Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Minutes from October Board Meeting

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes October 14, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. by Betsy Lowe with 14 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Lyne Church, Bonita Tong, Leah Simpson, Pauline Moore, Cynthia Paris, Pam Brown, Betsy Lowe, Jean Lewis, Robb Smith, Stephanie Mattingly, Beth Scherer, Allyson Parker and Nancy Stevens.

Special Guest Speaker: Pam Brown from Oldham County Dollars for Scholars let us know this is their 6th year of helping businesses in Oldham County select what student’s get what scholarships. This is done very objectively as each application is given a number to track through the system so no scorers know any names. Any Oldham County Senior can apply for these scholarships. Last year there were 182 applications with $56,000 in scholarships given out. The deadline this year is 3-1-09.
**** They need volunteers to score the applications in March, there are 2 locations either Pewee Valley or Buckner, there is day and night availability and you do not need any experience you will be trained so please consider helping out with this extremely worthwhile cause.

Principal’s Report: Robb Smith is looking at the possibility of every student either owning or renting a mini notebook, is it feasible for all student’s to own or rent a notebook? He is considering putting out a survey to get some feedback on this while also communicating the benefits that the students would gain from this.

President’s Report: Special thanks to Nancy Stevens and Susan Spayd for a wonderful Kentucky Kids Day, Allyson Parker for an exciting Red Ribbon Week, Beth Scherer and Jenny Stegeman for executing the Paragon Fundraiser, Monica Helsley for the Birthday Board, Nikki Feuquay for getting all the volunteers for Picture Day and Holly Ansman for getting the directories printed as well as everyone who works diligently to get their jobs done, it is much appreciated.
· There have been 12 arrests of student’s in Oldham County in the first 20 days of school for drug possession so please talk to your kids about not using drugs and beware of the signs, Operation Spirit is an excellent program to help with awareness and how to handle situations.
· Betsy Lowe commented that we need 14 board members present to conduct business. Since we didn’t have enough today, Betsy to send out an email to determine if a different day would be better for everyone as we need a voting quorum of 14 board members minimum at each PTSA meeting.

Corresponding Secretary: Angela Newcomb a NOMS accelerated science teacher is an only child with a mother who is ill and in intensive care and a father who needs assistance also so we are proposing making her some meals to feed she and her dad a few times a week, dropping them off at NOMS and then someone at NOMS will get these to her home in LaGrange. There are no food allergies. Betsy asked if Nikki Feuquay could coordinate this with getting a list out to everyone to fill in dates they would be able to help, Nancy suggested we set it up for Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Keep Angela and her family in your prayers.
· Gay Alsup in the front office became a grandmother again so congratulations to her!
Treasurer’s Report: The checking account balance as of today is $24,799.12 but we still have to pay Paragon their portion of the sale and orders are still being confirmed.
· If you have any receipts you need reimbursed please get them to Cynthia Paris by putting them in the PTSA mailbox and she will get you a check.

Red Ribbon Week: The week is going well but next year there are opportunities for speakers and more direct information about drug use and the effects vs. guesstimates of candy in a jar. Trying to enhance the assembly this Thursday to really pump the student’s up to “Just say no to drugs”.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the last meeting stand approved with corrections to the recycling information under Kentucky Kids Day.

Membership Report: Currently we have 889 members but our NOMS staff number is still low so Bonita will send Robb a note to see what can be done.
· January 28th is the tentative date for the PTSA student social to reward students for being a PTSA member. Need ideas for this, currently discussing giving each child a can of soda and allowing them to bring electronics into the cafeteria with them, it was also discussed about possibly selling chips or candy for .25 cents each during this time. Please email Bonita with any ideas you have and she will put together a proposal for Robb Smith’s approval.
Secret Pal’s Program: All staff members have a secret pal and the program is going well. Lyne will let Angela Newcomb’s secret pal know she could use an extra pick me up right now.

Legislative Report: The next meeting is October 22nd and the session starts in January.

Reflections: There were 23 entries in 4 categories and they will complete judging these this week. Need to determine where awards will be distributed, should this be at school during the day? As part of an assembly or at a General PTSA meeting? Need to discuss this with Robb Smith and finalize plans.

Kentucky Kid’s Day: Nancy wants to thank Terri Stinebruner, Susan Spayd, Betsy Lowe, Jean Lewis, Shelly Heckenberg and Lana Rice for all their help with this.
Newsletter: The deadline for the next newsletter is November 9th so please get all information about your events to Leah. Leah and Betsy to work out how this gets sent out quicker from NOMS.

Paragon Fundraiser: All merchandise will be coming in October 29th for distribution to students. We sold over $18,000 dollars of products.

