Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hi to all-

If you have not done so and are interested in the developing curriculum of the Oldham County Schools, sign up at the yellow highlighted link below~ for OCS Curriculum and Instruction News!

Per their website:


Senate Bill 1 mandated that new standards be developed for all subject areas. According to SB1, the new standards were to be "higher, fewer and research-based". In the fall of 2010, KY adopted the common core standards for Math and English Language Arts developed by a national group (Council of Chief State School Officers). As part of the state's work with the new standards, regional content meetings were arranged to provided information and guidance to districts. OCS has representatives from across the district attending these sessions to gather information and resources necessary to the implementation of the new standards. Concurrently, the district formed a curriculum advisory team to study curriculum design and develop new frameworks for ELA and Math. (Those serving on the state content teams also sit on the curriculum advisory team so that all work meshes.) The curriculum advisory team is working under the guidance of Dr. Grant Wiggins and his associates, national experts on curriculum design.


Develop an aligned K-12 curriculum that promotes student understanding and engagement

Honor the district vision and mission in the development of the curriculum

Utilize best practice in curriculum design to inform the work

Coordinate curriculum development with existing district work, i.e. Thinking Strategies

Build capacity of staff in curriculum design as well as knowledge of the new curriculum documents

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