Sent on behalf of National PTA Advocacy Specialist, Tiffany Knight
You are encouraged to distribute this message to your state’s local units.
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Good morning,
I am happy to announce the National PTA is now accepting applications for the Grassroots Advocacy Training of Trainers Initiative! Selected participants will receive a trip to the National PTA headquarters to receive this great training in attempts to expand advocacy capacity at the state and local levels.
Advocacy has been the cornerstone of PTA since its founding. National PTA recognizes the importance of advocacy and the need to expand advocacy expertise throughout its large network of members. We seek to use the Grassroots Advocacy Training of Trainers as a tool to achieve this goal.
The purpose of the training of trainers (ToT) is to provide training tools for a cadre of PTA leaders and members in their states on how to execute effective grassroots advocacy campaigns that promote the National PTA federal public policy agenda.
The training and the materials attendees will receive were developed by NPTA in partnership with the Midwest Academy. Since its founding in 1973, the Midwest Academy has become one of the nation’s premier grassroots training organizations. Its clients include the National Education Association, the American Cancer Society, and the AARP.
application can be found online at on the NPTA main webpage as a rotating banner ( ) as well as on the NPTA public policy page ( ). The application deadline is Wednesday, October 5, 2011, C.O.B. We encourage applicants to build their applications in a separate document and when they are ready to submit, to copy and paste their responses into the online application.
For more information on the applications, how to submit, the application process, and the modules, please see below as well as review the attached application packet.
Desired Outcome
In contrast to a training, where the goal is for those who attend to develop certain skills, the goal of a ToT is to be able to train others. Attendees will come away from the ToT with a resource book designed to allow them to replicate the ToT in their states and local districts.
State and local PTA members with introductory advocacy experience and who have an interest in expanding their advocacy network in their states and local districts are encouraged to apply (no nomination needed). National PTA will attempt to select applicants that represent a range of geographical locations; however, this is dependent on the amount of applications received.
Only PTA members from PTA units/congressesin good standing may apply. Applications must be submitted online and must follow all application requirements. Any application that does not fulfill all application requirements will not be considered. Complete application packets will include:
Completed cover sheet
A response for each of the application questions listed below (not to exceed 500 words each)
Supportive documentation: A draft plan of action (1000 words or less) of how the ToT initiative will be sustained in your PTA state/local unit or congress. This plan should include projected annual goals and numbers of how many new advocates will be trained.
While all PTA leaders are eligible to apply, special priority will be given to those advocates that have been previously unable to attend advocacy trainings held in conjunction with the annual PTA Legislative Conference.
Selection Process and Logistics
The final selection of the 10 state or local leaders that will attend the NPTA 2011 ToT will be made by the NPTA Legislation Committee, in conjunction with, NPTA Public Policy staff. NPTA will cover the travel, room, and board* for each applicant selected.
Each application will be scored utilizing a scoring rubric totaling 100 points. Questions and the points associated are outlined below.
The 2011 Training of Trainers session will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2011 and the morning of Sunday, December 11, 2011 at the National PTA Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. The session will meet from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 5:00 p.m. Participants travelling to the session from out of town will need to arrive on Friday, December 9, 2011 with a departure from Reagan National no earlier than 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 11th.
* Includes and are limited to round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, and per-diem food expenses for meals that are not provided by NPTA.
Thank you! We hope that you will encourage many of your state and local members to apply! Please contact me at with any questions.
Tiffany Knight, M.A. | Advocacy Specialist
National Parent Teacher Association
Office 703.518.1200 Ext. 3349
Cell 571.329.9374
Joy Lindsey | Membership Marketing Manager
(800) 307-4PTA (4782)
703-518-1200 ext. 3120 |
Connect with National PTA® on: Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Fotki
National PTA has relocated to Alexandria, VA. Please update your address book.
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
National PTA® — Engaging parents in a new era of education and child welfare. Founded in 1897, the association promotes and supports opportunities for families to effectively participate in their children’s lives.