Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Minutes - March Meeting 2010

NOMS PTSA Meeting Notes March 10, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Betsy Lowe at 8:47 with 13 people in attendance including: Kim Finnicum, Dorinda Workman, Denise Rohrbach, Nikki Feuquay, Lyne Church, Leah Simpson, Maureen Green, Lana Rice, Betsy Lowe, Allyson Parker, Cynthia Paris, Jenny Stegeman and Robb Smith.

President’s Report: We will be having a quick General PTSA Meeting on 3-19-10 in conjunction with the talent show.

  • Need 3 people to count votes at General PTSA Meeting for SBDM.
  • Open positions for the NOMS PTSA have been sent to all elementary schools
  • 8th grade dance/cookout: Betsy to work with Mr. Smith to determine dates for ceremony, dance and cookout to work around Memorial Day. Please forward any game ideas to Betsy.

Principal’s Report: The last 2 weeks of April will probably be testing but that is not confirmed yet.

  • It was requested that after Xmas break NOMS start communicating information such as Booster Basketball and sport tryouts to the elementary schools through their announcements so that the 5th graders are aware of the dates and opportunities. This also is a concern of the 8th grade parents with information coming down from the high school.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes stand approved.

Corresponding Secretary’s report: Ms. Berry had her baby girl. Ms. Green is due the end of March. Shane Duncan the wrestling coach at NOMS passed away last week.

Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance as of today is $11,102.83. A couple of checks from last year were never cashed so they are being voided and we will have about $300.00 more. The Paragon line looks to have been reversed on the ledger as we should have 60% expense and 40% profit so we will have a bit less than expected but we are still fine.

Legislative Report: Due to education funding being cut at the state level there is a proposal to take the number of school days from 177 days to 175 days a year. This would save 36 million dollars yearly, they will be voting on this in the future.

Membership Report: During the membership party 2 free lunches for the teachers were given away and they were won by Erika Wardlow and Kristen Eichler and the parent winner of the $25. 00 gift card drawing was Christine Berkemeier so congratulations to them.

Reflections Report: The state results will be out soon and then we will know if anyone is selected for Nationals.

Teacher Appreciation week: This will be April 26th – 29th. Taylor Orthodontics have contributed $250.00 for the Chocolate Fountain. Meg Demuth is handling lunch on Wednesday. Lana is getting with Ms. Pitsenberger to finalize dates.

Talent Show: Auditions were held and there are 24 acts. Judges are ready, just working on a few sponsors to cover the judges cost.

  • Need 2 ticket takers 45 minutes before show til ½ way through, please let Dorinda know if you can help. Also, need 2 volunteers for the doors so no food and drinks get into the auditorium. Need to lock the wing doors so people can get out but not in for control.

Secret Pals: All is going well.

High Achiever’s Report: The last celebration of the year took place on 3-5-2010 with 175 - 6th graders, 194 - 7th graders and 118 - 8th graders for a total of 487 students. The students all had a soda or water and there was a raffle of North t-shirts, foam fingers, pens, highlighters and stress balls. Snappy Tomato pizza also donated free baby beast pizza coupons which every student received.

Fundraising Report: Little Caesar’s orders due Monday. We get $5.00 per kit sold. Last year we made $2800.00 so please help by ordering! Possibly put this on the front NOMS sign to promote it?

  • Snappy Tomato going o.k.
  • Check into Red Robin possibly giving us a Monday night where they give us 20% of any NOMS families purchases.

SBDM Council: NOMS had a presentation about the school to the school board which went very well and they were impressed.

Newsletter: Please get all information to Leah at lsuleah@aol.com by tomorrow so she can get the newsletter out by Friday.

New Business: None

Meeting adjourned at 9:49.

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