Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SBDM Parent Representative Election Results!

Thank you to all the candidates who participated in the NOMS SBDM elections.

Kimberly Kinnison will hold the two year SBDM term vacated this year by Leah Simpson.

Her term will begin July 2011 and run for two years.

Jennifer Finnigan will hold the one year SBDM term created when Jean Lewis resigned

earlier this week from the balance of her two year term. Her term will begin July 2011 and run

for the balance Jean’s term, of one year!

Leslye has graciously accepted to serve on the PTSA Board as the Talent Show Coordinator.

We welcome them all to the PTSA Board!

Jenny Stegeman

Sunday, May 29, 2011

This year the recipient of our NOMS PTSA $500.00 Scholarship is:

Brandi Owens of NOHS

She will be attending Western Kentucky University

There she will be studying Nursing!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Candidates for Parent Representative on SBDM Council

Below is the information about the three candidates running for the Parent Representative position on NOMS SBDM Council.

My name is Jennifer Finnigan. My husband and I moved to Oldham County from Texas 2 years ago. We have 3 children, 1 who will be attending North Oldham Middle School next year, and 2 that will be attending Goshen elementary next year. I have my Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and my Masters in Health Promotion. Prior to starting a family, I worked in the AT&T Corporate health Center at the AT&T World Headquarters in Bloomfield, NJ, and then worked for a prominentDallas surgeon. Both experiences fueled my love for wellness, and a healthy lifestyle which I continue to teach my family. Currently, as a stay at home mom, I have been very active in Goshen elementary, as room mother, volunteering in other ways for our teachers, helping with the book fair annually, and regularly working in the library. I feel it is my duty and responsibility as a stay at home mother to be as involved in my children’s education, and help support the school in any way possible.

I would like to serve on the SBDM council because I believe it’s important to stay involved in our children’s educational experience. I believe that by serving on this council, I can help maintain the high integrity and standards of excellence that North Oldham Middle School enjoys. My background in wellness, consistent voluntary commitment to Goshen Elementary, ability to resolve issues, and my love for children and education will allow me to help serve this committee very well. I enjoy working in a team environment, and working together to reach a common goal. I believe the school experience should be fun, motivating, fair, challenging at all levels, and most importantly…should happen in an environment where everyone is treated as equals and respected. Thank you for considering me for this role and helping to keep our school the best it can be.


I, Kimberly Kinnison, would like to represent you by serving as a parent representative on NOMS SBDM Council. I will have two students enrolled at NOMS for the duration of the two-year term.

My desire to serve on NOMS SBDM Council stems from my background in education. I have seen first-hand how important parent voices are in our schools. As advocates for our children, parents are integral in decision making that impacts students daily.

This position will require much listening, learning, critical thinking, data analysis, problem solving and compromise. My years of involvement in the Oldham County Schools and Community have enabled me to develop and practice these skills. In addition, my passion for making our schools safe, child-centered, and academically rigorous pushes me to "speak up" when necessary. I am comfortable asking questions as well as sharing ideas and opinions as needed.

If elected to NOMS SBDM Council, it will be a privilege to be your parent representative for the next two years.


My name is Leslye Schumacher and I would like to be a parent representative on the SBDM because I have a keen interest in the standards and curriculum of NOMS. My son will be starting 6th grade this year, and next year all three of my children will be attending NOMS. My previous work experience includes Vice President of Training for a media consulting company based out ofTampa, Florida. Most recently my husband and I owned a local franchise business here inLouisville. We have lived in Oldham County for 5 1/2 years and are committed to helping our schools in any way that we can

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hi to all-

If you have not done so and are interested in the developing curriculum of the Oldham County Schools, sign up at the yellow highlighted link below~ for OCS Curriculum and Instruction News!

Per their website:


Senate Bill 1 mandated that new standards be developed for all subject areas. According to SB1, the new standards were to be "higher, fewer and research-based". In the fall of 2010, KY adopted the common core standards for Math and English Language Arts developed by a national group (Council of Chief State School Officers). As part of the state's work with the new standards, regional content meetings were arranged to provided information and guidance to districts. OCS has representatives from across the district attending these sessions to gather information and resources necessary to the implementation of the new standards. Concurrently, the district formed a curriculum advisory team to study curriculum design and develop new frameworks for ELA and Math. (Those serving on the state content teams also sit on the curriculum advisory team so that all work meshes.) The curriculum advisory team is working under the guidance of Dr. Grant Wiggins and his associates, national experts on curriculum design.


