Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2012
Meeting called to order at 9:02 a.m.
In attendance: Nikki Feuquay, Jenny Stegeman, Shari Newman, Beth Scherer, Lyne Church,
Jennie Walz, Meg Demuth, Robb Smith, Jennifer Finnigan, Richelle McCoy, Cheryl Cooper, Laura Forbes, Denise Rohrbach, Lana Rice, amd Leah Simpson.
President Report: Jenny Stegeman
The Social chair for the 8th grade promotion and Operation Parent are still open.
Please give your feedback on the OCBE School Calendar for next year at survey money. There are three proposals up for adoption.
Jenny attended a meeting on Dec. 20 that was about Superintendent Paul Upchurch retiring. These new committees choose Karen Held to sit on a new committee to help choose a new Superintendent candidate. The Board is not obligated to hire this person, however would like this process to go forward. May 1 the committee will present their selection to the OCBE.
Oldham County does not support advertising on the sides of the school buses and that will not be happening in OC as in other districts.
Our PTSA Bylaws need reviewed and changed by the end of the year. Committee will be chosen at next meeting.
SBDM elections will be held this year for one position.
Principal’s Report: Rob Smith
Discussed the year at the half way point. And is pleased overall with the success thus far.
He is expecting an increase in student population next year, some where around 850. Instruction will stay basically the same except some changes in Lang. Arts to reflect new state standards.
Secretary Report: Nikki Feuquay
October’s meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion to accept as written was made by Cheryl and seconded by Richelle. Vote was called and passed. The November meeting minutes were presented and a motion to accept as written was by Denise and seconded by Cheryl. A vote was called and passed.
VP Membership Report: Richelle McCoy
A bingo party is planned for Feb. 29 for all student members of the PTSA. 6th grade will begin at 1:30-1:50, 7th grade will begin at 2-2:30, and 8th grade will be 2:30 –2:50.
Treasurers Report: Cheryl Cooper
$16,069.69 beginning balance, expenditures of $6,483.18, with income of $86.00 resulting in a current balance of $9,672.51 for this month.
Beautification report: Open
Birthday Board: Monica Helsley
Secret Pals: Lyne Church- going well.
VP of Programs: Nicole Matts
8th Grade Promotion: open
High Achievers: Jill Tarvestad-
Kentucky Kids Day: Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-
Red Ribbon Challenge: Lana Rice and Leah Simpson-
They will hold three more events this year. Kick butts, to encourage kids not to smoke. Health department will come out .An Alcohol awareness PSA, done by the 8th graders in video form, contest. Healthy choices handouts will also be given out.
They are applying for a $500 grant through challengers.
Reflections: Jane Luzzio-
Next Years theme will be Magic of the Moment.
Talent Show: Leslye Schumacher
Teacher Appreciation week: Julia Warfield-
Working on teacher appreciation week. She needs pictures of all the teachers for a poster. Rob will help her.
VP of Fundraising: Missy Klein
Fall fundraiser: Beth Scherer-
Social/Dance Chair: Open.
Dance date is April 27. Laura Forbes volunteered to run this and take Social chair.
Pizza fundraising: Shari Newman
Little Ceasars fundraiser will be held at a later date.
Board of Directors:
Community Council: Pauline Moore-
The KDE and Oldham County websites have good information about the new State Standards.
Corresponding Secretary: Jennie Walz-
Mrs. Bramlage and Mrs. Dalton are expecting.
Hospitality: Meg Demuth-
December luncheon was a great success.
Legislative: Nicole Wilson.
PTSA Website: Betsy Lowe-
Newsletter: Tamara Ledford-
Facebook: Dierdre Morley
SBDM: Jennifer Finnigan, Kimberly Kinnison-
School Directory: Holly Ansman-.
Volunteer Coordinator: Pauline Moore-
SEPTA Rep.: Jenny Walz-
Operation Parent rep.: Open
Old Business; Jenny Stegeman
Board tabled issue of microwaves that are needed in the Café. Today Beth Scherer motion that we give $150.00 to purchase new microwaves, second by Richell McCoy. A vote was called and motion passed.
New Business: Jenny Stegeman
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m..