Mr. Griffen say, "Go For it!"

Mr. Arterburn and Mr. Fiorini - WELL DONE!

Mr. Smith puts his money where his mouth is -

And the hair is gone!
NOMS became alive with excitement at 2:00 p.m. this past Thursday. For the PTSA it was the kick off of their biggest fundraiser of the year, the Paragon Fall Fundraiser. Kids should have come home with a clear plastic envelope filled with all the details and informatin you need. The exciting thing this year ... is ... if they sell three items by Monday and bring in the orange sheet signed by you - they get a cool security camera immediately. At the assembly the kids were shown other rewards for support the program...the money pen, the money scramble, and the "Deal or NO Deal" opportunity. They really seemed excited. Robb Smith, Jeff Griffin, Jenny Stegeman and Betsy Lowe were the lucky contestants to participate in the mock "Money Candy Scramble." Betsy came away with four candy bars and four dollars, Mr. Smith only walked away with a dollar (but later on he received a free haircut so I think we're even), Ms. Stegeman came away with approximately the same winnings as Betsy, but the clear winner was Jeff Griffin - something like eight candy bars and lots of dollar bills. At least I got chocolate.
For the school it was the assembly to give honor where honor was due.
Three teachers were honored:
Ms. Jennifer Terry was selected to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Ms. Loretta Smith received her doctorate Ed. D - she is now Dr. Loretta Shake!
Ms. Keely Green was selected as the National History Teacher of the year.
Presentation of the award!
Then the scores for the school were announced ... drum roll please ... 111.3 - they beat their goal.
What you have to know is that last year at this same assembly, Mr. Smith promised to get a mohawk hair cut if the kids met their goal ... and guess what ... he did along with several others.
It was the highlight of the assembly. See above photos!
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