Attention PTSA Members the following is being submitted to the KY PTA as an amend to the current PTSA Bylaws:
1) Article VI: Officers- Election and Vacancies
Section 2. Officers and their election. (currently reads)
a. The officers of this PTA/PTSA shall consist of a president, 2(number) vice president(s), a secretary and a treasurer.
Section 2. Officers and their election. (proposed change)
a. The officers of this PTA/PTSA shall consist of a president, president elect, 3(number) vice president(s), secretary and a treasurer.
1st Vice President Membership
2nd Vice President Programs
3rd Vice President Fundraising
The reason for this change is to make the officer positions that we currently operate in compliance with our bylaws. The inclusion of these positions does not mean that we are required to fill them only that they are available if the need exists.
2) Article XVIII: Additional Bylaws
Currently reads: When a quorum isn’t present to vote, the secretary will send an electronic motion via email and PTSA Board members may vote via email.
Proposed Change: Removal of this statement as voting via email is not recognized by KY PTA as a valid method of voting and was inadvertently approved by someone filling in temporarily at the KY PTA Office for the bylaws/amendment representative.