Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Adolescent Treatment Summit info: Click on to see full size

NOMS Fall Newsletter

Celebrate Family Day
A Day to Eat Dinner With Your Children
September 26, 2011
What your kids really want at the dinner table is . . .YOU!
Family Day is a national movement to inform parents that frequent family dinners together are an effective way to keep kids drug free.  Dinners make a difference!
Did you know . . .
Kids who have frequent family dinners are likelier to get better grades in school AND are likelier to say that they have an excellent relationship with their parents.
Kids who have frequent family dinners are less likely to smoke, drink or use other drugs AND are less likely to have friends that use illicit drugs or misuse prescription drugs.
For more ways to celebrate Family Day, or for information on talking with your child about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, visit

Social Media or Social Madness?

Social Media can be a great way for tweens and teens to share ideas, communicate with friends, share pictures and videos and reach out to peers all over the world.  It can also pose dangers to tweens and teens when not used appropriately.  Online bullying can result in depression or suicide, child predators can lurk in chat rooms, waiting for the opportunity to MIRL (meet in real life) and information and pictures placed online can affect students’ future college and job applications.  As parents, we would never send our kids out to drive without education, practice and oversight – we need to make sure we don’t send them online without those things, too.

Here are some tips for keeping tween and teens safe online . . .
Know where your child goes online, visit the sites they visit
Limit time online – make sure kids are spending at least one hour in physical activity
Keep computers in main areas, not in kids’ rooms
Make sure your kids know what information NOT to share with anyone online, and that all the information they do share cannot be removed
Encourage your kids to report cyberbullying, and not to participate in it!  Don’t say anything online that you would  not  say in person
Educate yourself and your teen/tween – check out online resources for more tips on how to keep your kids safe online
Know the acronyms . . .see the list below and watch for certain phrases

9         Parent is watching
182          I Hate You
AITR/PITR Adult in the room/Parent in the room
H8TTU Hate to be you
IGHT I got high tonight
KPC        Keeping parents clueless
MIRL Meet in real life
MOS Mother over shoulder
PAW Parents are watching
P911 Parent coming into room alert
WTGP Want to go private
YBS You’ll be sorry

Flu Season is Upon Us!
The #1 Way to Protect Yourself from the FLU is to
get a FLU Shot every year!
Call the Oldham County Health Department at 222-3516 for more information!
Flu Shots available for only $18!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Operation Parent at NOMS

Join Other Parents,
Just Like You
for a very special event! 

Operation: PARENT   (Supportive Parents Involved in Raising Incredible Teens)
North Oldham Auditorium

This program will begin October 3rd, and will meet for 8 one-hour weekly sessions at the North Oldham Campus Auditorium (no class during week of Fall Break). Each 8 week session is limited to twelve parents, and costs $80 which includes all 8 sessions, 2 great parenting books, and class cd's. To register for these classes, go online to, and click on "Classes" & "Parenting 101." The spots will sell out quickly, so don't miss your chance at these wonderful and empowering classes!

Dear Parent:
WANT TO RAISE AN INCREDIBLE TEEN? If you answered, "Yes," then keep reading!

Raising an adolescent is quite a challenge. In order to make this process go as smoothly as possible, we need to become educated parents, more so now than ever before. Learn about the challenges and current issues our pre-teens and teens are facing RIGHT NOW in this toxic culture of ours. Be prepared. Be involved. Protect your kids!

Sign up now to attend the Operation: PARENT Program at North Oldham High School, where topics include: Four Things Parents Can Do Today to Protect Their Teens; Signs and Symptoms of an Unhealthy Teen; Why We Cannot Expect the Schools to Raise Our Kids; Managing the Internet; Seven Common (and easy) Traps Parents Fall Into, etc.

We guarantee you will leave each session feeling educated, equipped, encouraged, and networked with other parents. You just might find out that you're NOT the meanest parent in the world - you are a GREAT parent!

Here's what past participants have to say about the Operation: PARENT Classes...

"Operation: PARENT has helped to keep my focus on my children-reminding me that I am the parent and I am here for a reason. When I get tired of parenting, this program reminds me not to tire, but to keep up the good and right work of being a parent-being aware and present every day in order to help raise wonderful kids! This has been a great experience." - Maureen Graham

"Operation: PARENT shows your children you care about them and are interested in their activities. Also, it keeps you informed of some of the things they will face and how to help guide them through it." - Kathy Lyons

"Any information we can receive to help us help our children is extremely valuable. An hour or two a week is well worth the time to bond with other parents on such serious issues facing our children." - Madge Roshkowski

"Knowledge is Power! Especially in this day and age with cell phones and technology, etc. With so much peer pressure it is important that kids know it is okay to question and say "no.""-Sue Mellitt

