Thursday, October 13, 2011

Please take 5 minute Survey!

Dear Prevention Partners & Parents of Youth Age 13-20 the link below is a survey that is being conducted on Underage Drinking by Seven Counties Regional Prevention Center (RPC).  Seven Counties is a member of the Challengers coalition and provides funding support to us.  Seven Counties is working to gather data on beliefs and practices of individuals in our community on underage drinking in order to obtain the HVE grant.

Please take 5 minutes (yes I took it) and that is all it takes to complete this short survey and represent Oldham County.  You will have the option to be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card at the end of the survey.  YOUR OPINION MATTERS.  Please help us with this survey and pass it onto all your friends, co-workers, family members, etc. who have children or relatives ages 13-20 or who have direct contact with this age group.
The deadline is October 19 so please do not wait. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drug abuse PREVENTION INITIATIVES IN OLDHAM COUNTY.
Click on Link to complete Survey

Terri Franklin
Challengers of Oldham County
(502)222-2340 office
(502-222-7559 fax
http://www.OldhamCountyChallengers.comTake the Survey

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