Monday, February 13, 2012

Legislative Message

Dear PTA leaders and parents,

Please contact your legislator via e-mail or phone requesting them to be opposed to HB 89 relating to school councils.

This bill calls for limiting the participation of parents serving on the school based councils by requiring at least one parent residing within the boundaries of the school district to serve on the council.

We feel this is an unfair disadvantage to parents whose children are lawfully enrolled in a school. Once a student is registered in a school then the parent/guardian should have all the rights as any other parent, including the parents’ right to run for school council.

Parents are one of the major stakeholders in our schools and we feel that this additional restriction would make it harder to get parent representation on the councils. It is often not easy to convince parents to run for school council and we do not want to place additional barriers on them.

To e-mail your legislator, go to www., go to“Who’s My Legislator” and find your person. You must write or e-mail to both of your House Representative and Senator.

Legislative Message Line is 1-800-372-7181 Leave a message to your legislator.

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