PTSA Announcement:
The NOMS PTSA is excited to announce our upcoming fundraiser. We have chosen this because it is painless for the parent, affordable and, hopefully, will be the only fundraiser needed for the school year. We try to not ask you for money throughout the year - just this one time. Please support us either by a purchase or a donation.
The PTSA Fall Fundraiser PARAGON Catalog will go home with students on Monday, September 19. Orders need to be returned to school Monday, October 3. Delivery of all PARAGON items will be after Fall Break. Please feel free to OPT out of the fundraiser and make a donation to NOMS PTSA if you wish.
At the open houses we offered parents a chance to enter in a free drawing to win the Kickoff Basket (huge and filled with gifts and items). The following parents are the winners of the PTSA Fall Fundraising Kickoff Basket drawings during Open House:
6th grade: Keith Turner
7th grade: Dee Dewitt
8th grade: Lisa Armstrong
Thank you to Beth Scherer PTSA Fall Fundraiser Chairman and Melissa Klein PTSA VP of Fundraising for their time marketing and displaying the PTSA Fall Fundraiser, PARAGON Catalog, sale items during the NOMS Open Houses. Thanks also to the parents who stopped at the PTSA Booth and entered to win the huge Basket of Paragon products during Open House.
Jenny Stegeman
PTSA President
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