Develop an aligned K-12 curriculum that promotes student understanding and engagement

Honor the district vision and mission in the development of the curriculum

Utilize best practice in curriculum design to inform the work

Coordinate curriculum development with existing district work, i.e. Thinking Strategies

Build capacity of staff in curriculum design as well as knowledge of the new curriculum documents

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

KY Proposed increase of PTSA dues

I do not know if I sent you all the attached notice on the proposed increase in Kentucky PTA dues. Special note to Treasury and Membership that we need to stay on top of this as we wil need to change our Registration membership forms.
Our District President, Pam Renner is currently checking with the Kentucky PTA a request about when the dues increase would take affect. The concern is if the increase is immediate that the local unit PTAs would not have time to amend their bylaws (if needed to increase their membership dues) before our Membership Drives in August. The Kentucky PTA is currently checking on this question. She will keep us posted.
Jenny Stegeman

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring Letter from the PTSA President

Good Morning Ladies,

First, I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day! I also hope you had a great week with all the Derby festivities! What a wild few weeks we have had. The school days are flying by fast and furious, and we have the final push of PTSA sponsored activities yet to complete!

I cannot tell you how much I thank you all for all of your hard work this year. This year we have had a great deal of creative talent step to the plate to offer support to NOMS. Your hours of dedication are truly appreciated! Thank you, thank you!!

We have been praying for our own NOMS VOLUNTEER of the YEAR, Lana Rice, who recently/unexpectedly underwent surgery for a Thyroid Cancer 2 weeks ago. She appreciates all the cards, kind words and prayers for her and her family as she continues to gain strength and concentrate on her health. Please keep those cards and prayers going!

I apologize to each of you if you feel like I have not been in contact via e-mail updates, as I too have been a bit over extended lately! Please take a look at the listing below of the “end of the year” information at a glance I complied. I hope it helps all of you as I have tried to list all the dates I have ~as I know all of our calendars are filling up with end of the year activities~ .

We will still have our regularly scheduled meeting this week, May 11, 2011 in NOMS Media center.

8:30 Mix and Mingle~ All members are always welcome with 9:00 Board meeting beginning….Please let me know if you have a conflict and email your report. Robb will continue his discussion from our last meeting on grading practices in Middle School.

We will also need an extra additional PTSA meeting date: Tuesday May 31, 2011. This change is needed so that we can complete of several important agenda items. We will be holding a General PTSA Meeting the first 15 minutes of this May 31st meeting to vote for our next years slate, and proposed budget. We will then move right into our final board meeting which will include any last minute wrap ups for the year. We will have slate completed, fundraiser planning form completed, budget for next year discussion, and all board members will be asked to turn in an information sheet that will explain the job they held this year and all its particulars. This information is very important for next year’s PTSA Board. Please e-mail me or our PTSA Treasurer Cheryl Cooper with any budget concerns or questions, as well as ideas for next years budget. Also, e-mail any new fundraiser ideas as we need to research and turn a final list of ideas to the OC Board of all potential fundraiser we will be holding next year. We will then adjourn for this year and meet for a celebration luncheon !! Luncheon location TBD.

NOMS PTSA is looking for volunteers to serve on the board for the 2011-12 school year. A few positions are still available. I will forward the current listing of volunteers under a different cover tomorrow morning. Thank you for your continued support. If you are interested in serving or would like more information please contact Nomination Committee Pauline Moore or Richelle McCoy.

NOMS PTSA end of the year information at a glance:

· The SBDM Council Parent Election for North Oldham Middle School is a two-year volunteer position that will be opening up on the NOMS SBDM Council July 1, 2011- June 30, 2013. We have no candidates for this position so the elections for this position that were to take place on May 9, 2011 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the North Oldham Middle School Office will be postponed for a week as we look for a candidate.


· May 17, 2011 Election Day, no school~8th grade Washington D.C. Trip begins.

· Week of May 23 is PTSA/ NOMS Staff Appreciation Week. This special week will be executed by Denise Rohrbach as chairman Lana Rice recuperates. Please offer your additional help to Denise!

· May 23, 2011 6:30 p.m. Oldham County Dollars For Scholars Scholarship Awards

· 5th Grade Parent Night - May 26th - 7:00 to 9:00 in the NOMS Cafeteria. PTSA presentation will be made by Jenny.

· 5th Grade Day at NOMS - May 27,2011

· 5th Grade Dance - May 27, 2011 - 4:00 to 5:30 NOMS

· May 30, 2011Memorial Day, no school

· The NOMS PTSA will be holding an end-of-the-year General Meeting Tuesday , May 31, 2011 at 9:00 am in the Media Center. They will be conducting a vote on next year's slate of officers and proposed budget for 2011-2012 . All members are welcome.

8th grade Celebration: Betsy Lowe PTSA Chair

· Tuesday, May 31st- 8th grade Awards ceremony-9:00-10:30 AM in NOMS gym. While parents are welcome, they are not obligated to attend. There will be limited parking and no shuttle service. Afterwards students go to Gattiland for a Good Faith Effort field trip and lunch. This day is designed for student enjoyment.

· Wednesday, June 1st - 8th grade Promotion Practice, Group Photo, Cookout and Survivor Games during the day. Cookout and Survivor games will be outside, weather permitting. Bring sunscreen and dress accordingly. Cookout and games sponsored by PTSA.

