Thursday, September 16, 2010

August Minutes


Meeting Minutes

Aug. 18, 2010

Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m.

In attendance of today’s meeting: Nikki Feuquay, Leah Simpson, Deinse Rohrbach, Lyne Church,Jenny Walz, Missy Klein, Jane Luzzio, Cheryl Cooper, Allyson Parker, Jean Lewis, Meg Demuth, Beth Scherer, Richelle McCoy, Mary Kay Simpson, Dierdre Morley, Betsy Lowe, Lana Rice, and Rob Smith.

President Report: Jenny Stegeman

She asked everyone to introduce herself as she gives her report. She went over the roster and yearly calendar. Her theme this year is “ Did You Know” and will be giving interesting tidbits of information as the year moves along.

Principles Report: Rob Smith

He reported that we have had a great start to the year with a great staff and some good new hires. He was excited that the new sign for the front entrance was becoming a reality. He had an installation meeting for 10;00 A.M. today. The old sign will be moved up to the highway 42 entrance. He also was excited to be in the classroom teaching 8th grade pre-algebra for a while.

Secretary Report: Nikki Feuquay

April and May Meeting Minutes and May General Membership minutes were presented and a motion to approve as presented was made by Allyson Parker and seconded by Denise Rohrbach Jenny called for vote with all in favor. Minutes stand as accepted and approved.

VP Membership Report: Denise Rohrbach

Membership is up to 1000 members currently. $488.00 were donated by 28 families this year and proper thank you notes have been sent. Staff membership drive is going on with an incentive of a drawing to win a $15 gift card to Wild Egg restaurant. She has added NOMS PTSA to facebook and has 27 friends so far. Jenny thanked Denise and Pauline Moore for their outstanding work at registration. We also have our website run by Betsy Lowe going.

Treasurers Report: Cheryl Cooper

Reported the July balance as 3000.00 and the current balance as 9567.72 after membership from registration. She has stamps available for anyone that needs them. She presented a quick overview of the budget-see attachment. The budget was approved in the April and May meeting minutes. Reimbursement forms must be filled out in order to get money for anything. School improvement fund includes Corr. Sec. budget.

Beautification report: Diedre Morley

Introduced herself and has no report

Birthday Board: Monica Helsley

Introduced herself and has no report

Secret Pals: Lyne Church

Introduced herself and reported that everything is going well at this point but is still in need of 17 secret pals.

Comm. Council: Jean Lewis

Introduced herself with no report but note that she is SBDM member as well.

Corresponding secretary: Jeannie Walz

Introduced herself and said today is Teresa Gils b-day. No other report.

Hospitality: Meg Demuth

Introduced herself and reported that the teachers/staff luncheon went well and she has had great volunteers so far. Has some good things planned for the year.

Legislative: Maureen Green

Introduced herself and no report at the current time.

PTSA Website: Betsy Lowe

Introduced herself and reported everything good for the site she requested pictures of PTSA functions if anyone has them.

Newsletter: Leah Simpson

Newsletter going out on the 15th with everything due by the 13th. E-mail her anything you have, she will even write events up with enough information forom you. Send pictures.

School Directory: Holly Ansman

No report.

Volunteer Coordinator: Pauline Moore

Reported 300 volunteers have signed up so far. Please make a point of involving your volunteers.

VP of Fundraising: Missy Klein

Introduced herself.

Fall fundraiser: Beth Scherer

Kick off may be changed TBA. Information will go out through announcements, bolg, website, and home. Sept.25 thru Oct 7th. Delivery after fall break. This our biggest fundraiser so look for info. There will be prizes.

Social Dance chair: Mary Kay Simpson

Introduced herself. Dance this Friday, Aug. 20 2010. Silly bands and door prizes will be given out. Papa Johns pizza, popcorn and soda will be sold.

No Pizza fundraiser report: Note Snappy Tomaot has closed in Prospect.

Red Ribbon Challenge: Allyson Parker

Oldham County Challengers group wants to work on problems faced in Oldham County. They have a program that works all year long to promote being Drug and Alcohol free. Instead of just a week, Allyson would like to present snip-its through out the year. The Oct red ribbon week will still go on but a little different than the past. Will be letting us know as progressing.

VP of Programs: Nicole Matts

No report

8th Grade Promotion: Betsy Lowe

Introduced herself. She really needs 7th grade parents to step up and help so 8th grade parents can enjoy.

High Achievers: Richelle McCoy

Introduced herself. No report

KY Kids Day: Nancy Stevens

Kicked off the recycling program last year and that went great the kids loved the picuter booth. Has not decided completely about this year but assured everyone that it will be great. Might track down Jamie Oliver

Reflections: Jane Luzzio

Together we can is the theme for this year. Sept. 28th is the deadline for entries. Pleas encourage the kids to participate. There is a link on the website for the forms and available in the office. Celebration for winners planned at the end.

Talent show: Laura Karaglanis

No report.

Staff appreciation: Lana Rice

Introduced herself and is looking for ideas. It will take place during Derby Week.

Old Business; Jenny Stegeman

A written request for $1721.65 from the PTSA for the NOMS sign at front entrance was requested from Jante Gruenberg advisor of Beta Club. It would be split between the PTSA, Boosters and Beta Club. Sign has been on Rob smith School improvement list for years.

Betsy Lowe motioned the expense of 1/3 total cost of the new sign be paid by the PTSA.

Jean Lewis seconded.

Discussion: School improvement fund absorbs any extra monies earned by PTSA that is not already accounted for on the Budget. After the fundraiser that amount will go up and can easily pay out the sign monies. Hopefully. When all goes well.

The past PTSA has promised to follow through with help on the sign.

A vote was called. Decision was unanimous. Vote carried and passed.

New Business: Jenny Stegeman

Written request for 4 replacement microwaves for café ($29.00 each) and a 13 foot ladder ($100) to change light bulbs was made by Custodian Rodney Johnson.

Lana rice made the motion to fund this request and was seconded by Betsy Lowe.

Discussion was made. Beth Scherer asked who normally pays for these things? Officially the school funds it, but PTSA has always supplied the microwaves. The ladder will be used for many other things including PTSA business. Jenny Walz commented at what point do we not fund small requests? Jenny Stegeman replied that small requests are usually given out of our overages. Betsy Lowe responded that our big financial push is our budget but the overage is used for small requests that the teacher and staff have a hard time reaching. The Principle is always made aware of request before they reach the PTSA and deems them as needed. We can trust in the school staff and administration that they only ask for things that the school and students will benefit greatly from.

Voted called and passed unanimously.

Robb Smith thank the PTSA for their donation of computers to the school, currently we have 100 minis. He also thank Jenny Stegeman for the volunteer of the year for last year.

Meeting adjourned at 10:07 a.m.

Next meeting Sept. 15 @ Jenny’s directions will follow.

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