Thursday, February 28, 2013

Read Across America!!!

Literacy Week at NOMS--March 4-8
  • Posters due to language workshop teachers by March 1.
  • Book swap on March 6.  Bring a gently used book if you're interested in swapping with another student.
  • Gift cards issued to students who are "caught reading" throughout the week.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Upcoming Talent Show

NOMS PTSA Talent Show auditions 
will be held 
Wednesday, March 13th
 in the band room beginning 
immediately after school. 

You do not need to sign up in advance. The Talent Show is looking for singers, dancers, variety acts, solo or instrument ensembles, musical acts, and any other great talents that NOMS students might have. Your act must be two minutes or less and you should bring any materials you need with you to the audition on Wednesday, March 13th.
The date of the 
2013 NOMS Talent Show 
is Thursday, March 28th at 7pm. 

Mandatory dress rehearsal will be the day before, on Wednesday. The cost will be $3 for adults, free for students and children. If you should have questions please email

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Read Across America Week

Read Across America week 
is quickly approaching!

We are so excited to have teamed up with the teachers in the school to offer a "Poster Contest" and "Literacy Challenge" during the week of

March 4 thru March 8

Students "caught" reading could win $5 - $10 gift certificates to local businesses.
Students have the opportunity to participate in the Literacy Poster Contest as well as the Literacy Challenge.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Time for Talent

The NOMS Annual Mustang Talent Show dates have been set.

Please mark your calendar for the "Not to be Missed" Show on

March 29th

Auditions are coming up soon, so stay tuned to the NOMS announcments for dates and times.  We will also post the information on the website.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

January Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Carrie Pitsenberger, Betsy Lowe, Heidi Bosko, Janelle Meece, Beth Morrison, Beth Scherer, Ashley Shadburne, Allison Parker,  Amy Prahin, Richelle McCoy, Katie Addington, Dawn McCubbin, Julia Warfield, Paige Cox, Jenny Stegeman Nicole Wilson.
Meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe, President at 9:07 am.  Minutes from November meeting were approved. Group reflected on meeting from December, those in attendance had a great time! Betsy thanked Nicole for organizing meeting at Verbena CafĂ©.
Carrie Pitsenberger – State that they were working on the consolidated school improvement plan and will be looking at goals annually. Also looking at website reconstruction. New standards are being set according to Springboard.  Discussion was entered in reference to crosswalk and signs for Longwood and other students who are walking to school.  Officer Meece is looking into establishing safety standards in reference to crossing the street.  Carrie stated that progress reports would come out next week. The second round of MAPS assessments would  be held.  Several concerns about students knowing language arts skills, such as: sentence structure, subject verb agreement, parts of sentences.  Dawn McCubbin suggested a basic skills workshop for students and stated that she would be willing to pay for it if necessary.

Laura Forbes, Treasurer - Laura was absent so Betsy Lowe read an email stating the treasurer had covered paid items from treasury.  The email did not include a balance. Treasurer’s report was to be emailed prior to next meeting. It was requested that if anyone had questions, they should ask them directly to Laura Forbes and hit reply all so everyone would be aware of any issues or concerns.
Stacey Rusch, Reflections- not present, but sent an email with an update.  The district ceremony is January 27th, 2pm at Oldham County Arts Center.  Winners were read aloud from email.

Heidi Bosko, Legislature- Received a lot of information relating to fiscal cliff things that would mainly effect Title 1 schools.  Some information on gun violence and links to articles about the subject.
Amy Prahin, VP Membership- Stated that we currently have 856 members, 807 students and parents and 49 out of 69 teachers and staff members.  Our goal is to have 100% participation.  Update about membership party, we are still waiting for Carrie to approve a date.  Amy is getting together a list of student members to find out who is or is not a member.  She will forward the list to Mustang 11 teachers.
Dawn McCubbin and Janelle Meece, Hospitality- last event went well, they will use volunteer spot again for next event coming up on February 14th.  Possible project for next year a room specified for teachers.

Pauline Moore, Secret Pals- not present, but forwarded a request for two more people to serve as secret pals as we had two families who moved.

Beth Morrison, Pizza Fundraisers- Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser starts on Monday and ends January 28th. Since, the school has a contract with Papa John’s Betsy requested that Domino’s Pizza Night information be removed from the website.  It was also brought up that we have a contract with Coca Cola as well.  Beth requested volunteers for February 15th.

April Daughtery, Newsletter- The next newsletter will go out on Monday, if all reports are turned in.  Please turn in your reports.

Jenny Stegeman, Community Council- Explained that community council is composed of PTSA presidents and board representatives. Elaborated on Senate Bill I, and changes to the Language Arts and Math Curriculum. Jenny stated that the next meeting will be held on January 18th and March 15th at 8:45am.

Katie Addington, Social Chairperson- Next dance is scheduled for April 19th.  Suggestions of things to make dance more appealing could include: giveaways and possible hangout dance, lounge style.  

Ashley Shedburne, Mustang Achievers- Ashley met with student leaders, they do not want ribbons.  They suggested maybe stickers for the car or small magnet for inside their lockers.  Possible dates January 17th or 18th.  She would like to reward the kids who try, but are not making the grade.

SBDM- Not present, but it was mentioned that voting time is coming up soon.  It is time to start organizing elections.  Jenny Stegeman agreed to handle this process.

Meeting adjourned at 10:54 am.

Next Meeting
March 13th at 8:45 am

Learn about Social Media and your Teen

The NOMS PTSA-sponsored 
Parenting Social Media 
program led by Mary Beth Uberti will be held on
Tuesday, February 26th 
in the North Auditorium 
from 6:30- 8:00 pm. 

Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram are just a few of the social media sites pre-teens and teens use to communicate with friends and with the world. 

How do you make sure your children are safe and using social media responsibly? 

Join Mary Beth from Operation: PARENT as she guides you through privacy settings, use and guidelines of some of the most popular social media sites. You will come away with practical advice, social media contracts and strategies to apply.

Please go to Operation: PARENT’s Facebook page at:
to view this event.  Once you see the event you can choose to “share” it with your friends. 

If you already have “liked” Operation: PARENT’s page on Facebook, then you should already see this event on your feed.  From that you can share it or “join” the event. 

It would be a good idea for your PTSA and PTAs to share on their page.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pizza Pizza will Arrived

Thank you - to all those that ordered or sold Little Casesar's Pizza Kits.  As a PTSA we sold a bundle and made approximately a $1000 profit.  With our current economy, this is great news and so we thank you for supporting us (and enjoying the delicious pizzas).

Pizza Kits will be delivered on Friday, February 15
You can pick up your order at NOMS after 2:30 pm
We will be there until 5:30 pm
Pizza Kits are frozen so they will NEED to be picked up during that time window.

Students can take Pizza Kits home on the bus if the order was 2 or less boxes.  Please come to the cafeteria to pick up your Pizza Kits.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Next PTSA meeting

The next NOMS PTSA meeting is on

Wednesday, February 13
9:00 am
NOMS Media Center

Topics of discussion will include:
General PTSA meeting on 2/26
Operation Parent
Talent Show
8th Grade Promotion activities
SBDM Parent election