SBDM Council: KCCT test scores were reviewed and NOMS is still excelling.

Old Business: Betsy Lowe to find out why the bathrooms are still not open?
Meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m.

Minutes from September Board meeting

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes September 9, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 8:49 with 13 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Jean Lewis, Nikki Feuquay, Lyne Church, Betsy Lowe, Terri Stinebruner, Holly Ansman, Beth Scherer, Nancy Stevens, Allison Parker, Pauline Moore, Cynthia Paris and Robb Smith.

President Report: All membership and dues have been turned in for this year, we are in District 13. Decided to have a meet and greet at Java on a Friday at 9 a.m. with date TBD.
· We are a tax exempt organization so if you need to purchase something please make sure you get the tax exempt number from Betsy or Cynthia before you go as you will need to have it to check out so we don’t pay tax.
· A new current PTSA roster will be emailed out with updates
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from August 19th stand approved as emailed.

Corresponding Secretary: Our thoughts are with Loretta Shake who had a death in her family. Sending something special from PTSA.

Principal’s Report: NOMS now have 60 mini notebook laptops in 4 different colors!
· We have gone to a 12 week grading period, you will see two grades now – one at mid term with an explanation and then one at the end of the grading period.
· Athletic eligibility has changed now and will be determined based on achievement and process, the teacher will develop goals and measure whether there was improvement to decide eligibility.
· The bathrooms are 95% complete, there is just some painting that needs to be finished.
· Viewing President Obama’s speech was left up to each individual teacher’s discretion. It was suggested that a link to this speech be put on the PTSA blog.
· New light bulbs are coming for the scoreboard in the gym and will be installed this month.
· The gym floor is being refinished and repainted so it will look brand new.

Treasurer’s Report: The check book balance is $7,779.11 as of 9-8-09. We have paid insurance and dues to the state and district.

Kentucky Kid’s Day: This is scheduled for September 28th. We will be kicking off our recycling campaign, there will be 15 garbage cans for teachers and a large recycling bins placed in the gym, cafeteria and hallway.
· There will be 2 photo booths in the cafeteria with pledge cards they can sign before they go in the photo booth, should we let them post these pledge cards somewhere?

Legislative Report: Let Maureen know of any ideas/issues you have, the session starts in January.
Membership Report: We have 877 members, 546 parents, 312 students and 19 staff members. There is a staff drive going on to try and reach 100% again. According to Betsy we have about 805 students at NOMS with this number constantly fluctuating.

Reflections Report: The deadline for all entries is September 25th.

Red Ribbon Week: This will be the week before Fall break, Oct. 12 – 16th.

Volunteer Coordinator: Each committee chairs volunteer sheet is done. We had a large number sign up to help so please use these volunteers so they know we need them.
· If there is an asterisk by a name on your sheet it means they only signed up to help with this specific event so please call them to help.

Fundraising: During the assembly on September 25th the Paragon Sale will hold its kick off. All orders are due by 10-8-09.
Directory: We are just waiting for a couple of advertising checks and then the directory will be going to print this week so it’s out by the end of the month. There is $900.00 worth of donated advertising.
Snappy Tomato Night: The forms are still not making it home with many of the students, we are trying to get the form linked to the PTSA Blog and the announcements. This will be held on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s this year.

Newsletter: All articles are due to Leah at lsuleah@aol.com by 9-11-09. The newsletter will be coming out next week and then will come out every other month after that.

Old Business: None

New Business: Betsy will email out the standing rules, if you have any suggestions please send them to Betsy Lowe.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 a.m.

Minutes from August Board Meeting

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes August 19, 2009

meeting called to order at 8:45

Principal's Report: Mr. Smith was not in attendance - he did report to Betsy that the bathrooms are almost complete. The floors need sealing and the walls need painting - expected to be complete by end of August.

President's Report:
Betsy reported on membership and website awards received from PTA convention
Now that we have a larger board we need to have more in attendance at monthly meetings to reach our new quorum of 14.
Thanks to Rhonda and Jenny for a great dance!
We donated the $8600 to NOMS over the summer, in addition to the earlier $3000, towards new computers.
Thank You to hospitality for the Welcome Back lunch!
Discussed idea for Mother's Munch/Mingle and decided to address at a future time.

Secretary's Report: Minutes from previous meeting stand approved as e-mailed.

Treasurer's Report: Cynthia reported checkbook balance of $10,805.16. Budget category of "Plants" being changed to "Paragon" discussed and approved.

Membership: currently at 838 (533 parents, 305 students, 0 staff). Staff will be requested to join by Robb Smith. We do notice a decrease this year in the number of Dads as PTSA members, and an overall decease from last year.

