Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Learn about Social Media and your Teen

The NOMS PTSA-sponsored 
Parenting Social Media 
program led by Mary Beth Uberti will be held on
Tuesday, February 26th 
in the North Auditorium 
from 6:30- 8:00 pm. 

Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram are just a few of the social media sites pre-teens and teens use to communicate with friends and with the world. 

How do you make sure your children are safe and using social media responsibly? 

Join Mary Beth from Operation: PARENT as she guides you through privacy settings, use and guidelines of some of the most popular social media sites. You will come away with practical advice, social media contracts and strategies to apply.

Please go to Operation: PARENT’s Facebook page at:
to view this event.  Once you see the event you can choose to “share” it with your friends. 

If you already have “liked” Operation: PARENT’s page on Facebook, then you should already see this event on your feed.  From that you can share it or “join” the event. 

It would be a good idea for your PTSA and PTAs to share on their page.

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