Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2011
Meeting called to order at 9:10 a.m.
President Report: Jenny Stegeman
Jenny welcomed everyone to her home and explained the agenda format change. She loves the use of email and make it your best friend. Note section on the agenda under old business. (See attachment)
September 22, 2012 parent forum on the new State Standards at NOHS at 7:00 p.m.
General Membership meeting will be held Sept. 28, 2011.
A Total of $3526.41 was gifted to the school at the end of the year and Rob Smith reported to Jennny that is was spent on technology.
Principles Report: Rob Smith
Secretary Report: Nikki Feuquay
Motion made by Lana Rice to approve the May 13, 2011 minutes as read. 2nd by Cheryl Cooper. Vote called, all in favor. Passed
VP Membership Report: Richelle McCoy
Reported that we currently have 906 members including 29 staff members. Patti Such won the $15 gift card to Wild Eggs. She sent in 106 memberships by Aug. 15 to try to win $. We were not the lucky ones. Betsy Lowe asked if she could issue a challenge to all middle schools to get 100% participation of the schools staff at the Comm. Council meeting. Richelle said “sure”.
Treasurers Report: Cheryl Cooper
] National and state dues went up this year and we will only be keeping $1.40 out of our $5.00 memberships. We will need to amend our by-laws to reflect any $ amount change to our membership dues.
Our balance as of July 1st was $3000. Our current balance is $11,238.17.
We must use a tax-exempt number for purchases, we cannot reimburse tax.
There is a Cosco card in the works for NOMS.
Beautification report: Open
Birthday Board: Monica Helsley
Secret Pals: Lyne Church-All teachers have matches
VP of Programs: Nicole Matts
8th Grade Promotion: open
High Achievers: Jill Tarvestad-working on date for the first party.
Kentucky Kids Day: Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-Sept. 19, photo booths and PJ day.
Red Ribbon Challenge: Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-They are working with Challengers again this year. They have sponsors for the all school tee shirts. They applied for a grant that hopefully will be approved for even more dollars. Some of the activities will include free seating day, music playing during lunch, assembly explaining Choices tee shirts. A tee shirt design contest will also be held. Cash prizes will be handed out.
Reflections: Jane Luzzio-Theme is Diversity Means. Deadline Oct 15. There are a lot of changes this year that is making it difficult for the students to submit. There will also be no district ceremony.
Talent Show: Leslye Schumacher
Teacher Appreciation week: Julia Warfield-Lana offered to help get Julia up to speed.
VP of Fundraising: Missy Klein
Fall fundraiser: Beth Scherer- kickoff at 2:30 assembly. Dates are Sept. 19 to Oct. 3. $7500 anticipated for budget.
Social/Dance Chair: Open
Pizza fundraising: Shari Newman
Board of Directors:
Community Council: Pauline Moore- 1st meeting this Friday at Camden Station
Corresponding Secretary: Jennie Walz-Let her know if you hear any needs from our school community.
Hospitality: Meg Demuth-1st teacher luncheon went fantastic. There will be a x-mas lunch and an end of the year lunch. Staff really appreciated it.
Legislative: Nicole Wilson- Nothing at this time.
PTSA Website: Betsy Lowe-10,000 hits on the PTSA website. Would like to have picture of events to add to the site. NOMSPTSA.BLOGSPOT.COM
Newsletter: Tamara Ledford- get her your information for the newsletter.
Facebook: Dierdre Morley
SBDM: Jennifer Finnigan, Kimberly Kinnison- Elementary kids can no longer play up at middle school athletics. The middle school athletes can only play up to high school with the approval of 2 of three administrators (HS coach, Principle or Athletic directors)
School Directory: Holly Ansman-Directories are at printers. $400 was raised in advertising and the total cost of printing was $515.
Volunteer Coordinator: Pauline Moore-Background checks must be done to be in the building. Teresa Huberis in charge of background checks at NOMS. Checks need repeated every three years and incoming 6th grade parents have to have a new one.
SEPTA Rep.: Jenny Walz-meeting 9/13
Operation Parent rep.: Open
Old Business; Jenny Stegeman
New Business: Jenny Stegeman
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
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