Reflections - front office needs entry forms before they can announce over the PA
KY Kids Day - 9/29. Nancy Stevens discussed idea to incorporate recycling program into this, possible theme of "Keep KY Clean". They'd like to see if they can provide music at lunch along with a photo booth that day - "Picture this.."
Red Ribbon Week - no report

Fundraising - Jenny discussed idea to use Early Release days for fundraising (movie day?). Has talked with Tinseltown, will check out Oldham 8. The obstacles of supervision during the movie and transportation cost hinder this idea.
Rhonda thanks all the volunteers from the dance. She received much positive feedback from the kids - they loved the prizes. Nearly ran out of all concessions.
Paragon - begins 9/24, ends 10/7. Beth would like to do a kick off assembly. Have had and will continue to have samples available at the Open Houses. Orders will be in by Thanksgiving.
Snappy Tomato - Terri reported that the days will change to Wed/Thurs to help increase volume. There is a possible vendor conflict with Papa Johns' providing the lunch pizza. Betsy will follow up to make sure we can still use Snappy Tomato as a fundraiser.

Site Based - Leah Simpson reported that eligibility for sports and extracurricular activities may have a change to a weekly check for grades, resulting in a 1 week initial probation if requirements are not met. There will be a vote on this at the next SBDM meeting.

Secret Pals - Lyne Church still has about 15-20 staff that need secret pals.

New Business -
what are our PTSA goals for the year? Ideas presented were re-paving the driveway, providing funds for 'mini' notebook computers, adding a sign to the US 42 area, implementing a recycling program, enhancing beautification (especially post construction), providing a list of FAQ's to incoming 6th grade parents.

Other business - there was a discussion on the recent lockdown. Betsy reported that each school principal has the decision whether to lock down or not, and they also can determine the method of lockdown (locking only exterior doors or all classroom doors as well). She will provide feedback to Robb that parents felt a OneCall once the lockdown ended might have sufficed instead of the physical letter coming home.
Some parents felt their child's first day of lunch was cut very short because of the hassle of so many lunch checks being processed the first day. Perhaps in future years there can be a table at registration for dropping off lunch checks to avoid this first day 'rush'.

Betsy reminded everyone of all the PTSA communication outlets: the website, daily emails, and newsletter. A request to get something in the daily email should go to both Gay Alsup and Patti Such, not Mark Eaton. It's best to send to both Gay and Patty since Gay is not there everyday.

Not discussed: new PTSA positions

Meeting adjourned at 10:34

People in attendance: Betsy Lowe, Beth Scherer, Rhonda Spangler, Jean Lewis, Nancy Stevens, Nikki Feuquay, Jenny Stegeman, Bonita Tong, Maureen Green, Leah Simpson, Terri Steinbruner, Lyne Church, Lana Rice, Pauline Moore, Cynthia Paris - 15

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


There is a new "crazy" way kids are doing drugs at North (and probably everywhere else). I do not know if it was North High or North Middle, but it really doesn't matter since the kids are so close in proximaty, and in the fact they both the high school students and middle school students ride the same buses.

Kids at school are putting ‘drugs’ in their pencil erasers. They take out the eraser and then fill it with drugs (have no idea which ones and I don’t think they knew either). During class the students will lick their “erasers” to get high. Who would have ever thought of this!!!!

Parents, Please be aware of signs and as always talk to you kids.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dear Parents, Students and Teachers,

Our next General PTSA meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18 in the NOMS Media Center starting at 6:00 p.m.

We will be Recognizing the 2009 Reflection Participants.
We will also be voting on a revised PTSA Roster for the current year.

Please email Betsy Lowe, PTSA President at betsy4kids@aol.com if you have any items you'd like added to the agenda.

We look forward to seeing you there,
NOMS PTSA Executive Board

Reflections Award Celebration Coming Soon

Please keep tuned in for the upcoming Reflections Awards Ceremony.


Cities and towns across the country are urgently looking for the right program to protect school-age children from the H1N1 and seasonal flu viruses.

National PTA is ready to help by sharing our Let's Fight Flu Together! flu vaccination program. You can still schedule this turnkey, comprehensive clinic for seasonal flu. And, we’re working closely with local health departments to administer the H1N1 vaccine in the same way.
President Obama has declared H1N1 a national emergency and H1N1 flu vaccine is starting to be shipped now. We can’t predict exactly when the H1N1 vaccine will be available in your community, but now is the time to talk with us to discuss your plan. Timing is very important in order to protect as many children as possible.

Let’s Fight H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Together!
Contact Annie Krysl, Outreach Manager, at akrysl@pta.org for more information