"This class is for anyone that wants to be a better parent. I feel like we do a good job raising our kids, but there are so many things out there in the world today that we need to be aware of. In addition to educating us on today's teen culture, this class enabled us to meet other parents that have some of the same beliefs and values that we do." - Teri Rosenbaum

"This class is an eye opener and gives clear cut directions for parents." - Wendy Wolfe

"This class was great and I wish it would have lasted longer." - Jennifer Dwyer

"It is good to know that other parents feel like we do and see how others are handling different situations." - Leslie Burch

"I really did enjoy the class and feel so much more enlightened after all I learned and meeting all of the wonderful parents." - Anonymous
North Oldham Auditorium
1815 South Highway 1793
Goshen, Kentucky 40026

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Neat Opportunity

Sent on behalf of National PTA Advocacy Specialist, Tiffany Knight
You are encouraged to distribute this message to your state’s local units.
You may e-mail for more information or click here

Good morning,

I am happy to announce the National PTA is now accepting applications for the Grassroots Advocacy Training of Trainers Initiative!  Selected participants will receive a trip to the National PTA headquarters to receive this great training in attempts to expand advocacy capacity at the state and local levels.

Advocacy has been the cornerstone of PTA since its founding. National PTA recognizes the importance of advocacy and the need to expand advocacy expertise throughout its large network of members.  We seek to use the Grassroots Advocacy Training of Trainers as a tool to achieve this goal.

The purpose of the training of trainers (ToT) is to provide training tools for a cadre of PTA leaders and members in their states on how to execute effective grassroots advocacy campaigns that promote the National PTA federal public policy agenda.

The training and the materials attendees will receive were developed by NPTA in partnership with the Midwest Academy.  Since its founding in 1973, the Midwest Academy has become one of the nation’s premier grassroots training organizations.  Its clients include the National Education Association, the American Cancer Society, and the AARP.  

application can be found online at on the NPTA main webpage as a rotating banner ( ) as well as on the NPTA public policy page ( ).  The application deadline is Wednesday, October 5, 2011, C.O.B.  We encourage applicants to build their applications in a separate document and when they are ready to submit, to copy and paste their responses into the online application.

For more information on the applications, how to submit, the application process, and the modules, please see below as well as review the attached application packet.

Desired Outcome

In contrast to a training, where the goal is for those who attend to develop certain skills, the goal of a ToT is to be able to train others.  Attendees will come away from the ToT with a resource book designed to allow them to replicate the ToT in their states and local districts.


State and local PTA members with introductory advocacy experience and who have an interest in expanding their advocacy network in their states and local districts are encouraged to apply (no nomination needed).  National PTA will attempt to select applicants that represent a range of geographical locations; however, this is dependent on the amount of applications received.

Only PTA members from PTA units/congressesin good standing may apply. Applications must be submitted online and must follow all application requirements.  Any application that does not fulfill all application requirements will not be considered.  Complete application packets will include:

Completed cover sheet
A response for each of the application questions listed below (not to exceed 500 words each)
Supportive documentation: A draft plan of action (1000 words or less) of how the ToT initiative will be sustained in your PTA state/local unit or congress.  This plan should include projected annual goals and numbers of how many new advocates will be trained.

While all PTA leaders are eligible to apply, special priority will be given to those advocates that have been previously unable to attend advocacy trainings held in conjunction with the annual PTA Legislative Conference.

Selection Process and Logistics

The final selection of the 10 state or local leaders that will attend the NPTA 2011 ToT will be made by the NPTA Legislation Committee, in conjunction with, NPTA Public Policy staff.  NPTA will cover the travel, room, and board* for each applicant selected.

Each application will be scored utilizing a scoring rubric totaling 100 points.  Questions and the points associated are outlined below.

The 2011 Training of Trainers session will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2011 and the morning of Sunday, December 11, 2011 at the National PTA Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. The session will meet from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 5:00 p.m. Participants travelling to the session from out of town will need to arrive on Friday, December 9, 2011 with a departure from Reagan National no earlier than 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 11th.

* Includes and are limited to round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, and per-diem food expenses for meals that are not provided by NPTA.

Thank you!  We hope that you will encourage many of your state and local members to apply!  Please contact me at  with any questions.

Tiffany Knight, M.A. | Advocacy Specialist
National Parent Teacher Association
Office 703.518.1200 Ext. 3349
Cell 571.329.9374

Joy Lindsey | Membership Marketing Manager
(800) 307-4PTA (4782)
703-518-1200 ext. 3120 |

Connect with National PTA® on: Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Fotki

National PTA has relocated to Alexandria, VA. Please update your address book.
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

National PTA® — Engaging parents in a new era of education and child welfare.  Founded in 1897, the association promotes and supports opportunities for families to effectively participate in their children’s lives.

