In attendance: Beth Scherer, Janelle Meece, Allyson Parker, Richelle McCoy, Katie Addington, Julia Warfield, Paige Cox, Laura Forbes, Jennifer Hope ,and Nicole Wilson.
Meeting was called to order by Jennifer Hope, VP Fundraising at 9:08 am.
Notes from Jennifer-
It was announced there was a tie in the SBDM election and we would need to run another election. Retiring teachers- Tuney, Roxanne, Holbrooke. 5th grade day 17th or 18th. Talent Show went great. Redistricting meetings are still on going. Wrapping up the year with 8th grade events. Help share with parents to get their students/child prepared for High School in every way. May 27th last day of school.
Minutes from the February and March meeting still need to be approved by the membership.
Notes from Nicole Wilson, Secretary- Guest Speaker – Kathy Coatney (Project Graduation)- not for profit, safe alcohol free, drug free event happening on June 1st. This event runs off money from parents and donations. Things like spa, karaoke, character artist, and food. Prizes between 3am – 4am totaling $12,000. Special plea for volunteers other than senior parents. Seeking replacement committee parents. A need to replace all three parent volunteer. Assistance needed with decorations on Friday, May 31st for about 3 hours. Need 100 people to volunteer.
Guest Speaker – Loretta Shake provided and update that school is interested in going paperless. Using Ipads for everything including the student’s agenda. Asked about donations and funds be funneled through the PTSA to the technology department at the school. Asked if we would plan a fundraiser and designate funds for the technology department. Allyson Parker inquired as to whether or not a business can donate Ipads instead of money. Also requested that we be a point of contact to provide an update on how parents are handling the idea of going paperless. Janelle Meese asked how many Ipads the school currently has, the answer is 175. Allyson Parker requested clarification on the proposal “what would be the amount of money or number of Ipads being requested?” Also asked about the cost of Ipads as well as insurance. Possible cost is $60,000.
Laura Forbes, Treasurer- went over treasurer’s report and gave out reimbursements. Treasurer’s Report from 3/14- 4/10. Beginning balance $8,895.27. Income $330.50 and Expenses of $1,048.48. Current period ending balance is $8,232.29.
Janelle Meece, Hospitality- Commented that both her and Dawn are planning to come back to their positions next year.
Julia Warfield, Teacher Appreciation – Breakfast, Wednesday @7:15 (May 1st) and lunch on 4/30.
Richelle McCoy, VP of Programs- gave high achievers report. Richelle and Julia working event on April 19th, 20 minute increments, starting @ 1:35pm until the end of the school day. Gum will be given as a take away. 824 kids total, pencils or lanyards. Booster club does not have anything.
Audit Committee is needed: suggested that it should be composed of Beth Schrer, Amy Prahin, and Jenny Stegeman
Katie Addington, Social Chair- Reported that dance is scheduled for May 10th from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Thinking of Hawaiian theme, beach theme. It was suggested that 5th graders be invited to boost attendance.
A nominating committee was formed composed of Allyson Parker, Jennifer Hope, and Jenny Stegeman. Committee will provide a slate a May for which a vote will be taken up soon. It is time to start organizing elections. Jenny Stegeman agreed to handle this process.
Meeting adjourned at 10:54 am.
Next Meeting
May 8th @ 11:00 or 11:30
Time will be determined based on finding a host location
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