Thursday, September 15, 2011


We are looking for a unique design with the theme of  "Good Choices" that mustangs would wear with pride. There are several rules that you need to follow:
1.  The design will be on the FRONT only.
2.  The design must communicate a positive message that encourages healthy choices. The design can incorporate words or pictures or a combination of words and pictures.
3.  The shirt will be BLACK. You are to choose up to 3 additional colors for the design. The design must fit on the 8.5 x 11 paper provided by your Mustang 11 teacher. You must complete the entry form on the reverse side for your entry to be considered by the judges.
4.  The designs are due by September 26. There will be time to work of the design during Mustang 11   September 20, 21, 22. If you do not complete your design during Mustang 11, you may take home your design to complete the design over the weekend and turn it into your  Mustang 11 teacher on September 26.
 5. Only individual designs will be accepted and must be your original work. You may not work on the design with a partner nor in a group.  You must not use any materials, characters, pictures, slogans, icons or symbols that are protected by copyrights and/or trademarks.

6. The committee will choose the top 5 designs, and the students will vote during Mustang 11 on their favorite design.
7.  The top three votes will receive:
     1st place =  $100
      2nd place =  $50
      3rd place = $25
8.  The first place design will be used as the artwork for the front of the t-shirts that will be given out during Red Ribbon Week and worn for events throughout the school year. The winning design will be announced during an assembly during Red Ribbon Week.

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