In attendance: Betsy Lowe, Heidi Bosko, Laura Forbes, Jennifer Finnigan, Stacy Rusch, Beth Morrison, Beth Scherer, Amy Prahin, Dawn McCubbin, Lana Rice, Julia Warfield, Jennie Walz, and Nicole Wilson. Guest- Paula Schandle, Chad Buckman and Student Leaders- Matt Block, Ryan Danehy, and Dillion Gilezen.
Meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe, President at 9:01 am.
NOMS Student Leaders- Spoke on the 3 groups that they have created; homework, studying, and bullying. Shared that they had a leadership retreat for the purpose of addressing the 3 issues. Student leaders meet before and after school. They shared that the election process was based on the completion of an application.
Carrie Pitsenberger – Carrie was attending a meeting, so Mr. Chad Buckman, assistant principal attended in her absence. Mr. Buckman read letter about redistricting. Also reported that MAPS results went6 home on 2/12/2013. Chad addressed that Ms. P. would work on getting teacher PTSA Membership up to 100%. Chad reported that the marquee was vandalized. Nicole Wilson asked that it be bought to Ms. P’s attention about doing something for Black History Month in the future because right now we are not doing anything.
Betsy Lowe, President- Discussed a general meeting to be held on 2/26/2013 from 6:30-8:00pm on the topic of Social Media presented by Operation Parent. At this point, guest Paula Schandle Operation Parent Representative spoke on the subject “I Now Feel Empowered to Parent.” After the information was presented, a motion was presented by Jenne Walz to pay the $150.00 fee for Operation Parent to present at the general meeting. The motion was seconded by Lana Rice and passed unanimously.
Laura Forbes, Treasurer – Reported a $1010 profit from Little Caesars/ fundraiser.
Beth Morrison, Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser- $3555 total sells. Contest winners all were 6th graders; Lizzy Parker $242, Sara Angelow $233, and Wyatt Shaubargo $165. The winning class was Mrs. Smith’s Class with $526 in sells. As a bonus for what we sold, we received 5 extra pizza kits. Profit for event was $1010 minus $195 for prizes.
Betsy Lowe, President- presented request that was submitted and for which a check was cut allocating funds for sponsorship of an 8th grade student for the annual 8th grade trip. Questions were raised and it was agreed upon by all that the procedure for allocating these funds needed to be investigated further for next year. The next item to be presented was a request by Mrs. Eichler for $75 for Read Across America a program being run in connected with Kentucky Literacy Week. The same amount was also requested by the Booster Club. A motion was presented by Nicole Wilson that we allocate $75 for Read Across America. The motion was seconded by Beth Scherer and passed unanimously. Betsy then presented a request from the One Planet Club for the PTSA to purchase recycling bins. The request ranged in price from $800 to $3,000. After discussion, a motion was made by Jenne Waltz to send request back to the One Planet Club for more economical options. The motion was seconded by Nicole Wilson and passed unanimously. Nicole then presented a request from the Academic Team for assistance with purchasing a new buzzer system. After numerous amount of discussion about the request no real conclusion was drawn. Beth Scherer suggested that we include a line item in the budget next year for assisting school clubs. A motion was presented by Jennie Waltz that a line item be considered for next year’s budget, to assist school clubs. The motion was seconded by Heidi Bosko and passed unanimously.
Jennie Walz, Corresponding Secretary- reported that cards were sent for teacher baby births and Birthday cards.
Nicole Wilson, Secretary- requested that the prior months meeting minutes be approved. The minutes were read via email. A motion was made by Dawn McCubbin to accept the minutes as read via email. The motion was seconded by Julia Warfield and passed unanimously.
Stacey Rusch, Reflections- Reported on the county reflections ceremony, that Abigal Conduit received an award for Photography and Alex Addington received an award for Visual Arts.
Amy Prahin, VP Membership- reported that a date of March 15th has been set for this year’s student membership celebration. The starting with 6th grade at 1:15pm and ending with 8th grade at completing there session at 3:15pm. Mustang 11 teachers will be given a list of members prior to the event and students will also be allowed to join on the day of the event. A suggestion was made to use items from the Booster Club as prizes and to ask the Paige request volunteers for the event.
Ashley Shadburne, Mustang Achievers- Due to the late time in the year, a suggestion was made that we combine all of the celebrations for the year into one and that each grade level be given 30 minutes to celebrate.
Dawn McCubbin, Hospitality Co-Chair- Reported that she had received an overwhelming response to the request for candy for the teachers on Valentine’s Day.
Leslye Schumaker, Talent Show- not present, but it was reported that a specific date has not been selected at this time.
Amy Kempf, Beautification- not present, but it was reported that an email had been sent out requesting volunteers for Spring beautification of school grounds.
Julia Warfield, Teacher Appreciation- The theme for this year’s teacher appreciation will be South of the Border.
Lana Rice, KY Kids Day and Red Ribbon Week- Reported that February 21st date of anti-smoking promotion. The students will be asked to wear their choices shirts. They will be given Powerade instead of Gatorade. Also, reported that March 20th is the scheduled dated to promote healthy eating habits. Students might be given gum for this event. Hopefully, 8th graders will be allowed to make posters and videos for April promotion.
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 am.
Next Meeting
March 13th at 9:00 am