We are celebrating Kentucky Kids Day on 9/19

We are looking for volunteers to come during lunch and help herd students into two photo booths to take pictures and
to hand out packs of gum.

6th grade  10:55 - 11:35 a.m.
7th grade 11:30 am to 12:15 pm
 8th    12:10 pm to 12:55 pm

I am in desperate need of at least 4 more volunteers for both the 7th and 8th grade lunches. I could use 2 more of the 6th grade lunch. THANKS SO MUCH!!!

Just email me back if you can help out.
Leah Simpson and Lana Rice

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Worldwide DAY of PLAY

Get Ready for Worldwide Day of Play

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 24, is Nickelodeon's Worldwide Day of Play! On Worldwide Day of Play, all Nickelodeon channels suspend programming so your family has an opportunity to go out and play! Thousands of schools and community organizations around the world will be hosting events that engage children in physical fitness.

In 2010, more than 100 PTAs held events and activities to encourage families to be active together. Bring your PTA unit, friends, and family together to host a Worldwide Day of Play celebration in your community. Register your event at to request posters, giveaways, and download the Worldwide Day of Play toolkit. Nickelodeon is a featured partner of National PTA.

© 2011 National PTAPermissions | Privacy Policy | Linking Policy | Advertise | Contact

Never miss another announcement: Add to your safe senders list. If PTA e-mail is sent to your Bulk or Spam folder when using online services, please click the "Not Spam" option to ensure delivery of this and other PTA mailings. This mailing was sent by National PTA®, 1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 General requests and inquiries may be sent by mailing that address, calling 800-307-4PTA (4782), or e-mailing

As a PTA leader you have been automatically subscribed to this e-mail list.

Easy to Volunteer at NOMS

Would you like to volunteer at NOMS?  It is very easy and we would love to have you.  

What is needed?  Updated background check on file.

How do I know I have an updated background check on file?  Contact the NOMS office and they will be able to tell you.  If you have one on file, you are ready to go.

I do not have a background check on file.  If you do not have one, check with the elementary and/or high school where you volunteer to see if they have one to forward to NOMS.  If not, complete the “background check form” and forward it to the NOMS office to be processed.  Allow approximately two months for the forms to be processed by the State.

The Silent Epidemic - Wake up and Smell the Coffee invite

Teen suicide is now being called “The Silent Epidemic”.  When asked “Have you made a plan to commit suicide in the past 12 months?” a staggering 10.9% of our youth answer “yes”.  Parents, we can’t afford to assume our kids would never consider taking their own life.  
Do you know what to do if your teen has expressed wanting to hurt themselves?  What are the warning signs? Where do you go for help?  
Operation: PARENT’s Wake Up and Smell the Coffee series kicks off on Thursday, September 22 with valuable sessions presented by Katina Wallace from The Brook Hospitals.  
Topic:  Teen Suicide Prevention
When: Thursday, September 22, 2011
Time:  10am -12noon and again 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Where:  Operation: PARENT Headquarters, 13029 Middletown Industrial Blvd, Louisville, KY 40223
Register at and select “Events” 
Fee:  $10 per person
We look forward to seeing you!


We are looking for a unique design with the theme of  "Good Choices" that mustangs would wear with pride. There are several rules that you need to follow:
1.  The design will be on the FRONT only.
2.  The design must communicate a positive message that encourages healthy choices. The design can incorporate words or pictures or a combination of words and pictures.
3.  The shirt will be BLACK. You are to choose up to 3 additional colors for the design. The design must fit on the 8.5 x 11 paper provided by your Mustang 11 teacher. You must complete the entry form on the reverse side for your entry to be considered by the judges.
4.  The designs are due by September 26. There will be time to work of the design during Mustang 11   September 20, 21, 22. If you do not complete your design during Mustang 11, you may take home your design to complete the design over the weekend and turn it into your  Mustang 11 teacher on September 26.
 5. Only individual designs will be accepted and must be your original work. You may not work on the design with a partner nor in a group.  You must not use any materials, characters, pictures, slogans, icons or symbols that are protected by copyrights and/or trademarks.

6. The committee will choose the top 5 designs, and the students will vote during Mustang 11 on their favorite design.
7.  The top three votes will receive:
     1st place =  $100
      2nd place =  $50
      3rd place = $25
8.  The first place design will be used as the artwork for the front of the t-shirts that will be given out during Red Ribbon Week and worn for events throughout the school year. The winning design will be announced during an assembly during Red Ribbon Week.

