Janet Jones from SEPTA passed out brochures and asked if info about SEPTA could be out during fall events whenever PTA has a table displayed. One PTA member suggested putting info up along side PTA info displayed at your school. Discussion of support for this vital organization that supports our 'special' students and their parents. Reminder to please include a donation to them in your budget so that they can continue their work.
Janice Jackson from State PTA had lots of information and reminders. Make sure you have checked the thumb drive in your packet from State PTA--it has all forms on it. Be sure to file the federal tax forms by November. Successful leadership training was held recently. Reflections chair is Bobbi Dewey. School chairs have been trained. Discussions about issues with the State website. Be patient, they are looking for a replacement for the person who recently vacated this position.
Discussions for next meeting: How do you distribute Room Parent Funds?
Dr Wells discussed our vision for Oldham County Schools. We are preparing students to be critical thinkers who can gather information and correctly disseminate it to be prepared for their future. We design curriculum similar to the way you design a house. You design a house based on how you want it to look when its finished and then make sure it meets the building code. We design curriculum based on how we want a math (or other subject) student to look like when they graduate and build a K-12 curriculum to achieve that goal. Then we verify that the designed curriculum meets the 'Code' (National Standards). Love this analogy! Dr Wells will be sending me a survey to forward to you to help him gather information about your concerns and other topics that can be covered at future meetings.
Leslie Robertson, District Assessment Coordinator, previewed the presentation on the new testing details that will be given on October 2 at 7:00 pm at the NOHS auditorium. Whew-its a lot of information! But we all left with a better understanding of why there are changes, what changed and how it is measured. Times they are a changin'! Again, she gave us a great analogy that increased our understanding. In recent years, both the 'recommended' levels of BMI and Blood Pressure have changed. What was once considered 'safe' is now 'high' even though you have not changed. Same for the KPREP. The school score is now based on a 100 pt scale instead of a 140 pt scale. The student scores to achieve certain levels (proficient, distinguished, etc) have changed. So your student may still have done well, but that score is now a proficient instead of distinguished. Highly encourage you and your members to attend the October 2 program! Information will also be on the district website soon complete with videos.
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