· Wednesday, June 1st 8th grade DANCE - Wed. - 7-9:30 PM in the NOMS gym. Attire is dressy-ties, dress pants, dresses with straps or sleeves, dress shoes. Only NOMS 8th graders will be admitted. Admission is free. The dance ends at 9:30 PM. Students must be picked up at that time.

· Thursday, June 2nd - Promotion/Recognition. North Oldham High School Gym 9:30 - 11:30 AM .We will honor the 8th grade students with a special recognition ceremony. Many parents and guests are expected to attend. No parking is available in the high school student lots. Shuttle transportation will be provided beginning at 8:45 a.m. from Transfiguration of Our Lord Catholic Church 1620 Hwy 1793-just up the road from NOMS. You will enter at the high school gym entrance to the right of the Auditorium. Please be seated in the NOHS gym by 9:15 am. This is an Early Release Day so students will be dismissed after lunch at 1:30.

· June 2, Early Release Day, Last Day for Students students will be dismissed after lunch at 1:30.

· Kentucky PTA Convention/Leadership 2011 July 14-16 at the Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center inLouisville, KY.

Jenny Stegeman

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

NOMS SBDM Parent Representative Election Announcement and information

North Oldham Middle School

Site-Based Decision Making Council

Election Announcement

March 31, 2011

Dear Parents:

This is your opportunity to make a difference. It is that time of year again for you to make a positive difference by nominating yourself or someone else and by casting your vote in the SBDM Council Parent Election for North Oldham Middle School.

A two-year volunteer position will be opening up on the NOMS SBDM Council July 1, 2011- June 30, 2013.

Elections for this position will take place on May 9, 2011 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at theNorth Oldham Middle School Office. Please find the nomination form below.

What is an SBDM council? As mandated by Kentucky state law under KERA, the Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM)Council is the governing body for this school. It determines school policy for curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities and other matters pertinent to the operation of the school.

Who serves on the council? 2 parents, 3 teachers, a secretary, and the principal. The principal serves as the chairperson.

Who may run for council? Any parent, stepparent, foster parent or legal guardian of a student who will be attending NOMS during the entire 2011-2013 school years. A parent is ineligible if he/she is an employee or relative of an employee of NOMS or the Oldham County District Central Office, or is an Oldham County School Board member or the spouse of an Oldham County School Board member.

If you want to run for the council, what should you do? Complete the attached nomination form by writing a brief paragraph that includes basic information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the SBDM council. Return this form and paragraph to the NOMS office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday April 29, 2011. Your paragraph will be posted on the NOMS PTSA web site www.nomsptsa.blogspot.com and the daily announcements during the week of May 2, 2011.

When and who may vote? Voting will take place on Monday May 9, 2011 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. in the NOMS Office. Only families who will have children at North OldhamMiddle School for the 2011-2013 school year may vote in this election. If have any further questions, please contact Jenny Stegeman NOMS PTSA President at 614-6043 orthejenster@insightbb.com

Requirements for SBDM Parent Representative Election

North Oldham Middle School

Site-Based Decision Making Council

Parent Nomination Form

(Term July 1, 2011- June 30, 2013)

● A parent representative will be elected to serve on the SBDM Council for the term that begins July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013. This is a 2 year term for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school years.

● The election will be held on Monday May 9, 2011 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the NOMS Office.

● Nomination forms must be turned in to the NOMS office by 3:30 pm on Friday April 29, 2011. Candidate information will be posted on the NOMS PTSA web sitewww.nomsptsa@blogspot.com. during the week of May 2, 2011

● Candidates must be parents of students registered at North Oldham Middle School for the 2011-2013 school year. They may not be employees of NOMS, or employees of the Oldham County District administrative office, Oldham County School Board members or a spouse of an Oldham County School Board member.

I,___________________________, wish to be a candidate for the position of Parent Representative for North Oldham Middle School SBDM Council.

__________________________ _______ ___________________________ ________

Name of Student at NOMS 2011-2012 grade Name of Student at NOMS 2012-2013 grade

__________________________ _______ ___________________________ ________

Name of Student at NOMS 2011-2012 grade Name of Student at NOMS 2012-2013 grade

I accept this nomination and hereby certify that I am eligible to serve on the SBDM council and meet all qualifications as described above.

Signature of Nominee _______________________________ Date___________

Please attach a brief paragraph that includes basic information about yourself and why you would like to serve on the SBDM council.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Free program to help family members

Jadac Logo 4C 07-01.jpg

Concerned Persons

A FREE Program

This is a program presented by a counselor and suitable for anyone that has a family member or friend suffering from drug or alcohol addiction

JADAC 600 S. Preston Street

Louisville KY, 40206


Thursday’s 6:00pm-7:15pm

(16 or older, program made possible by Metro United Way)