National Call-in Day for Family Engagement Funding



Urge your members of Congress to safeguard family engagement in education by reinstating Parental Information and Resource Center (PIRC) Funding in Fiscal Year 2012

A lot is happening on Capitol Hill – not only is Congress working to fix No Child Left Behind, but it is also prioritizing programs and initiatives via the federal appropriations process.

After the U.S. Department of Education utilized executive discretion to defund the only federal program dedicated to engaging families in the education of their children,
Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle voted to reject repeal of the program in reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This political support reignited efforts to safeguard the PIRCs; however without FY12 funding, the program is likely gone – forever.

If you support family engagement in education, join thousands of advocates in urging Congress to prioritize the PIRC line item in reauthorization of ESEA by reinstating program funding in FY12 appropriations.

Without funding for PIRCs, efforts to ensure all school districts and states have the capacity to meaningfully engage all parents will be hindered and valuable services will be lost, such as:
· parent leadership academies
· teacher and administrative staff trainings
· sharing of best practices

Please call 1-866-220-0044, today, and ask to be connected to your Senators and Representative.   

Take action now

Ask that they fund PIRCs in Fiscal Year 2012 appropriations!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oldham County PARENTS FORUM - two nights

Hi everyone-
Since everyone will not be at the PTSA meeting tomorrow I wanted to pass along the below information. Betsy, please place on the PTSA Website and we need to place in the parent announcements as well.  (Patti and Gay, you guys may be doing this already!)  Jennie Walz also found out at her SEPTA meeting today that Anita Davis will be the one giving the general overview at the North Campus.

The dates for the Oldham County Schools PARENT FORUMS to discuss the new educational changes in Kentucky with Senate Bill 1 are below.
These forums will cover the impact and implications that every parent needs to know regarding the new English/Language Arts and Math curriculum standards and the state assessment system. 

These forums will be held throughout the county on the following locations and dates: 
·         South Oldham Campus, Arts CenterMonday, September 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm;
·         Buckner Campus, OCHS, Tuesday, September 20th from 6:00-7:00 pm;
·         North Oldham Campus, North Oldham Auditorium, Goshen, Anita Davis will give the general overview.
Thursday, September 22nd from 6:00-7:00 pm.

Since we have a forum in our own back yard, I encourage all of the NOMS PTSA Board members to attend if possible! 
Please help spread the word to parents!
Jenny Stegeman

First PTSA meeting - tomorrow!

Just a reminder….
The first NOMS PTSA Board Meeting is tomorrow
Wednesday,  September 14, 2011
9:00 at Jenny Stegeman’s Home~ (Hillcrest off of US 42)

A Welcome/Thank You Continental Breakfast will be served!
Come and meet your fellow Board Member volunteers!

Jenny Stegeman’s Home
13329 Ridgemoor Drive
ProspectKentucky 40059

Friday, September 2, 2011

Paragon Kickoff for Fall Fundraiser

PTSA Announcement:
The NOMS PTSA is excited to announce our upcoming fundraiser.  We have chosen this because it is painless for the parent, affordable and, hopefully, will be the only fundraiser needed for the school year.  We try to not ask you for money throughout the year - just this one time.  Please support us either by a purchase or a donation.

The PTSA Fall Fundraiser PARAGON Catalog will go home with students on Monday, September 19.  Orders need to be returned to school Monday, October 3. Delivery of all PARAGON items will be after Fall Break.  Please feel free to OPT out of the fundraiser and make a donation to NOMS PTSA if you wish.

At the open houses we offered parents a chance to enter in a free drawing to win the Kickoff Basket (huge and filled with gifts and items).   The following parents are the winners of the PTSA Fall Fundraising Kickoff Basket drawings during Open House:
6th grade: Keith Turner
7th grade: Dee Dewitt
8th grade: Lisa Armstrong


 Thank you to Beth Scherer PTSA Fall Fundraiser Chairman and Melissa Klein PTSA VP of Fundraising for their time marketing and displaying the PTSA Fall Fundraiser, PARAGON Catalog, sale items during the NOMS Open Houses.  Thanks also to the parents who stopped at the PTSA Booth and entered to win the huge Basket of Paragon products during Open House.   

Jenny Stegeman
PTSA President

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Attn: Parents and Teachers: Thank you

NOMS Teachers and Staff:
Thank you for signing up to join NOMS PTSA this week during our NOMS
PTSA Staff membership drive!  Please continue to turn in your memberships!

Our contest for those who turned in membership forms
by August 31, 2011 was drawn this morning…..

The winner of the $15.00 WILD EGGS Gift Certificate is 
Thanks so much for your support of NOMS PTSA!

Richelle McCoy
NOMS PTSA VP of Membership