In addition to the annual fun and games showing the kids what they can earn by supporting our MAIN fundraiser we did a KICK-OFF for Kentucky Kids day (Monday) would be all about. Last year NOMS PTSA rolled out the RED carpet for the students at NOMS, this year it was more like everyone was going GREEN. Yes, that right - because we care so much about these kids the NOMS PTSA purchased paper recycling bins for EVERY classroom plus four large plastic bottle and aluminum can recycling bins for the cafeteria and gym. We are so excited to be going GREEN!

Some examples are to cut your shower time, turn off the water while you brush your teeth, turn off lights while you are not in that room, just to name a few. I hope the kids were listening because it will really help parents cut the cost of water and electricity and save our planet.

We love our kids at NOMS!!!

The final event at the assembly was the "Recycling Skits" put on by the Discover the Arts Department and Ms. Churchman. She organized a recycling skit contest and then had the kids perform the two "top" skits. How cute is that! The kids love it ... and in case they didn't tell you about it, you can ask them about the recycling ninjas, and the two girls below that are the recycle elves "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".

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