyson Parker, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Everything is great! They learned no more hallway giveaways and lunchroom giveaways were best. Also, Mr. Crawford did not give out bracelets until asked.

Dawn McCubbin and Janelle Meece, Hospitality- next event, Thursday, December 13th.

April Daughtery, Newsletter- requested that information for next newsletter be turned in by Dec. 11th. 

Jenny Stegeman, Community Council- Next meeting Friday, November 16th.
New Business :
Requests- Nicole Wilson submitted information that the Academic Team would like help with entry fees for competitions. Betsy stated to have them submit a written request. Allyson commented that we needed to confirm our ability to support the event were for profit.

Next meeting Holiday Lunch at a restaurant, Verbena CafĂ© was suggested. Everyone agreed that if Verbena could not accommodate we would go to Martini’s.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.
Next Meeting December 12th at 11:30 am