Social Norms Survey
Thinking back over the past week, what did you have for breakfast the most? N=706
20% - Had no breakfast
30% - Cold cereal
12% - Donuts/poptarts
12% - Bagel
26% - Hot breakfast
What is the most important character trait you value in others? (only one) N=705
44% Friendship
35% Honesty
2% Patience
18% Funny
Strongly Strongly
At this school . . . Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
I feel that other students
care about me 28% 62% 8% 2% N=716
I feel that teachers care
about me 48% 44% 5% 2% N=717
I am encouraged to help
and respect others 52% 45% 2% 1% N=718
I fit in 32% 53% 10% 5% N=716
Other students look up
to me 13% 52% 29% 6% N=713
It’s easy to make friends
here 43% 42% 13% 3% N=710
I am happy here most
of the time 43% 45% 9% 3% N=712
Teachers try and stop
the kids who are bullies 33% 45% 16% 6% N=712
Who is your favorite singer? (circle one) N=653
15% - Lady Gaga
38% - LMFAO
13% - Justin Bieber
12% - Pitbull
7% - Lady A
15% - Taylor Swift
How often do you think students in each of the following categories are approached by other students or anyone else and offered tobacco, alcohol or other drugs during school hours?
Never 1-2 times 1-2 times Weekly Daily
a year a month
Yourself 91% 6% 1.5% 1% 0%
Students at NOMS 44% 40% 10% 5% 1%
What type of technology do you use the most? (choose one) N=703
40% Cell phone
18% Ipod
25% Computer
17% TV
If you thought that another student at NOMS was using alcohol, tobacco or using prescription medications without a doctor’s note, what would you do? (Circle all that apply) N=717
15% - Do nothing, say nothing
32% - Tell a friend
58% - Tell a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, counselor or coach
23% - Talk to the student about the use
Who do you trust to tell you the truth on a subject?N=717
59% - Parents
62% - Best Friend
29% - Teacher
19% - Religious Ldr
21% - Sister/Brother
11% - Other Adult
How many of your closest friends have ever . . .
0 1-2 3-4 5 or more
Had an alcoholic drink 70% 19% 5% 5% N=711
Used any type of tobacco 87% 10% 1% 2% N=710
Used marijuana 92% 5% 1% 2% N=709
Inhaled in order to get high 80% 15% 2% 2% N=709
Used prescription drugs without
a doctor’s note 93% 5% 1% 1% N=707
What movie do you want to see most this holiday season? (choose one) N=673
Twilight: Breaking Dawn (29%)
We Bought a Zoo (13%)
Muppets (18%)
Arthur Christmas (5%)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (21%)
The Adventures of Tintin(8%)
What statement below about student use of tobacco (including cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco) do you feel best represents your own attitudes? (choose one) N=713
93% Tobacco use is never a good thing
4% Occassional tobacco use is ok, but not daily use
3% Daily tobacco use is ok if that is what the individual wants to do
Where do you get your information? (choose one) N = 634
32% - Family
22% - Teachers
27% - Friends
19% - Google/Internet
During the past 30 days how many times have you . . .
0 1-2 3-4 5 or more
Had an alcoholic drink 95% 5% 0% 0% N=712
Used any type of tobacco 98% 1% 1% 0% N=712
Used marijuana 99% 1% 0% 0% N=711
Inhaled something in order to get high 98% 2% 0% 0% N=712
Used prescription drugs without a
doctors note 99% 1% 0% 0% N=712
Do you talk in your sleep? N=696
Yes = 36%
No = 64%
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? N=709
Yes = 23%
No = 77%
How wrong do your parents feel it would be for you to . . .
Very Wrong A Little Not Wrong
Wrong Bit Wring at All
Drink alcohol 76% 16% 7% 1% N=714
Smoke marijuana 96% 3% 1% 0% N=711
Use prescription drugs 91% 5% 3% 1% N=708
*without dr note
Smoke tobacco 93% 5% 1% 1% N=709
Do you bite your toenails? Yes = 4% No = 96% N=713
Thinking over the past week, how often did you exercise (at least 20 minutes)? N=714
3% - 0 times
20% - 1-2 times
29% - 3-4 times
49% - 5 or more
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