Wednesday, December 10, 2008


NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes November 11, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:45 a.m. with 13 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Cheryl Junion, Renae Riley, Jenny Stegeman, Betsy Lowe, Karen Morrison, Beth Scherer, Terri Stinebruner, Deborah Alston, Cynthia Paris, Jean Lewis, Laura Karaglanis and Robb Smith.

President’s Report: The fundraisers were both very successful, thanks for the great execution. Operation Spirit is winding down and had very positive response; there will be a spring program also. Discussed when to have the General PTSA board meeting next fall as there was a very low turnout, maybe hold it the night of recognizing Reflections winners?
The staff holiday luncheon is set for Dec. 12th, please contact Meg Demuth if you can help.
PTSA Blog – go there and visit, usually an update weekly
PTSA Scholarships – there are many available and Betsy will post on the PTSA web site, Betsy will also email all members of the PTSA for recommendations and if you have any candidates for the Volunteer award please let her know.

Principal’s Report: Bathroom update – currently working with the superintendent to get started, it is very frustrating so thanks for everyone’s patience.
Lots of new families have been visiting the school, currently we have 820 kids
STI will change to a new program in January but the new program works about the same
Getting 5 new classrooms by Fall 2009, the band room is being converted to an art room plus 4 other new rooms.
Accelerated classes will be looked at in Spring 2009 and if they are too large they could possibly be split.
Lunch detention, this is to finish up work not turned in, there will be no points deducted for late work if it is turned in, only consequences if not turned in.
Retaking tests = supposed to earn right to retake by gaining understanding of the material this is not for kids who just don’t listen.
Testing an alternate report card reporting with 1 teacher currently but will still have letter grades, more discussion later on this.

Secretary Report: The minutes stand approved

Corresponding Secretary: A card should be sent to Harrison Wilmes a 6th grader who broke his leg in a wrestling match.

Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance is $26,375.00 with net income at $15,021.00. Java has been paid but we still need to pay Paragon out of this.

Membership Report: No changes, membership is just under 1100 people with 8 staff members pending. Currently looking at a date for the ice cream social in January for all students that are a member. It was suggested to put an announcement out to kids 2 weeks before the ice cream social that if they want to sign up they can so they are aware before the actual day.

Fundraising Report: Little Caesar’s Pizza we will pick a date at the Dec. meeting to have the sale in January 2009. Snappy Tomato continues every month.
It was motioned by Deborah Alston and then tabled till December to do away with the NOMS Java Day each month due to low results
Paragon – The Tuesday before Thanksgiving will be the money scramble and other rewards from 2:00 – 3:30 during the assembly at NOMS.

Reflections Report: 78 kids participated covering 6 categories….a date and place to announce the winners is trying to be decided – NOMS is being considered with a Thursday night preferred.

Red Ribbon Week: Great Job with all activities for this week, thanks!

Newsletter Report: No copies were taken from school last month so it should just be posted at school and direct people to the website to read this. The next newsletter deadline is Friday November 14, 2008 and an update is needed from Java and Mr. Smith.

High Achiever Report: This is scheduled for Friday 11-14-08 from 1:30 – 3:00. Kids get invites tomorrow. Sysco is donating all the food so a big thank you to them! We will be serving Nachos and a bottle of water. There are approximately 601 High Achievers this quarter.

SBDMC Report: Currently working on school goals.

New Business: The holiday PTSA get together will be a luncheon at Olive Garden on December 10th at 11:30; we hope to see everyone there.
Laura Karaganis motioned to take 4 general PTSA meetings to 3 per year; this was seconded by Jean Lewis and passed unanimously. We will need to present this at the next general PTSA meeting for a vote.
There has been a request for funds for 7 LA teachers to get Black and white printers in their rooms so they are being asked which one they want and what the total cost would be and then a decision will be made

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

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