Wednesday, January 28, 2009

High Achievers 2nd Grading period Reward Party

This Friday the NOMS PTSA will be hosting the 2nd grading period High Achiever's Party.
Friday, January 30

All students that received 1) straight A's, or 2) all A's and B's that didn't have any disciplinaries will receive an invitation to the party.

We are so proud of all the students at NOMS for giving their best effort! Way to go Mustangs!

PTSA Student Ice Cream Social

Due to the Snow Days, the PTSA will reschedule the Student Members Ice Cream Social. Please listen to the announcements for more information, or check this web site for the updated information.


NOMS PTSA Membership

PTSA Guiding Your Family TV Time Article

Guiding Your Family’s Television Time
—Do your homework before you or your children watch a show.
—Learn how to program your v-chip and use your cable provider’s parental controls.
—Watch with your child.

For more tips, go to

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Thank you all for supporting the Little Caesar Pizza Sale.

Pizzas, Cookie Dough, etc. will be delivered to NOMS cafeteria on February 12.
You can pick up your pizza from 2:30 - 4:30.

If you have any questions, please contact Robyn Roark at 228-7331 or


Little Caesar Pizza Sales - Peanut products not a problem

An important message for our customers regarding the recent peanut butter recall by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

Our vendors have informed Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program that they do not purchase peanut products from Peanut Corporation of America. Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program places the highest priority on product quality and food safety.

Should you have any questions, or need more clarification, please call our Customer Care Center 1-888-4-LC-KITS (1-888-452-5487) from 8:30am-8:00pm ET.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Children’s Advocacy Day at the Capitol

Children’s Advocacy Day at the Capitol

On Thursday, February 12, you and other PTA and PTSA members from the 13th District PTA, are invited to Frankfort in support of Children’s Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Representatives from our district will also be attending. You will have the opportunity to attend a rally, talk to other organizations concerned with children’s issues, and talk with your state representatives. If you can not attend, and if you wish for us to express your thoughts about any issues, please contact Pam Renner at 241-0404 or as soon as possible.

Some possible issues could include:
decreases in education funding due to budget deficits
required immunizations (HB69)
amending school wellness policies to require 30 minutes of physical activity (HB11, SB)
delete writing portfolios from CATS (HB147)
provide tuition assistance for teachers completing a master's degree or the continuing education option for Rank II (HB157)
revise mathematics core content standards and materials in grades prekindergarten through grade 12 (SJR19).

You can follow the status of these bills and others at

You can find out more information about this day at Or you can contact your legislators directly at They DO welcome your input.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The District Reflections Award Celebration will be
held on Sunday, February 8, 2009
from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
at the Oldham County Center for Arts
If your Reflections piece advanced to the District level,
Please mark your calendar to attend this special
event. More details to follow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reflections Contest - Districts

District Reflections Contest Date and Time to be announced soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fabulous Friday

Friday was a very fun day for several of the students at NOMS because it was the reward day for the Paragon Fundraiser. Friday the PTSA, thanks to Jenny Stegeman hosted the "Money Pen" drawing for all students that sold 6 or more items, and the "Candy and Money Scramble" for all students that sold 15 or more.

Friday was brought great joy and delight to Ms. Berry's target class as they received a pizza party for being the class that sold the most product.

Congratulations goes to Sara Graviss for being our top seller - she sold 28 units!

Thank you again for supporting the Paragon Fundraiser.


Monday, January 5, 2009


Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for viewing the NOMS PTSA Website.

To participate in the Bullying Survey, please scroll down the page. The two survey questions are on the right hand side. There are only two questions.

Thank you for taking the time to participate. We welcome your comments. If you'd like to make further comments, please email

Betsy Lowe
NOMS PTSA President