Thursday, April 21, 2011

Forum: Drugs in your school… How Serious is it?

May: Drugs in Your School…

How Serious Is It?

Tuesday, May 17, 10am-12noon and 6:30-8:30pm

Operation: PARENT Headquarters,

13029 Middletown Industrial Blvd., Louisville, KY 40223

Presented by: Dan Orman, Assistant Superintendent, Oldham County Schools and Jonathan Wosoba, Principal, Buckner Alternative HS

Description: Imagine taking a call from the school to find out your child has been caught with drugs on school premises. It happens more often than you think…and no family is exempt from the possibility. Come hear from two people who deal with this daily in our schools. Dan Orman, Assistant Superintendent, Oldham County Schools and Jonathan Wosoba, Principal, Buckner Alternative HS will share with parents their unique perspective on the rising use of drug and alcohol related incidences at school. What are teens using? How are they getting this into school? What happens when they get caught? What role do parents play in the process? They will also share how they worked with the district and community to put safety nets and procedures in place to assist schools and families. These are common sense techniques that can be duplicated in any school community. Solving these deadly problems is truly a community responsibility and parent education is the critical step in the entire process. Please join us for this important conversation…it could be a life saver for your son or daughter.

Fee: $10 per registrant

Register at and select “Events” or call 502-245-7154

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Minutes: April 13, 2011 meeting


Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2011

Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m.

In attendance of today’s meeting: Nikki Feuquay, Leah Simpson, Denise Rohrbach, Jane Luzzio, Lana Rice, Jean Lewis, Beth Scherer, Meg Demuth, Mary Kay Simpson, Pauline Moore, and Rob Smith. Guest, Heidi Scholtzen.

President Report: Jenny Stegeman

A few dates to remember: May 9th SBDM election for one open position. May 26th 5th grade info night from 7-9 p.m.

Prospect pediatrics would like to come and speak about issues that affect the middle school students here at NOMS.

Beatification comm.- Thank you for the mulch and flowers out front.

Principles Report: Rob Smith

Mr. Smith congratulated Lana rice for being the volunteer of the year for NOMS. Open discussion about his ideas for a new grading process. He would like to know what the definition os success is in today’s world and he has concerns for pushing students to be an A, B, or C. Would like to see a better system that identifies the student on the whole and how they process themselves. He has a lot of emotional feedback on the issue and will continue to further gathering information on how to implement it. More discussion will be given at the May meeting.

Secretary Report: Nikki Feuquay

Motion made by Mary Kay Simpson and seconded by Jean Lewis to approve minutes as they stand. Vote called-all in favor. Minutes approved.

VP Membership Report: Denise Rohrbach

Treasurers Report: Cheryl Cooper

Current balance of $9,476.97. See attached report in Sec. binder.

Beautification report: Diedre Morley

No report

Birthday Board: Monica Helsley

No report

Secret Pals: Lyne Church

No report.

Comm. Council: Jean Lewis

Meeting held at Centerfield to discuss the use of IPADS for instruction. Noms will have 820 students with a 22 to 1 ratio. Mr. Turner is retiring and will not be back next year.

Corresponding secretary: Jeannie Walz

Cards are all out and Mrs. Polhman’s adoption was finalized.

Hospitality: Meg Demuth

Legislative: Maureen Green

PTSA Website: Betsy Lowe

See attached report.

Newsletter: Leah Simpson

School Directory: Holly Ansman

Volunteer Coordinator: Pauline Moore

VP of Fundraising: Missy Klein

Fall fundraiser: Beth Scherer

Social Dance chair: Mary Kay Simpson

Could use volunteers for dance on April 15th 7-9:30 p.m.

Red Ribbon Challenge: Lana Rice and Leah Simpson

VP of Programs: Nicole Matts

No report.

8th Grade Promotion: Betsy Lowe

Needs many volunteers and three committee chairs to help plan the day’s events, cookout, fun day as well as the ceremony itself.

High Achievers: Richelle McCoy

KY Kids Day: Nancy Stevens

No report

Reflections: Jane Luzzio

Talent show: Laura Karaglanis

Staff appreciation: Lana Rice and Denise Rohrbach

May 23, donations still needed.

Old Business; Jenny Stegeman

New Business: Jenny Stegeman

Motion to table new business from today’s agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.

Next meeting will be # NOMS on May 12, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.